Lost and Found ❤️

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Raghav's POV:

I felt her little arms tightly around my stomach...

This touch... this feeling...this emotion for the last 5 months... I needed it to survive...

To breathe...

To live...

To feel that yes I am alive....

She was my universe...

Little did I know this when I married her with that stupid contract but now...

Nothing mattered... She...Me... Us... I had lost and found her...

They say na... You realize worth of something only when you have lost it...

I couldnt believe she was with me... But her hug made me realize yes...she is fine...

I couldnt believe from now on our lives will go back to a normal...

Me... Her... Us...

That minute I closed my eyes and squeezed her tightly in my arms...

She was holding my stomach while I slowly sat on her bed and pulled her in my embrace...

Tears flowed from our eyes like there was no tomorrow to it... I didnt want them to have a stupid tomorrow too... I wanted them flood and leave us...Shoo them away...Shoo the fear away of loosing her...Shoo the fear away of seeing her in pain...

I wanted only love for us... Our love... Nothing else...

Although she was hugging me... I pulled her closer and almost made her fall on me... I crushed her into my arms...While she was clenching my blazer and crying non stop...

"Shhhhhh... stop... Siyu... Shhhhh...No..." I said...

She was sobbing...

I pulled her out of my embrace and cupped her face in my palms... Her small face fitted perfectly in my big palms.. I smiled at that thought...

Slowly tilting my head.. I wiped the tears that were continuously flowing down from her beautiful eyes wetting her cheeks...

I bent a little and kissed her cheeks to swallow through the tears... They were precious pearls...I couldnt let them flow... They were flowing at our seperation...This woman... the nerve of hers to sacrifice her life for my sake... I kissed her left cheek softly while she was looking at my eyes... I looked up into her eyes again and kissed her right cheek... Slowly her eyes that were pouring more and more tears... I rubbed those softly...

I lifted her face a little and said.. "Welcome back Wifey"

And at that her eyes bulged out in shock...

She looked at me like I was a ghost...

Why I twitched my lips and understood... Her nervous attacks are back...She started looking here and there... I could feel her goosebumps... Because I also had knots in my stomach at the feel of having her this close to me...

She kept looking at me again in shock...

"Ra...Ra...Raghav... " she managed to get back to her charms of stuttering...

Oh how much I missed this Siya... Come on.. Stutter more...biting my lower lip a bit more controlling my laugh...I pulled her closer while she was still shocked...
I was smelling through her hairs... I loved her smell... No other cologne... No other perfume was as sweet as her smell... She was enticing..

While still shivering lightly she said "Ra...Raa...Ra...Ragh...Raghavvvvv"

Smelling her hairs a bit more I said "Hmmmm"

"Our fam...family...kno...knows about...our..con...con...contract ma...mar...marriage"she managed to say while I pulled back and smiled brightly...

"Which Contract marriage?" I asked her with a wide grin while still caressing her hairs and tucking a few behind her ears...

Her eyes widened and next she narrowed her eyebrows..

"I think I was in coma na? But you are here behaving like you have hit your head somewhere" she said

"All in one sentence without stammering... brave!!!" I said... While she literally made her big button eyes grow bigger...

"Remember 12 months con" she was going to remind that shit and I held her hands in my hands and she was shocked...

I pulled her closer to my face pulling her hands a bit...

Our faces were this close...

I bit my lower lip while she swallowed a lump and I smiled saying "Long burnt into ashes sweetheart!"

Her eyes widened a bit more and I could see her throat swallow another lump

God this woman and her cuteness...How much I missed all this...

I couldnt handle it...

I bent a little and kissed her nose...

And again pulled back and saw her face...

Her eyes were almost to pop out of her sockets...She swallowed her saliva.. I could see her throat moving and I only smiled while looking at her face...


Call me that!

I give a fuck!

My wife has come back from coma...

She is sitting in front of me...

Who the heck thinks about how should i behave...

I will do what I like...

I will kiss her... hug her...love her...stare at her...

Call me shameless!

Call me a flirt!

Call me pervert!

I love this woman!!!

But ofcourse... I need to know her emotions too.. I cant rush right... I need to know if she feels the same way as I feel for her? This same depth? I dont know.. I knew she definitely liked me beyond a friend... Else she would definitely not do so much for ny sake... Literally taking two bullets!

