14 - A Strange Sense of Intimacy

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The One Where You Have a Second Meeting

"(Y/n), I think I know something about you..."

You might have been clueless as to what he was talking about in any other circumstance. Now was not any other circumstance. The fact that you easily recalled your "run-in" with the villains showed that you weren't traumatized at all. You even forgot about your cut.

You were not clueless, and neither was he.

"You are... into villainy, aren't you?" Shoto did not break the eye contact. "Well, maybe not villainy. But you wouldn't mind being a villain as long as you reach your goal."

"Shoto..." You faltered and averted your gaze to your lap. "If people read my books... yes, I don't care which path I take."

He wasn't swayed by your answer. All he could think about is where the friendship between him and you would go. Probably down the drain. Hopefully not.

But he didn't want that. When it finally dawned on him, his resolve was strengthened. He did not want to turn you in. He did not want to lose touch with you. Even now, he did not feel any differently about you. He placed his hand on yours ever so gently and spoke the words of a true genius. "Ok."

You glanced up at him. "Ok?"

"Yes. Ok." He removed the hand beside your neck and grabbed your other hand. When he smiled, it was strangely maniacal. "Yes! (Y/n), I do not care if you become a villain for good. I am still your friend."

Your jaw dropped. You stared at him for a few seconds more, until you noticed a tingling sensation in your hands. You looked down and saw they were not their normal color. Shoto had them in his suffocating grip, and his own hands were paling from clenching yours. Yet, his energy rubbed off on you. You whispered, "Yes." Then you matched his enthusiasm. "Yes!"

The next day, after school

You turned in your paperwork for your internship. You ended up not choosing to intern with the woman you were so excited about. Mirko. You did not feel safe interning with a top hero like her. Instead, you chose one of the more average choices – some unpopular pro named Profe Gun in Matsutori.

Your choice did not go unnoticed by your teacher. "(L/n), you were given an offer from Mirko. I was sure you'd choose her."

Darn it. "I've always been a bit of a fan of Profe Gun." What a lie. You had no idea that he existed.

"Is that so? Not a wise decision, but it's your choice," he muttered and put your paperwork away.

Oh, Aizawa. You'd have to be careful around him. His instincts and cleverness were not to be taken lightly.

You began to pack your supplies to leave for the day until they were thrown off of your desk with a blast. You groaned and picked them up slowly, glaring at the attacker. "What was that for?"

Bakugo grinned. "You thought it was so funny to tease me about getting first place, huh!?"

He was still mad about that? As much as you would have loved to let your mouth run loose, standing out was not what you were going for. You sucked in your pride. "Sorry."

"WHAT!? WEAK ASS, JUST FIGHT ME!" He slammed his hand on your desk and with his other he threw your backpack, spilling its contents.

"I do not want to fight you, Bakugo." You breathed slowly to calm your temper.

Lucky for you, he tramped away, but not without grumbling obscenities under his breath. You turned to your scattered writing utensils and books. Once again, you picked them up one-by-one and shoved them in your bag. I'll arrange it later.

Another hand entered your view and carefully placed one of your fallen notebooks in your backpack. You craned your neck upwards, shocked to be met with the face of Aoyama. You recalled that you were around him quite often in the beginning of the school year. You offered a small smile. "Thanks."

"De rien, (y/n)."

Shoto waited by the door, watching Aoyama kneeling on the floor to aid you. With someone helping you, you got everything cleaned up quickly. Since when was Aoyama your friend? You frequently spoke about how Shoto was your only friend. He searched through his memory every time he had seen the two of you interact and found nothing.

You stood up and slung the straps of your backpack through your arms. You thanked Aoyama again and left. Shoto greeted you at the door and left with you.

It was silent until you were far from the school. "He is a friend of yours?"

"No." You came to a complete stop and looked to your left. "Do you mind waiting? I have to see them today."

He wanted to go with you. The way you told him about everything the day before had his mind jogging. No, not even that. His mind was going through a never ending obstacle course, his imagination skyrocketing. It was not worry. It was curiosity. He wondered what it was that intrigued you to take that path.

But he just nodded and watched you disappear down the alley.

Break Time!

because of your parents' absence, Hideo stays cheery and does his best to be a parent figure. he is only one year older than you, and two years older than Ayano

And so we continue...

"(Y/n)'s back!! She really came!?" Toga squealed, her face painted with that seemingly permanent blush across her face. She approached you slowly, then swung her hand to your face. She dragged the knife in her hand down your cheek. "A pretty girl! To be friends with! We're friends now, right?" Negative Two.

She's crazy. You tilted your face away upon feeling the sting her knife left. "I have one friend." You looked past Toga to see that the two from the attack on USJ were present this time. The man-child Shigaraki and warping one, Kurogiri.

"Don't leave marks on her face. People will wonder," the one called Dabi said. He was too late, though.

You couldn't tell if he was looking directly at you because of the hand on his face, but Shigaraki's gaze was in your general direction. "You." He pointed at you. "How are we supposed to trust you?"

"How am I supposed to trust you?" You retorted calmly. "There is one of me. You could kill me or keep me hostage at any point right now." You kept a straight face. You were not wrong – in fact, you were a bit anxious that they might turn on you at any point. You had no plans on turning them in, but you had no way of proving that either. "Next week, we will be at our internships for a week."

"We already have plans for next week," Kurogiri revealed. "In Hosu. The Hero Killer: Stain has been given too much publicity, so we are going to take it back with our Nomus."

"I will be nearby in Matsutori."

"That's just as well. We will not be needing you anyways," he said.

"Ok. Can I go now?" You gestured to the door.

Toga pouted. "Already?"

You had come to realize that you did not like how everyone in the room kept their eyes on you. It was too much unwanted attention. "I will not return for the rest of the week... unless you call me. Bye."

Unless they called you. The day before, they asked for your phone number, which you willingly gave. It felt strange when they texted you that morning to see them; it gave you a strange sense of intimacy with them. Already?

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