It's the way you make me feel ❤️

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Raghav's POV:

My heart was pounding in my mouth and my hands were trembling...

The only thing that could calm me down was her...

While I heard her soft voice...


I hummed and pulled out of our passionate hug and looked at her shining face...

She was looking down...

'Raghav... I....I....'

'Siya please... Don't be nervous...I am your husband Siya...and I love you...with all the honesty... whatever is in your heart... please tell it to me... Afterall, this honesty is all that has helped us sustain in this relationship even after so many storms... Look into my eyes and tell me Siya...I need an honest reply!!!' I said cupping her cheeks softly...

I saw her gulp down...

Next she looked at me...


I held her hand in my hand and said...
'Yea... Honest... 100 percent Honest Answer!!!'

She breathed deeply and looked at my face...

Walked a little away and stood near the glass balcony....

Opened the door ...

The gusty wind made her long beautiful hair fly in air...

Such that the candles in the room were blown away...

The room only had the dim blue lights and the moon shining brightly in the sky...

I could see the veil of her saree flying high in the air...

She looked dreamy... beautiful... desirable...

All at the same time...

She leaned a bit on the frame of the glass door as her back touched it and she stood looking down...

I took a few steps and went and stood opposite to her leaning to the other side of the glass door...folding my hands against my chest while looking at my nervous yet beautiful wife...

'I am all ears Jaan' I said softly with a smile...

To which she didn't lift her head up and kept looking down and suddenly said...

'Yes...I am attracted to you...
And it's not from now...

From the day you kissed my forehead for the first time in Madikeri...

When you pulled me in your embrace...

And I also can't see you with other women...

When Sapna was trying to stick to you like a lizard on you in Madikeri...I wanted to strangle her to death!

Whenever she touched you...I wanted to burn her alive!!! And wanted to strangle you to death...

Be glad you survived my anger!!!"

she said and I laughed at it...

"Whats funny Mr Golu Sehgal...I am dead serious... Its not funny here!!!" she said and I tilted my head and looked at her leaning more on the glass door and smiling at her antiques...

"My little jealous tornado... I have eyes only for you baby" I said

And she rolled her button eyes and I laughed out loud..

"I realized I have a huge crush on you and also cried like a heartbroken girl in the ladies washroom when you announced to propose that dummy piece..." to which my eyes widened at the reveal!!! Interesting...

"I also find you good looking now... you are a tad bit... handsome too" she said and I raised my one eyebrow and looked at her and started laughing...

"Tad bit? sure?" I asked going closer to her and caging her by the glass door she leaned on...

Her eyes widened and she gulped a lump and I raised an eyebrow and asked her... "Tell!!!" I said reaching her lips again...

With her big button eyes ready to come out of her sockets she said "Ok.. also" and I laughed on her face and moved back to my side of the glass door and leaned back again comfortably...

The breathe probably that was stuck in her chest was released and she breathed heavily and I laughed out again...

"Look at you.... Why are you so scared of me... I wont eat you baby.. Trust me... I need to devour you all my life" I said and she looked down and nervously started walking inside...

"Heyyy heyyyy... stop stop... Ok... no cheesy lines... Tell me.. what you feel.. Promise... nothing naughty again!!!" I said and she stayed back and looked at me with a cute pout.

Baby she is...

I smiled and said... "Continueeeee...hmmmm"

"Ok... I cant see you be hurt also... thats why I took that bullet on me.. I would die rather than seeing you in pain....I didnt have any shield and what my heart thought was best at that minute i did that!!!" she said and I again had tears resurfacing in corners of my eyes...

She loves me a lot...

Stupid girl...

She is my life.. what does she think..if something happens to her will I be able to survive?

"But... when you kissed me that night... I dont know I was shocked.. scared... and the slap was nothing was instinctive... sudden reaction.. I ... I didnt mean to..." she said

"Its fine Siya... that was very cheap of me to kiss you without permission na" I said

"Then even I am cheap.. I also kissed you today without your permission" she said innocently and I bit insides of my mouth and coughed a bit to let my laughter come under control...

And finally I said..."But I didnt mind Wifey.. I liked it.. so no complaints...infact i wouldnt mind such beautiful surpises every now and then!!!" and smiled...

To which she looked elsewhere...

I wet my dry lips with my tongue and bit my lower lip to control my laughter...

"But then... I... I dont know what is this... I mean... I dont know if this is love and I dont want to just tell it to you for the sake of it... I need some time Raghav... I ...I hope you... "

"Given!!!" I said before she completed

And she looked at me shocked...

"You mean"

"I mean...Given... take your own sweet time Jaan... I can wait forever to listen it from you..." I said

And she was shocked... Such that her mouth opened with a big O and she raised her eye brows and was in a state of shock...

While I moved closer to her and again caged her between my arms and bent to her face...

Looked into her eyes and said...

"But!!! The minute you confess it!!! I dont care where we are... who we are with...what the situation is...The beast in me will be unleashed...Anyways you call me a beast right?" I said and her eyes were back to be being saucers...While i bent lower while closed her eyes...

I saw she was quite prepared for the kiss...

Not bad!!!

I smiled at the way she lifted her chin up and was so ready for it...

I controlled my laugh and teased her a bit so left a small kiss on her little tomato like nose...

That second I saw a frown on her face ad I moved inside the room and sat on the bed and she kept standing there in shock and I smiled...

"Well then... I am sleeping on the bed...I hope you are ok with that... Believe me... You are safe!!!" I said removing my shoe laces and she slowly started coming inside the room..."

"Your cabin bag is in that cupbaord... you can change" I said and she nodded her head...

While I quickly went to washroom to change...

"You can change here..Promise you.. I wont come till you ask me to" I said and went to the washroom with my PJ and Tshirt...

I changed and some time later I heard her say "Raghav.. I am..done" and I stepped out of the room and saw her in her micky mouse pajamas and a v necked baby pink tshirt to which i burst out laughing...

"What is so funny huhhh?" she asked and I said nothing and silently took the right side of the bed....

"I sleep on right!!!" she said like a little baby...

"Well... ok..." I said and moved to the other side and next second I felt the dip next to me...

I had a tingle in my chest at that...

We were so close...

I smiled...

I turned around facing her sideways and looked at her..To my surpise she turned around and looked at my face...

"What???sleep" she said and I smiled a bit...

"Goodnight baby girl.. I love you" I said

And she blushed a bit and I smiled...

I dont know why I wanted to do it...

But I did...

I widened my arms while still sleeping and invited her into a hug...

She looked at my face for a few minutes... I thought she wont come but to my surpise she slowly scooted closer and came closer to me...

And next second I could feel her in my arms...

She lied down on my chest and I closed my eyes...I forgot to breathe...

"Stop being nervous...I cant sleep with that bullet train running in your chest" she said softly

I smiled much more and kissed her hairs and squeezed her in my chest and closed my eyes again...

We cuddled each other to sleep...

My first peaceful night with my love in my arms...

This was so special...

The moon the stars and the wind everything was smiling back at us...

I couldnt beautiful this is...

Its magical the way you make me feel wifey...

"I love you Siya...very very much" I said to myself...

"Hmmmm" she said and snuggled more into my chest...

I smiled and slept peacefully.

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