Chapter Twenty-One: Sweet and Precious

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Grandma indulgently scooped up more food on my plate that I can manage, making me amused at her satisfied nod when there was practically a mountain on my plate. Whenever she sees me, she complains that I was never eating enough but to be honest, it was just her excuse to feed me more.

I wasn't complaining though.

I shared a look with Emma, who experienced the same treatment, and shared a silent laugh with her as our grandmother spoke, "You young ladies need to plump up, men always want a little more to grab onto."

Nothing more interesting than her giving us love advice. Then again, she'd been married with our grandfather for over fifty-five years so she must have done something right.

"No need to tell Sienna that," Uncle Levi gave a cheeky grin, causing both of his children and Sam to stare at him warningly. He was caught off guard by their judging gazes and I smiled as I forked mashed potatoes into my mouth. I didn't feel that upset anymore since these three were looking out for me.

But it was grandpa's turn to speak, clearly not getting the signals sent by his grandchildren, "You have a boyfriend now, Sienna?"

"A nice young lad, if I say so myself," Aunt Janine responded, ignoring my widening eyes.

Dad's hold on his utensils visibly tightened and the way my mother paused from slicing her roast beef made me want to stand up and leave the table. I've skillfully avoided mentioning Adam ever since I arrived – I told them about my classes, Julia, Meg, and even my old frustrating professors.

But completely nothing about the guy who spun my head around when I was in England.

"It's nothing, just some crush I had, but now it's gone," I muttered in order to diffuse the tension. It was a lie, but I had to say something to cancel out what my aunt and uncle just said. There was a silence that followed and as my grandmother placed down the bowl on the table next to me, I muttered under my breath in barely audible whisper, "Grandma, men are horrible."

She glanced towards her husband before releasing a hearty laugh, effectively lightening the mood, "Yes, they are."

After dinner, we waited for the clock to strike midnight as all of us teenagers sat down on the floor to get our presents from under the Christmas tree. I was awarded with a new laptop by my parents, a thick wooly sweater from Emma, a set of pens from Andy, an engraved necklace from my aunt and uncle, then finally, a stuffed teddy bear from my grandparents – the same with my brother and cousins because we swear, we were still little children in their eyes.

I was pleasantly surprised when I unwrapped the box to reveal the coat that came from Sam because it was an extreme level up from the sweet cake set he got my last year. I was even happier by his reaction when he took out the camera lens I got him.

Christmas wasn't that eventful – the same old thing we did every year. Uncle Levi and his family left on the twenty-sixth to go back to England so they can spend the New Year there with Aunt Janine's side of the family.

"See you next month, Sienna," they bid and I waved them goodbye as they all went inside the yellow taxi.

On the twenty-eighth, four girls came rolling inside our apartment with overnight bags and bright faces to greet my family and I. It was time for our long awaited holiday sleepover and honestly, I needed some girl time in order to clear my mind.

We went for an all-day shopping trip at Bloomingdale's since there was an after Christmas sale. By the time we got home, we were filled with coffee and our feet were tired from walking all around. A big pile of shopping bags rested at the corner of my room while an air mattress was on the floor next to my bed.

"Hey Sienna," Gracie said as she paused her scrolling on my phone after she asked to borrow it, "Who's Adam Nicholas?"

"What?" I tore my attention away from the tv screen to turn to her.

She held up the screen, his face being flashed on as he requested a video chat. I rolled my eyes and continued on with my quest to choose a movie, "Reject it, it's just some jerk."

Even I noticed the strain in my voice and I knew they heard it as well. From the way I blatantly showed that I didn't want to talk about it and my now violent way of pressing on the remote control buttons, they've reluctantly allowed the topic to drop.

Because Adam was not a jerk, something simply went wrong down the line.

She shrugged and did what was told, continuing on with her previous task. When I thought I was going to get some peace, she piped in once again, "Tell me, why you didn't get back together with Justin?"

My finger froze on the play button and I slowly turned my around to see all of them were now staring right at me. I blinked once and then twice, as if doing so will remove the expecting gazes they have now set upon me.

But it didn't and I know they were asking an explanation why we're suddenly buddy buddy after being in an awkward position for almost a year or two. Add to that was the knowledge they've acquired about how I said no when he asked me to become a couple again. Especially because I've been whining to them ever since we broke up.

"You two were extra close during that night," she winked, tossing me back my phone, "We thought for sure that you two would be together again when you got back."

I was transported back to that rooftop and a fond smile went to my face at the memory. We may not have ended up in the way that we thought we were going to be in back in high school, but I will undoubtfully say that this was better. "Wait, is it that hot British boy that made you move on?"

"Oh forget about him!" I snapped unintentionally. It had been a constant tug of war between sobbing for him and being furious. For now, I was once again mad at the thought of his face, his smile, those beautiful brown eyes, and...

Damn him!

