19 - Boys All Around

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The One Where You Go On Patrol

You woke up to your alarm, feeling extremely refreshed. The first thing you did was check for your shirt. There it was, being completely worn by you. The bandages that once wrapped around you were long gone. You sprung out of bed without feeling a single bit of pain.

So it really worked...

Your face heated up, and you placed your hand over your mouth. How were you supposed to feel about that? He kissed you for so long only because it would help you heal faster, but that didn't make you any less embarrassed. That was your last memory because you passed out the moment he pulled away.

You checked the time. 6:01. You dressed yourself in decent clothes and left your room. Then, you stood in the hallway. You still hadn't learned its twists and turns.

The kitchen is... left? Going with your guess, you went left. You remembered the when you got lost during the Sports Festival. You had run into Bakugo and Shoto. It had been a day since you had seen your hotheaded classmate – you were enjoying his absence, what with his excessive bullying. On the other hand, you missed Shoto.

And so you called him. Just like last time, he picked up before the first ring rung.

"(Y/n)? Why are you calling this early? Did something happen?"

You laughed lightly, walking down the hall and speaking as quietly as you could. "No, I just wanted to talk to you."

He took his time before responding. "Oh. Well, how are you?"

You hummed in thought. "It was pretty cool – what happened, I mean. I fell on a bunch of broken glass last night and my back was super messed up."

"What!? Are you okay?"

"I mean. Yeah. I am perfectly fine. Now, that is." You hoped that he wouldn't wonder how you became 'perfectly fine' in such a short amount of time.

"How did you become perfectly fine in such a short amount of time?"

You froze. "Well uh- I- it wasn't that bad anyways," you lied.

"Is (y/n) talking to Shoto?" A voice came from behind you. "Van wants to meet him!"

"Is someone else there?"

You lowered yourself to be at the same level as Van and put Shoto on speaker. "Yeah. She's Wo- she is Profe Gun's kid."

"Shoto! Shoto! Shoto! Shoto is so lucky to be (y/n)'s friend!" Van grabbed your phone and practically yelled at him.

He hesitated. "Yes, I am. How do you know my name?"

"Yesterday when (y/n) was passed out! Van saw her phone! Twenty missed calls from Shoto!" She jumped up and down, as if trying to make as much noise as possible.

"(Y/n) passed out?"

"Yes. So much glass in her back!"

"How much?"

You tried to interject, realizing that your lie would soon be exposed at the rate things were going. "It wasn't that mu-"

"ONE HUNDRED!" Van squealed. "(Y/n)'s back! Like raw, torn meat!"

You facepalmed. I'll just... die now...

The day's events had distracted you from thinking too hard about what happened. However, you were now on the train heading to Hosu, and you had plenty time to regret letting Van talk to Shoto. Knowing your friend, he would not let that drop. You already had quite a few texts from him that you decided to deal with later.

"Why are we going to Hosu? Isn't it super dangerous there now?" you asked Wook, who was sitting beside you.

"That is precisely why we are going there!" He grinned. His smile did not look as ugly as it did before. "You might get to see me in action today."

You were scooted away from him, as far to the window as you could get. He was probably used to kissing people. But his kissing of you lingered in your mind alongside your worry about if Shoto would be mad at you.

Your phone rang with yet another text. Gosh darn it Sho-

It was from the League.

We thought u were in Matsutori
Why r u heading to Hosu

My intern is taking me to patrol

Who's ur intern

Profe Gun

Rlly??? 🤣

Yes why

Toga did not text back. How did you know that it was her on the other side this time? Well, it was just as painfully obvious as it was every other time she was the one texting.

That was not your concern, though. You wondered what she found so funny about Wook. The new concern joined your other two in clouding your head.

The train came to a sudden stop. You looked around in confusion. Wook was unfazed. "Look." He pointed to one of the windows in the back.

It was shattered. What really caught your attention, though, was the Nomu ripping through the rest of the train. Wook sported a closed-mouth smile, and his eyes sparkled mischievously. He grabbed your hand and Van's and jumped out of the train. You found yourself stumbling to keep up with his running speed.


