Plot #2: Murder

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(The picture above is the stage that they perform on)

Plot: A group of 5 are given a topic in Drama club to present to the entire school. They must write a script, rehearse, and give a live performance twice. Once for students and second for parents. Their murder...

I step out into the hot, thick air. I stare down my street, clutching my bag close to my side as the warm wind blows up my skirt. I don't bother pushing it down because of my tan shorts underneath. There's also no way anyone is out this late, unless they are going to the play like I am.

The school that is hosting the play is only a five minute walk from my house. It's the school I'll be going to after middle school. Or....the school I would be going to. If the plans that I've thought out since the beginning of this project succeed, I'll never be able to show my face again. My group for this project have been rehearsing for months now. We've planned everything out.

It started off as a simple group project in the Drama Club. We had a play coming up and our teacher had assigned each group a topic to perform. I had gotten stuck with the only pair of twins in our school, a very pretty, bright girl, and a sweet girl, who was by far, the best at acting in the group.

Not only did I get lucky with my group, but I got the best topic out of the groups. We had to pick a paper out of a hat and we got the lucky topic of murder.  I remember one of the twins eyes lighting up as I handed her the knife shaped paper with the word 'murder' printed on to it. I remember, so very vividly, her lips twisting into a wicked smile.

Her and her twin took almost complete control of the project after that. While Gordon, the twin with the wicked smile, wrote most of the script, Mal, the other twin, coached us on what to do. Gordon and Mal were surprisingly okay with us discussing what we all wanted, even though they obviously wanted to take over. About half way through the writing of the script was when they finally eased and treated us all as equals.

Later that same day, I had promised the group that we could rehearse after school. Everyone said they could go, and they all showed up, except for one. Ruby, the best actress in the group had ditched us. When we tried texting her and she said that she couldn't rehearse because she was busy, even though we saw her wandering around with her friends, we were all very upset.

When Gordon saw Ruby wandering around with her friends the first time she had turned to the group angrily, trying to mask her rage with a fake smile. That's when I suggested my plan. The plan I'd had since the beginning if this project. I didn't mean to say it, but it slipped. In the heat of the moment, I let the worse possible thing slip.

"What if it included a real murder...?" I asked, my voice trailing off at the end of the sentence. Gordon looked at me, and that was the first time I'd ever seen her horrified. She almost looked as if she didn't know how to feel. Then, she zoned out, her thoughts causing her to twitch slightly.

After a few minutes of an awkward silence, Gordon looked up at me.

"Let's do it," she said.

While Mal, unable to question her sister's logic, agreed immediately, it took time to persuade Jill. When Jill had finally agreed we began to devise the plan. We would rehearse with a realistic knife so that Ruby wouldn't suspect a thing.

Now, I'm going to that play. We had arranged our skit to be last so that we could take off as soon as it ended. We have everything planned out. I just hope we don't get caught.


I watch as Mal pins Ruby against the fake tree on stage, from behind the scenes. Gordon smiles as she bounces around, happily playing with the knife that Mal will soon be killing Ruby with. Mal explains her characters backstory. How Ruby had killed Mal's and Gordon's younger brother and how she was going to pay.

At some point during her speech, she had snatched the knife from Gordon, cutting her hand. Gordon quickly hid her hand from the audience. If they knew it was a real knife, we wouldn't get through with the murder. Gordon just continues to giggle madly as Mal raises the knife to kill Ruby.

"You killed him," Mal says with fake tears in her eyes. She looks at the floor, then quickly looks up at Ruby with an evil smile. "And now you're going to pay."

Mal shoved the knife through Ruby's stomach and Ruby let out an ear-splitting scream. The curtain dropped and the momentarily stunned audience began clapping. Tears streaked down Jill's cheeks as she ran to Ruby to be with her in her final moments.

Gordon looked down at Jill and rolled her eyes. "Come on, guys," she said as she began to bandage her hand with the first aid kit. Jill then looked at her, her eyes red and puffy, and nodded.

We all began to run. And now we can never look back.

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