No one does that!

I want to tell her so much but only after I know if she is ok with this relationship now that I have broken the bomb that the contract is long burnt in ashes!!! I was waiting for her reaction but all that came was her big button eyes staring at me and her shocked expressions...

I circled both my hands around her neck and said...

"Look Siya... Its simple.. Our family knows about the contract marriage.

I went through all the blasts from each one all alone while you were peacefully staring at that stupid ceiling all these months!

But then now that they know it was a contract marriage they will definitely not let this experimental relationship continue!

So its either permanent marriage or permanent divorce!" I said

'Divorce?" she literally flinched at that...

I mentally chuckled seeing her reaction. I kind of mentally danced a little.

But had a serious expression.

"Yup ofcourse... Daadi already warned me... She told me clearly to choose one!" I said

"And what did you choose?" she looked deep into my eyes and asked while I thought to myself...

How smart baby... Tricking me into my own questions? Not happening!

"Obvioulsy I couldnt take a call na... I had to ask you.. I mean this is marriage.. not a joke.. I cant say yes for both of us..." I said and shot me a glare...

"I mean no as well.. yes or no... both should be a mutual call na" I thought while still controlling my laugh...

She swallowed through my question and said...

"How... I...I mean... I ...I dont...I dont know..."

I narrowed my eyes...

Itni aasani se to nahi manegi...ziddi (She will definitely not accept so easily... Stubborn)

"See...exactly my thoughts... I also told same to Daadi..." I said

"You?? you did?" she asked curiously

Ohhh that curiosity in her voice... With those cute expressions..

You are an idiot Raghav...you must have kissed her cheeks look at them...

Nose pe kaun kiss karta he jab apples samne ho..(Who kisses on nose when you have apples in front you...) Pink pink apples !!!

While I was back to this world from my dream world and said

"Yes.. Yes... ofcourse I did... I mean see na.. we are just "very very very good friends" na!!! and this marriage and all is like I mean needs efforts and you know people should be in love also na" I said while stealing glances at her...

She was looking here and there...

I smiled again biting insides of my cheek to control my laughter...

"What did Daadi say" she asked while looking elsewhere with a serious expression..

"Ohhh hmmm Daadi said.. that she and Daadu had an arranged marriage so... if we want we can still continue with this marriage but with complete HONESTY!!!" i said stressing a bit more on the word honesty...

Whatever that meant to her in her head she was swallowing her saliva and next second started coughing...

I controlled my laugh and quickly got up and gave her a glass of water.

She slowly gulped the entire glass down...

My little Nervous Nelli... God alone knows what and all she pictured in her little brain!!! Not that I mind!!!

"Its ..Its ok Siya... take your time.. we can answer Daadi by tomorrow... anyways..I know its not going to be very easy for you as well... Take your time... " I said and got up from the bed...

While she held my hand and asked "What do you want?"

I raised my one eyebrow and said "You"

She looked at my face

"You....r decision will be mine Siya... I meant our decision... You tell me.. what you want... I anyways dont have any OTHER girl in my head..." I said

And next second she asked "Any OTHER means.. you... you are OK with me?"

Tooooo smart...

"Yeahhh I mean... I dont mind an arrange marriage... Its fine! But your decision matters... I dont want you to rush through.. Take your time... " I said and started walking away...

While I slowly saw her deep into her thoughts...

Think Siya Think!

I want you to think over this...

Because once you say yes...

Believe me!



And madness!!!

Thats all will be on your way sweetheart!!!

saying I walked out of the room with a smile on my face while outside my entire gang was standing to question me like FBI agents!

"What did she sayyyyy" they asked in unison...

I laughed and said "She needs time guys!!!She has come out from coma ! let herthink about it and ya... no one will influence her ok! I want it to come from her... If she wants this marriage or not!"

"And you???" Esha asked...

" I have even named our children mentally happy?"i said while they all did a


Damn these idiots!!!

The nurse hushed us infact even Esha who works here as a doctor LOL!!!

But yes... everyone wanted to know if Siya was ready for this marriage...

I dont know if there is love from her end...

But if she says yes....

I am going to make her fall in love with me not just for this lifetime for next 100 lives!!!

I love you Siya...

And I will wait to hear it from you... Forever...


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