Chapter Thirty-Five: Completely Poof

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"So let me get this straight," Meg waved her hands in the air to silence me, "She doesn't know that you broke things off with him and she suddenly asks Adam to bring you for a night out so you both have no choice but to pretend that everything is still alright?"

I glanced away from the mirror, holding my curling iron in my hand, "Pretty much. It's her last day before she goes back to America and she asked me to go with them."

"Why didn't you say no?" Julia frowned.

Because this crazy amount of guilt was just radiating.

"I think I at least owe him this," I murmured with a sad smile, gazing at my reflection.

But I really do wonder why he hasn't told her yet. I would have assumed that they constantly share everything to each other, so something as big as this would have surely been talked about. Yet it was already approaching a month since that day in his apartment and still, he hasn't uttered a single thing.

Then again, I wasn't so innocent as well. Aside from Meg and Julia, no one else knew this. I told them not by choice, they initially observed my very noticeable change in attitude so they knew that there was something going on. In end, I caved in and told them.

At least it relieved me of the stress of pretending that everything was fine in front of them.

"So you're going to walk there?" she gasped, looking down on my high heels that was settled near my feet.

Adam didn't have the obligation to pick me up here anymore.

"No, I'll carry those and wear flats. I'll just change when I get there."

And maybe I'll take my sweet time while doing so to clear my head.

How will I face him? I don't even know how to act when I knock on his door. On top of that, we had to act as if nothing was wrong in front of Heart, to pretend that we were still happy sappy.

When in fact, I've been nothing but a sad slump and from what I've heard from Vance, he wasn't in the best state as well.

If you're going to play the game, play it well.

Sadly, we both gave up.

Was I half expecting that he would at least chase me? Yes. Did he? No.

The bigger question: Would I have stayed if he did?

With a last sigh, I ran a comb through my hair to loosen my curls then I finally finished with my look. If I was going to sit next to Heart Valentine all evening, then of course I would care about my appearance. Besides, Adam told me to dress fancy.

"Here we go," I announced with most deflated enthusiasm ever. I bent down to pick up my heels and slipped my feet into a pair of flats, "Wish me luck."

"Just call us if you need an escape route," Meg said, standing up with Julia to walk with me towards the door.

"Don't worry, my finger will be hovering on my phone all night," I joked halfheartedly, going down the steps of the dorm building.

The entrance was still wide open, which was typical since we only close it right after dinner. But because of that, I could see a clear view of what laid outside. Just before the front steps was Adam, staring down on his phone and I could see him repeatedly tapping on the screen, placing it against his ear, then tapping it once again within seconds.

I stopped midway through the steps because it was my first proper look of him in what felt like the longest time. I just stood there, taking in his troubled features but all I could think about was how much I missed him. If we were just like we were a few months ago, I would have ran up to him and give him a huge embrace.

But here I was, glued to the floor because I could only admire him from afar.

Julia saw him immediately then her gaze switched to my forlorn expression and so, she snatched my heels from my hands and went down a couple of steps to drop them near my feet, "Do your best, Sienna."

"Ignore what I said about playing or whatever," Meg told me, giving me a hand in order to balance myself to put my shoes on, "Just be happy."

Her words entered one ear and went out the other. I couldn't even imagine myself smiling tonight.

I watched as Adam did the phone thing once again and this time, he didn't turn off whatever call he was doing immediately. To my surprise, my phone started blaring inside my clutch and I shared a look with the two other girls.

I didn't bother with picking it up. I simply inhaled sharply and walked down the remaining steps, knowing that Julia would take care of my flats for me. Walking out, I kept my head focused with my steps slow and precise.

As I finally came into view, he didn't bother with turning off the phone. His eyes locked onto mine and he didn't move a single muscle as I made my way towards him.

It was only when I was inches from him did I stop and he put down his phone.

"You look beautiful," he muttered, causing me to become more bashful than I was cautious. I murmured a small thank you under my breath and watched as he stretched out his arm, "Shall we?"

