Sharp Jagged pieces of Heart

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Marco's pov :

I didn't know how long I was laying on the cold concrete I was to numb to move like as ice had frozen my veins coiling a hot wire around my beating heart. My eyes burned from the tears I had shed. I just wanted to curl up into a ball for the rest of my life.

Why did I have for fall so hard for star?!

I shut my eyes first Jackie now star "why can't anybody love me" I mumbled to myself against my chapped lips. I turned my body so I laid sprawled eagle staring at the sky's which had turned night time already which I could tell by the glowing white stars Watching a shooting star go by.

I closed my eyes and wished

"I wish someone would notice me, i-i wish I was somebody who belonged in society
Not awkward 15 year old Marco Diaz who isn't popular, who isn't popular not marco Diaz, n-not marco diaz" Marco swallowed the lump in his throat holding back the tears".


End of pov :

A few moments passed and Marco sighed feeling the rain start pouring again he gets up wincing as the Sharp gravel digs into his soft delicate skin. He sighs
  "Of course nothing has happened who would listen to me".

Retreating back home Marco pulls his hoodie over his head. Shivering his teeth chattering with each Sharp cold breath he took. In minutes Marco arrives home. He could see the lights on and the frantic ms.diaz through the open Curtains.
Stepping onto the platform Marco picks out his key and shoves into lock.

   Stepping inside Marco sees his parents stop chattering away panicky in the kitchen coming to his aid "Marco where have you been?!" Yelled out ms.diaz, while removing his soaked traditional red hoodie. "You had us all worried, you've been gone for 5 hours!" Marco widened his eyes. "I was?!" Concern spread across mr & ms Diaz.
"Marco are you feeling well?" "Yeah why?" "You don't know how long you've been out, star even when out to look for you all over town" he grimaced at the name.
  "I'm okay, I'm just going to take a nap mom,dad" "si Hijo, you need some sleep".
Not hearing the rest Marco sprinted upstairs into his room. Slamming the door.

Breathing heavy against the door, Marco threw his head back hitting the door, not waisting time taking off his dirty clothes Marco pulled on his pajamas.

   Flicking off the lights Marco gets into bed closing his eyes falling instantly deep asleep
A few moments later suddenly a golden light flashes across Marcos whole skin dancing across and skidding the room it blooms into a bright gold aurora it emits for minutes till it disintegrates into his sleeping body.

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