The Tail of the Eye - #MyHandmaidsTale

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The summer sun pounded through the spotless windshield of the black van as it traveled down the country road. Two men in uniform occupied the front seats. A beautiful woman in a white wig and red dress perched on a bench in the back. She wrung her gloved hands as she stared at the floor.

The driver, Clark, studied the woman in the rearview mirror. "Purty. With a name like that I knew you'd be gorgeous, but what'd you expect? The commanders take all the best women for themselves."

The senior officer, David snapped, "Keep your eyes on the road."

They drove on in silence. When they reached a clearing, Clark pulled off and parked the van behind a stand of trees.

"What're you doing?" David asked.

"Come on, she's on her way to the colony."

David shook his head and turned away from the younger man.

Clark escorted her out of the van. "If you don't make a fuss, I won't hurt you. I promise."

Purty nodded and lay down in the soft lush grass with a look of resignation. David eased out and watched on from the front of vehicle. Grabbing the hem of her skirt, she raised it above her waist. A wolfish smile grew as Clark's eyes traveled up her curvy white legs, stopping on the treasure between them.

"The wig too."

She yanked off, looking more naked now than when she had exposed her lower half. Clark loomed over her. He licked his lips.

"Look at her. You sure you don't want a turn."

David's voice turned to anger. "This is wrong. This is not how our society is supposed to operate."

"Whatever, give us some privacy unless you want to look at my ass? You're not gay are you?"

David tapped the grip of his baton as he turned away. "The last thing I want to do is see your pimply white tail. Just hurry it up."

"I'll only be a minute."

"I bet."

The sound of a zipper caused Purty to whimper like a kicked puppy. Clark shushed her.

David shook his head in disgust. His hand still on the baton.

Suddenly, a loud hollow thud echoed through the small thicket. The man fell limp to the turf.

Purty gasped as the body convulsed, like it held the end of a live wire.

A harsh voice brought her back to reality. "You can put your skirt down now."

Blushing, she stood up and smoothed the material back into place. "You killed him."

"It was the only way."

She stepped back with a look of revulsion on her face. "Your pants?"

"Oops." A grin spread across the young man's face. Tossing the baton aside, he dressed quickly.

"Who are you?"

"I'm part of Mayday," Clark said.

"They're real?"


"But you're a member of the Eye. You were going to –"

"Sorry. It was all part of the act."

He grabbed her by the arm. "Let's go."


"First a safe house, then to Canada."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because, one day when they look back on this mess, I want to be remembered as being on the right side of history."

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