"You're going to see me in action."

Van, with her tiny legs, didn't break a sweat sprinting alongside her father. "And Van! Van in action!"

He came to a sudden stop. He grabbed something out of the crossbody bag slung around him and threw it. A few seconds later, there was an explosion.

"Wook...?" Your hand was still in his grip. "Did you just destroy that building?"

Wook looked at you wide-eyes, shocked at the terrified look on your face. You hoped you were faking it well. Had he assumed wrong? Were you just really that good at deceiving? Or was it that...

He had no time to think or worry about that, so he kissed you. Yup. Crashed his lips right into yours for maximum effect. Almost immediately, your expression changed to an impassive one, and when he started running again, you effortlessly matched his pace. Of course, you weren't aware of anything happening because you were completely under his control.

Van found this hilarious. While bouncing by Wook, she commented, "Daddy got scared! Daddy kissed (y/n)!" He ignored her antics until she spoke again. "But Daddy needn't worry, and Daddy shouldn't hurry. Because of (y/n)'s phone filled with intrigue, Van confirmed she's with the League!" She beamed. "Van rhymed."

Wook patted her head. "Good job." He still kept you in his control, though, simply because you would not be able to keep up with him and Van normally.

They came to a stop next to a building where nobody was around. Nobody except a certain three. Out filed Toga, Twice and Dabi. Toga approached you.

"(Y/n)," she said, studying you. When she received no response, she poked your cheek. "No scar? I should have cut deeper..." Within less than a second, she whipped out her knife and dug a deep trail from the bottom of your left eye to your jawline. No response. "Huhhh? Still in a trance? Wook must have kissed her up reeeeeal good!"

"Toga!" Twice wailed. "Can you see (y/n) once without leaving some sort of mark?"

Wook deactivated his quirk, his daughter's reassurance fueling his decision. You blinked. Blood trailed down your face, and when you tried to wipe it, the wound split open. "OW!" You tried to push it closed but to no avail.

Wook glared at Toga, and she giggled, turning her gaze back to you. "Hehe... you look so pretty all cut up."

"Thanks," you managed to get out. Pain is temporary pain is temporary pain is tem- You groaned again. MY FACE WAS RIPPED OPEN SHE IS CRAZY. You didn't dare open your phone camera to check out the wound otherwise you would go crazy.

"Why did Koko do that!? (Y/n) is hurting! FIX HER!" Van screeched, bawling at the sight of your face.

Why wasn't Van running away? Wait... why wasn't Wook fighting the villains? You forgot about your severe condition for a brief moment to put two and two together. "D-dabi," you said, asking the only normal-acting League member. "Wook and Van...?"

"They've been with us for years. Shigaraki knew Evangeline before she was too young to even be aware of her own existence," he explained.

You stood dumbfounded. You directed your next question to Wook. "Did you bring me here to kill me?"

He shook his head, his face empty of his strange smiles. "No, but you are going to die at this rate anyways." He cupped your face. "If I may."

And for the second time that night, he kissed you.

Twice exaggeratedly bleated, "It's been ten seconds. Isn't he done?"

You had passed out. Not from his quirk (he had to be done until it activated) but entirely because you were embarrassed. A second after he connected your lips, you were out. As in, you collapsed, and Wook, being the cool guy he is, caught you. So the mini crowd of villains watched as he held and kissed you.

"Hehehe!" Van cheered. "(Y/n) is hurt so much, Daddy has to kiss longer... deeper... or she will not get better," she explained. Then she swooned. "This is the third time. So cute!"

"You'd think by the third time, she would be used to it!" Twice exclaimed. "But no!"

Thirty seconds passed, and Toga watched with a straight face. Her seemingly-permanent blush was nowhere to be seen. "(Y/n)'s just got boys all around her, huh." She wasn't completely wrong. You had unknowingly gained quite a few fans throughout this book.

At last, Wook separated himself from your limp body and slung you across his back.

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