"Sienna..." they trailed off, nothing but concern on their features.

I frowned deeply, crawling on the bed and settling myself in-between two of them. We've miraculously squeezed all of us on my bed – something we haven't successfully done since middle school – so being sandwiched in the midst of four of my favorite people gave me a sense of comfort.

"I like him," I admitted softly, my fingernails picking on a piece lint on my pajama bottoms, "We kissed right before I left and suddenly out of nowhere, he got mad at me and now he did something that made me snap at him. Up to this point, we haven't cleared anything and now I'm sincerely dreading the time I have to go back to England."

First, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and then suddenly another, before two others joined in. They didn't say anything, only allowing their warmth to engulf me to drag me out of this misery that have been going on and off.

Seriously, my mood had been as unstable as a fuckboy's relationship.

"So we still on for the New Year's party?" the shift in topic allowed me to calm down and I fell back onto the headboard with a sigh. I better meet some attractive guy to kiss on midnight and then never see him ever again just to take my mind off of Adam.

I heard simultaneous replies of agreement and we all decided on a film before we got settled under the multiple blankets and pillows I brought out. The popcorn was spilling all over my bed and the sound of laughter kept up until three in the morning.

I didn't consider myself as a heavy sleeper nor was a I light one. Loud noises can wake me up but soft ones don't. So when the girls started shaking me awake, I slowly cracked my eyes open and instead of being greeted by my white ceiling, I was surprised by the dozens of balloons. Slowly sitting up, they were standing at the foot of my bed with a stack of waffles with a single candle stuck on top, "Happy Birthday, Sienna!"

My sleep-induced brain took half a minute to buffer what was happening but when the thought settled down inside my mind, my grin couldn't get wider. Even when they urged me to make a wish and blow out the candle, I couldn't tear my eyes away from their gleeful faces. I closed my eyes and exhaled right by the flame, taking it out with my breath. They cheered and I got out of bed, stretching my arms over my head.

I was officially twenty.

"Thanks for the effort girls, but you didn't need to get my breakfast," I laughed, not even bothering with the fork when I took out the candle and grabbed a waffle, passing around the plate so they could get one as well, "Since we're having brunch with the boys later."

"We're really stretching it," my friend sighed, munching on her waffle and licking the whipped cream off of her finger, "But because this is the first time since graduating that we were able to meet up like this and it's even more precious because we all study far from each other."

For the past year, our friends had been considerate because Justin and I's somehow tragic break up. Although we've assured them countless times that it was alright for all of us to hang out without being awkward, they knew better than we did.

Because having an all-out war to see who can ignore the other one the best was always ongoing whenever we were stuck in the same room. The tension doubled when we were seated next to each other and judging from their uneasy glances, they were being cautious as well.

It came to the point where we had to separate the girls and the boys to relieve such a compromising disposition among everybody in the group.

We all met up at a diner near my apartment, the laughs shared between us was a quick reminder how this vacation was to end as quickly as it began. In just a few weeks' time, I would be back to England in a dorm that I'm not particularly excited about, to classes that I wanted to sleep out of, and to a game wherein I have to avoid a guy who I sincerely thought would be somebody who could potentially be my everything.

Damn me for falling too quickly. I knew I should have just kept it with 'just being friends' gist and went on with my life.

All my worries were lifted away when the waiter brought out a small slice of cake and all of my friends started to sing happy birthday. From the frown I couldn't help sporting earlier, my lips tugged into a smile.

I looked around my table and found myself satisfied with everything happening. Sure, there was no happily ever after but being a writer, it gave me the sure knowledge of what exactly differentiates a work of fiction from reality.

The bitter and painful slaps that life gives you are there to make sure you savor the sweet and precious moments.

We handed a waiter our phones so he could take a group shot of everybody. With my brightest smile, I felt the presence of the people I treasured and when I stared down at the picture that was captured, my happiness transpired perfectly.

My apartment became our destination right after and none of my family minded that we had almost ten rambunctious young adults being a wreck. Justin sat down on the couch next to me after he had finished with the card game he and the others were invested in.

"You two fighting?" he questioned and I jolted up at the thought that he had noticed. He saw my alerted look and he smiled softly, "I'm more observant than you give me credit for."

"I wish I would have fallen for you for the second time in a snap," I admitted, pulling my feet up onto the couch, "Then I wouldn't be this dramatic."

He shrugged, "Not really, besides, you told me straight on why we broke up. To be honest, I agree with you and it's not our time yet. Just live a little without worrying about me because you told me to do the same."

"Since when did that cheeky and childish boy that I loved turned into this philosophical man who knows exactly what I needed to hear," I laughed, reaching over to playfully pinch his cheeks. He rolled his eyes teasingly, lightly slapping my arm away.

We heard a camera sound and we turned to one of our friends holding up his phone, the lens pointed towards us, "Stop flirting you two and come here before we start another game without you."

