E for Emotions 🥺 ...E for Ego 🔥 - Part 2

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Siya's POV:

He pressed himself on my chest hard and asked me in one go...

"Are you demolishing Sehgal Mansion Siya??? Answer me...." he said punching the wall next to me..

I had tears in my eyes...

"Raghav... just listen to me... Its... Its"

"Its what you got dammit!!! Thats my home!!! My family stays there.. you are demolishing that?? How dare you?? How darrrrrrrrrre you" his nose was now touching my nose...

Come on Siya... Stronger... you knew he would get to know this today or tomorrow...

Remember you were always ready for this...Face it!!!

I closed my eyes and gathered all my guts and opened my eyes and said!!!

"Yes!! I am building Mumbai's biggest mall there!!! Its going to be our most passionate project and "

Before I could complete he started punching the wall like a maniac...

"Raghav...Raghavv please...stop" his hand started beeding...

"Dooooooooont touch me !!! How ???How Siya??? How can you be this ruthless huhh? How can you just be this greedy? How much money you want to take along with you??? Tell me Siya???"

he said and I had tears pricking my eyes...

"2 years... you were planning for this from last 2 years na??? How can you Siya???? So you are nothing but Sapna's another version... You also stabbed me in my back!! Excellent Bestieeeeee!!!" he said...

I turned around and wiped my tears and said in a firm voice...

"Its business Raghav... Pure business!!! I dont see relationships in business !!!" I said firmly

While I felt he fell down...

I turned around... he had literally collapsed on the chair...

"I hate you Siya... " he said in a low tone...

Tears rolled down my eyes!!! I know I didnt expect him to say the antonym of this to me someday... I dont know if that emotion ever existed in him or will ever do!!! But hatred...

That is something my heart couldn't take coming from HIM!

He stood up in one go and said...

"I dont care anymore.. I want to resign !!! Right now!!!" and I was flabbergasted...

No Raghav!!! No No Please...

I had to stop him... He went on typing an email for resignation while I had no other go but use this final trump card!!!

I closed my eyes and said... "I am sorry mumma!!! I have to!!!"

I said in one go...

"If you resign from this position right away then I will make sure your family will beg on streets Raghav!!! and you know you have three people who need medicines at home... Believe me I will"

I tried but couldnt complete the line...

He looked at me with immense hatred...

He banged the glass table such that the table had a crack...

His bleeding hand was already a mess and continued bleeding more!!!

Next minute he got up in one go and caught my neck...It choked me...

I couldnt speak...

He kept on strangling me...

My face went blue and my eyes started pouring tears....

Raghav's POV:

Her words had awakened the demon inside me...

She wants my family to beg on streets??? My mom ..my dad...My Daadi???

She wants them to...Chiii!!!

I was ashamed that I even got attracted to a filth like her...

My anger was on 9th cloud and I was strangling her neck... Her face was almost blue... While a drop of tear fell from her eye...

Anything in this world I can tolerate except that!!!



I banged the window behind her...The glass window had a huge crack and she stood shocked!!!

"Raghavvvv" she took my hand in hers while I pushed her...

"You want me to stay like your puppet na?? Prestige??? Money?? Name?? Market value??? Ya... I understand... Dont worry Mrs Siya Raghavendra Sehgal no one will take away that name away from you..

But today I promise you.. even if you are dying... I wont give you the last drop of water... I will be that man who will pray for you to die... I will be that man who would want you to suffer...I will go and stand in front of god and pray

"Oh god...make her suffer!! Make her suffer the most!!!"

You are that woman whose face I dont even want to see even in heaven or hell Siya... I want you to see hell here...suffer here... If god is listening na & if I have ever done a good deed in my life... You will pay for my every tear... You will suffer hell and back...

Hay he ye meri tumhe (I curse you!!!)"

saying I walked out of the cabin and started walking on the road...

I didnt know where to go.. What to do... It started raining and I looked up and started crying

"Why me goddddd. why meeeeee... "

I was broken beyond limitations today!

My every emotion died for Siya!

My only goal now was to buy back Sehgal Mansion.

I had one year to gather 70 crore Rupees!!! Huhh!! Here I was in a situation where I didn't have 70 lakhs in my account... How will I?

Thats when I remembered Bikki and Esha's offer. I called up Bikki and asked if his offer is still open for me? To which he said "Anytime Bro"

I quickly left to his office to meet him and he was shocked to see me like that.. Esha saw my hand and shouted at me... She did my first aid and we sat talking

They were shocked to know I still want to invest in this..

The reason I gave was that I needed to do this as I wanted to start something of my own and my current organization wouldn't have any issues with it as its nowhere related to clothing, diamonds or fabrics. It an IT company.