I nodded slowly, taking his offered arm and allowed him to escort me to the car waiting for us. He opened the door for me and slid in right after, "We're just going to go back to the flat to pick up Soph, she was the one who planned everything."

Of course she did.

Who knew we could make a five minute drive an awkward one?

When the car did stop in front of the complex, Adam whipped out his phone and shot her a text. Within minutes, I once again saw Hollywood's Princess in the flesh. The only thing was, we were both expecting her to be dressed up to the nines as well, but she waltzed right out wearing nothing but a shirt and a pair of pink sweats.

I glanced back towards Adam and quirked a brow – he was dress as formally as I was so what gives?

"What are you wearing?" he shot.

She laughed and lifted up the picnic basket resting on the crook of her arm, "Here you go."

"What?" he fired once again.

"He knows where to go," she said, gesturing to the driver, "Here's your food, I got everything prepared already."

"Soph..." he trailed off, looking nervously towards me, "I thought this was a dinner between the three of us."

She opened his door and dropped the basket on his lap, "I think a little date between you two is well-deserved."

Oh god, please don't tell me this was happening.

"N-no, you really don't have to," I stammered because just the thought of sitting with Adam alone was definitely not on my agenda. Not now and not ever, "I know you're going back to the States soon so I insist you eat with Adam, I can just go and leave you two alone."

I didn't dare to look at Adam for fears of what his reaction was. Just by the my tone and my words, he would realize how much this situation stung.

But to my surprise, Heart's fierce expression turned soft and she gently shook her head, "Trust me when I say that this is what I want to happen."

Here was the thing – Adam and I were not comfortable with each other anymore. She meant well, but if only she knew how much suffering she was submitting us to.

"Do this one favor for me," she smiled, stepping away from the car and closing the door, "Have fun!"

With that, she gestured for the driver to drive away and I could only clamp my mouth shut because I felt like everything was happening faster than my brain could process it.

"Just bring us back to the university please," Adam spoke to the man behind the wheel, "We're just going to call it a night."

For once, I was in full agreement.

But to our surprise, he shook his head and kept on driving, "I'm under strict orders from Miss Valentine."

Of course he was.

So there we were, sitting in compromising silence with the picnic basket sitting between us. I wished that the driver at least turned on the radio so something could mask the tension but nope, there was no sound aside from the leather squeaking with our movements.

We managed to reach the main city and that was when I finally pulled my attention away from the man beside me towards the outside world. We drove past the different houses and stores, easily maneuvering through the familiar roads.

The vehicle finally came to a stop in front of fairly large building and right at the front was a man standing with his eyes on his wristwatch. When he glanced up to see our car, he plastered a polite smile and walked ahead to open Adam's side, "Welcome, Mister Nicholas and Miss Clark."

Adam stepped out and the man reached inside to get the picnic basket. Instead of also getting out, I was too busy trying to calm myself down.

What the hell was happening?

Adam's outstretched hand came into view, his expression apologetic, but it was still urging me to take it and get out of the car.

With my hand shaking, I gently placed it on top of his and he helped me get out. Once I did, we let go and I even flinched at how fast it happened.

Well, it was understandable since he probably thought that I didn't like him.

No, Adam, I really do like you but if I stayed, both of us would get hurt.

"Follow me," the man said, closing the car door behind us and started to walk in front. He opened those double doors and continued inside while we obediently trailed after him.

I gasped when I realized where we were. This was like the heart of the city because of what it was known for. Like I said before, a university highly associated with the arts demanded a city that mimicked the talents of the students. Hence, the buildings, the establishments, and almost every corner you looked at, reflected the visions that the university boasted.

And the one place that could be the consider the epitome of art preservation? The museum.

Which was exactly this building.

We weaved through different rooms, some showing sculptures, other paintings, another filled with photographs, and those of mixed arts.

He stopped in an empty one, a picnic blanket on the floor. He settled the basket on the corner and he turned to us, that practiced smile once again on his face, "Please enjoy. If you're in need of any assistance, the office is located near the entrance."