Since I dedicated my whole morning and afternoon to them, I shared a small but peaceful birthday dinner with my family during the evening. Nothing too grand but it was what I wanted after such a hectic day.

They uploaded every photo that they took today and I made sure to reply to each and every one who sent me their well wishes. As I scrolled through my messages, my thumb paused and hovered on the screen when I saw one particular name that I was somehow expecting, but never actually thought would pop up.

Adam Nicholas.

It's my fault, I know. It's my fault for getting jealous over a simple picture of his arm around you shoulder. It's my fault that I wanted to give myself time to cool down, but I wasn't cautious enough about the paparazzi following Soph around. It's my fault that instead of calling you back to explain, I waited two days. It's my fault that I've royally screwed up my chances with you.

But today, I saw another photo that had gotten me all riled up in the worst ways. To see the two of you so at ease with each other – that hand on his cheek and his cheery smile – it made me realize what a terrible person I was. I always believed you when you said that your relationship with him was nothing but two reconciling exes who found friendship again, but I still got jealous.

This is what you must have felt when I'm with Soph.

So I'm sorry, Sienna, but I still want to see you happy. Happy birthday.

When I finished reading his message, I wanted to collapse because my emotions were going out of control once again. Instead of typing back a reply, I instantly started to request a video chat and the moment I saw his apologetic features on my screen, I knew for myself that I had already forgiven him.

"How rude of you, Adam Nicholas," I repeated the words from that fateful day, "So incredibly rude."

"I didn't like that you were with him," he admitted truthfully, "But I had no right to be mad at you like that."

"As touching as that message was," I said, choking halfway through my words, "Tell me the real truth."

He blinked up at me and I was waiting in anticipation whether we were thinking the same thing or not. The last line? I wanted to yell bullshit because I really wanted to know the god honest truth and if he says exactly that then I'm going to be elated.

Because as of the very moment, that was what I was feeling towards him. Yes, it was all romantic and such, but my possessive streak was extremely notorious. Although I wanted to see him happy, I would rather see him happy with me. If it was someone else, then I would give up and walk away.

I just hope he felt the same way.

He searched my face, trying get a single hint for what I was implying. He gave up defeat after a minute full of confusion and instead of fishing out the specific thing that will grant me satisfaction, he just said the what went into his head, "Will you go out with me when you get back?"

Not exactly what I wanted to hear but I think it was better.

Finally, after a week of nothing but avoiding each other, of hidden cries and angry calls, we've reached our end point. The greatest misunderstanding came from a single fact – we liked each other. Jealousy had creeped its way between us, causing a riff to something that wasn't fully sewn together. We were in such a fragile stage that something as petty as taking a picture out of context was enough to cause a fight.

But it meant that we were moving instead of being stagnant. For the future, I would be terrified if we don't get into another argument – it's part of a healthy relationship in my opinion. The dynamic between two people should never be perfect, there should always be gaps to keep on filling.

Not because it was boring, not because you wanted it to keep on being fun, but because there will always be something better than what you already have.

"Okay," I smiled, shifting the phone towards my other hand.

"And Soph was complaining non-stop about wanting to meet you," he chuckled in response, "Saying that I should stop being a sad slump."

I always was a walking time bomb when it came to relationships. I broke it off with my first date when I was in middle school because we were stupid and kids who thought the movies actually portrayed what a relationship should be. It didn't and the lack of achievement of something too impossible made me angry that he wouldn't surprise me with a dozen roses or even a romantic picnic at the park.

After that, I had several dates – some were friendly at the most, others were done because I got dragged around in double or group dates, and some just didn't work out so well.

But Justin was the first one to offer me something I came chasing back for more. He showed me sincerity and carefree fun. Instead of fancy restaurants and candlelit dinners, he brought me to those clubs for teenagers and midnight strolls around the city. It was far from the cliché roses and chocolates I've always demanded and yet, he was the one that got me laughing until my sides hurt and the one to push me out of my comfort zone.

And when we broke up, I've mellowed down myself. I was uncomfortable with how quickly my spirit died down, and although the aftershocks of such a whirlwind life allowed me to create a full on novel, I craved for it over and over again.

The slow pace that university offered me was dull compared to how fast days went by when I was in New York. When it came to light how Adam managed to make the heightened feeling of sneaking out in the middle of the night or those impulsive road trips look too weird compared to the quietness of his apartment and the careful tiptoe between friends and something more, my mindset shifted.

You gave me twilight skies and shining stars while he gave me city lights and lively nights.

Different things and were valued in different ways. But I've experienced already the latter, I want to relish what he can give me.


What's up everybody! I'm honestly so tired to the point that I completely forgot about updating. Thankfully, this was already saved as a draft so all I had to do was to type up this author's note.

We get to finally meet Axel and Heart again next chapter!

Don't forgot to vote, comment, and follow. I love you my peaches and I shall see you all next chapter.

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