This was my final way to get back Sehgal Mansion!!! Start from scratch!!!

I told Bikki I have a complete 65 lakh Rupees in my account... I would invest too and we would need a bigger office space. To which Bikki argued but I was firm... Both Esha and Bikki agreed and finally we named our company as

BER Group!!!

I decided from now on only hardwork is the key mantra. I had decided to work from morning to evening at Malhotras and Sehgals where as work here in night shifts!!!

I was hellbent to not let Sehgal Mansion get away from my hands AT ANY COST!!!


2 months later...

Our new organization was doing well... It was getting too hectic for me.. I was sleeping for onky 3 hours a day.. But I knew I had to gather money...

It wasnt easy but i was confident it wasn't tough either, we had done pretty well for an IT company. Web domains were indeed a booming market and indeed Bikki was a smart ass!!!

I would get good projects from different places but I was still feeling we need to have a major jump!!! Thats when I had a company called Hawaii Group reach us out. It was to redesign their entire company platform and the project cost was 100 crores!!!

It was major for a 2 months old organization but I didnt want this to be let gone... Neither did we have that much of a man power... Thats when Alisha suggested why dont we get a bigger IT company do this and we outsource it alone.. We found that idea to be a smarter one.

I decided to get this worked out with one of Bangalore's decent IT company and it turned out to be owned by VC Group.. I already knew Vikrannt but knowing him well I decided to personally pitch the idea to him. I was happy to share 40% profit share with them.

My relationship with Siya practically did not exist!

I avoided even seeing her face and I was happy like that!

My day would begin at morning 8 am while I would leave to office and work here till 6pm. At 7 pm I would reach BER Group and would work there till 3:00 am in morning. At times I would sleep there in the cabin get ready and come directly to office..While at times I would go home to show my face to my family.

My Daadi, my mother were very angry with me. My uncles and aunties tried to preach me the morals of marriage but little did they know if I wouldnt work like this that woman will destroy our lives!!! And the Hawai Group project is my only way to get back Sehgal Mansion from this witch's claws...


I knocked door of her cabin while she saw me...

Literally she is seeing my face after 15 days...

She looked at my face and smiled...

I hated that snake smile of hers... My hatred for her had multiplied ten times and honestly this was my inspiration to work like this to get BER Group up the charts...

In mere two months our employee count had increased from 200 to 1200. Her hatred fueled me to achieve heights!!! And I loved hating her!!! The heart in my chest turned into a stone!

"Yes Raghav...tell me please" she said...

"Boss I need 3 day off..." I asked her..

"Why?" she asked

"Its personal!!! " I said...

"Well then dont tell it to your boss..Tell your wife!!!" she said...

I smirked saying... " Then its definitely more personal.. I behave much more decent with my boss than my wife!!!" i said seething anger...

"Is it granted or not???" I asked again...

She smiled sarcastically saying "As per our marriage contract you and me we travel together anywhere!!! everywhere!!!"

I was gritting my teeth...

"Bangalore... for my new company project pitch and presentation" I said...

She laughed saying "Huhhh... nonsense.. your dummy company gets projects also is it???" I asked

How...How can she spit venom like that!!!

I composed myself and said "Oh yes Mrs Sehgal and its a big one!!! If this succeeds I may even break your tiny little dream of building Mercury Mall on destroying my home!!!" I yelled back...

She laughed sarcastically.. "Anything but 75 crores ... your company will organize really? Such a joke!!!"

I lost my head and in one go i pulled her by her waist into my chest and said looking into her eyes..

"I will & you will see it!!! I will!!!"

She smirked and said "You cant!!! You wont!!!"

And boom i was ignited... Anything but i will achieve this Siya!!! I will

Finally she smiled and said... "Well then I will come with you to Bangalore...anyways I need a break.. a mini vacation ... what better than seeing you fail huhhh!!!"

I was gritting my teeth while I pressed her more closer to me and said

"You will see it Siya!!! And yes I will book the most lavish hotel room for you from my own money!!! It would be my honour!!!" saying i looked into her eyes...

Although I hated her... those eyes...

Why do they still tell me a different story... I kept looking into them...

Literally after two months...

A strand of hair fell on her face... My hand helplessly pushed that one strand of hair behind her ears...

I kept looking into her face continuously...

While next minute my phone ringed... I left the grip on her waist only to realise what was I doing...

Raghav?? Really?? Havent you learnt to control your harmones even after 2 months!!!

You hate her remember!! Stay away from her!!!


While my heart was thinking ways to avoid her presence with me in Bangalore... Three days with this woman!!! Uff!!! Tough!!!

She will do everything to demotivate me after all, she just wants to keep me under her elbow and snatch my home... But I am much stronger than what you think I am Siya... Wait for it!!!

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