The museum, the picnic, the driver, this date, and even this guy... I wanted to scream.

"I'm really sorry for this, but can you please explain what the heck is going on?!" I almost screeched, turning to the poor man that was about to catch all of emotions, "We've been given a basket then suddenly we're taken to this museum and I still have no idea what's happening!"

"Sienna..." Adam trailed off, his head starting to panic, "Calm down, I'm a bit lost as well, but..."

But nothing!

"You!" I pointed towards him, "You told me that this was going to be nothing but an innocent dinner with Heart. I get it, you haven't told her yet and I'm a hundred percent on board with pretending, but you can't expect me to stay composed when I've been on my wits end for weeks just for all of it to explode on this incredibly unexpected turn of events."

Darling, I've lost it. Just completely poof!

The man cleared his throat, trying to diffuse the situation by remaining undisturbed, "Pardon that I don't know the full circumstances but Miss Valentine had rented the whole museum for the night and has asked to accommodate the two of you. You can walk around and look at all of our displays, there would be no one else here except for our staff. She has also requested an empty room for us to lay this blanket, with the intention that you two are going to hold a picnic here."

We didn't have any reply to that so when we didn't say anything in response, he bowed his head and turned on his heel, walking out of the room and leaving us alone.

So let's see, I just threw a very irrational outburst. Just great.

"Might as well eat," Adam said with an exasperated sigh. My shoulders slumped because after all that's been said and done, we had no other choice but to make do with what was presented to us. He bent down in front of the basket while I stood next to his figure, watching as he did so.

The second that the lid was off, my breath hitched because instead of being greeted by actual food, what was on top was an assortment of pictures. And not just any ordinary photos, but images of Adam and I.

Most of which I have never even seen before.

There were candid shots of me, some a few pictures wherein Adam was holding the camera and I was turned away, others were both of us smiling happily towards the lens.

Adam froze and this time, I threw away any bashfulness and kneeled next to him, reaching out to take the pictures, "When were these taken?"

He didn't reply, he even refused to meet my eyes.

One by one, I took them out and when I flipped over one particular picture, one that I was fast asleep on the couch and Adam was right at the corner, flashing a peace sign, I noticed her writing on it.


I know you're clever enough to find this. If you're curious, these are just few of the many pictures of you that Adam sent to me, all with words of praise and adoration. This was the solid proof that I needed in order to be completely sure that you had Adam's affection. I hope the two of you enjoy this surprise I prepared, because I wish you both nothing but happiness.

Sincerely, Heart.

He sent all of these to her?

I glanced towards his face and reveled at his blushing features. I almost dropped the pictures because I just felt the urgency to touch him, to feel his skin underneath mine to prove to me that this wasn't all a dream.

"Adam..." I trailed of, unsure of how to approach this sudden piece of information.

"I'm sorry," was the only thing he managed to say.

If he was apologizing for the fact that he took all of these without my permission, then he should just take it back. These photographs were like precious treasure to me, a testament that during the time that we were together, he thought that these mundane moments were important enough to capture.

I peeked back inside the basket and saw the tupperwares of food in there. Reaching in, there was a sticky note on it, 'I heard this was your favorite.'

Taking off the cover, my heart dropped at the lasagna. From when I first entered his flat, to that first real date, to when I came back from home.

Who knew one dish could hold so much importance?

I reached inside for a fork and tapping Adam on the shoulder, I hesitatingly offered the container and cutlery to him.

"She means well," I assured, though I feel like those words should be from directed towards me and not the other way around, "But I'm surprised she knows so much."

And yet you didn't tell her that I broke everything off.

But for tonight, can I be with you without worrying every little second?


I feel like at the end of this story, I have to give you guys a long ass explanation for why I made our characters go through what they did. But for now, let's enjoy their moments.

So what do you think will happen with their museum picnic?

Please stay safe! See you guys next chapter.

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