16 - Ibanejelly and Wook

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The One Where You Meet Your Intern

The station was lively and bustling. Your classmates' 'goodbye's and 'see you next week's filled the area. Because he was interning with his own father, Shoto had no reason to be there. You found that you had nobody to say goodbye to in your class.

"Hey (l/n)! We're both going to Matsutori!" an energetic voice boomed from behind you as you waited for the train to arrive and end the awkward situation.

"What a coincidence," you replied dully. Sato stood right next to you. You recalled having spoke to him in the beginning of the year. You waited for the familiar "I didn't know you were friends with him," only to remember that Shoto wasn't there.

Sato tried to strike up a conversation. "So, who are you interning under?"

"Profe Gun." You kept your answer brief in hopes that he would stop talking.

"Wow, I've never heard of that hero! Anyways, I'm going with—"

You tuned him out.

You knocked the door of Profe Gun's house. It was small, leading you to believe that he lived alone. You were shocked, to say the least, when a little girl with uneven light blue hair swung the door open. A boy who seemed to be in his late teens appeared behind her. He wore a magician's hat, but a lock of his wavy dark blue hair in the front flowed out from under it. Your phone suddenly rang with a message, but you ignored it.

TWO kids?

"Daddy, the UA girl is here!" The girl cheered and pulled you inside.

You expected her father to make an entrance. You assumed wrong again. The teen boy extended his gloved hand to you. "(Y/n) (l/n), I am Profe Gun. I hope our time together is beneficial for you." A cheeky smile was set on his face. You thought it made him look ugly.

You hesitantly shook his hand. How old was this guy? You wanted to ask but deemed it inappropriate to be the first thing for you to say to him. "Thank you." So you made it the second. "Excuse me, but how old are you?"

He maintained his smile. "Twenty."

The little girl, his daughter apparently, tugged on your jacket. "He's lying! He's niiiineteen!"

So he was a teenager. Doubt flooded your mind now. How were you supposed to learn from someone who was as new as "new hero" gets? And why did he have a kid? You lightly laughed to hide your suspicions.

Profe Gun closed the door behind you. "I understand that you've just arrived, but please change into comfortable clothes. We will begin straight away. Van will show you to where you will be staying."

Van giggled and grabbed your hand, leading you down a hallway. The house was bigger than you thought. After what seemed like a very long minute, your tiny guide stopped at a door. "With all of these twists and turns, I may just get lost!" You joked to settle your nerves.

"Oh? Van can wait for you here," Van offered, and you gratefully accepted.

Your room was not anything special. It had a twin-sized bed, a dresser, and a door that most likely led to a restroom. It was quite the opposite of special. You quickly dressed yourself. As you went to open the door, you halted. Maybe I should check that message from earlier. Quickly, you lifted your phone from your pocket.

Did you arrive safely?

yeah. did you

oh wait nvm

What is Profe Gun like?

young but he has a kid

anyways i have to go

i will call you later

Shoto began typing again, then stopped. That was probably for the best because you knew that if he started a conversation, you would not be able to say bye again.

"Threetwoone, OK VAN'S COMING IN." The door was pushed open, and Van barged in. She gasped. "Phone time!? Van won't tell Daddy, it's ok." When she turned and left, you instinctively followed her.

Despite her height being half of your own, she took surprisingly long steps. You had to speed-walk to match her pace. "Is Van your real name?"

"Teehee. Of course not!" She spread her arms out wide, but did not slow down in the slightest. "Van is really Ibanejelly!" she announced with confidence.

Break Time!

Author's confessions
You probably forgot about him, but Mineta does have some importance in this story

It does not make sense for him and (y/n) to drift apart after being friends for so long, right?
Yet they did

The truth is, I just got tired of including him in the story, so that's why I made them drift >:)

!! but he has importance !!

And so we continue...

"Van is really Ibanejelly!"

Your brows furrowed, and you slowly repeated what she said. "Iba...ne...jelly?" Her father must have been crazy to name her something like that.

"It is actually Evangeline," came Profe Gun's voice from behind you. "She cannot pronounce it yet."

You jumped and whirled around. There he was, in the flesh. Did he just materialize out of nowhere? Van whined, "Nooo! Ibanejelly wanted to do it first! You ruined her surprise."

"Sorry, darling," the young hero said soothingly. He shifted his attention back to you. "We are already where we need to be." With that, he opened a door that you hadn't noticed. You blamed that on the dimly lit hallway.

You and Van stepped inside the large room behind Profe Gun. The walls were bright and littered with many tiny holes. It was like looking at an inverse-colored night sky. Throughout the vast open space of the room were targets. Fake human targets and bullseye targets were the most common of those. Unlike the walls, they were in perfect condition.

Profe Gun chuckled. "I replaced all of the targets before you came, but there was not much I could do about the walls."

You noticed the many guns by the entryway where you stood. Oh. Of course, Profe Gun used a gun. You ridiculed yourself for not making the connection earlier. "Profe Gun... I have two questions."

"Wook," he stated. "I much prefer Wook than the silly-sounding Profe Gun name I made up. But please, go ahead and ask."

"Okay. Why did you offer to intern me? No offense, but literally nobody knows you. Also, I do not see how guns have anything to do with my quirk."

His smile dropped. "You asked me honestly – brutally honestly – so I will answer honestly. I chose you because you made a gun using your quirk during the festival. That's all."

You vaguely recalled making a gun when bouncing away from Iida. But that was it? He did not stop there. "I could also ask why you chose me. Like you said, nobody knows me."

You swallowed. All of your lying skill vanished. You stuttered, trying to make up something. "I- well, yes! Because nobody knows you. Nobody knows you, yeah, so I thought. Um, I thought- try something new! You know?" Van teehee'd at your futile attempt to lie.

He blinked. "That was clearly a lie. But go on with your second question."

You asked the question you had been wondering about the most since you chose him. "What is your quirk?" It must have had something to do with guns.

"Not available," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Huh?" Was he going to be secretive?

"I do not have one!"

Now you were more confused than when "Ibanejelly" introduced her real name to you. If he was quirkless, there was no way he earned a hero license, no matter how skilled he was with a gun. Alas, you had already been too honest with your questions, so you let that one drop.

Was your choice of intern flawed? Very. Was it entirely flawed? Most definitely not.

"Evangeline, give (y/n) a gun."

I truly gave up with the title name

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