Lights Out

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I went to the beach and there I saw Jamie. He was sitting on the stairs of a playhouse with another guy with brown hair and wearing glasses.

I slowly approach them but before I could do anything I stop to hear what they were saying, which apparently was about me.

"I just want Y/N and Jack to be together again, I know she is my sister. Harry, Why wont anyone believe me? All I'm saying is true-"

" Jamie, it's OK. I too know that she is your sister, she is the girl with you on the car crash, but she and Jack don't know each other, how could you say that? It's OK to have a big imagination but this has to sto-" he stopped because he must have heard me step on a twig.

He looked up at me and smiled, so did Jamie.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt you, I was just here to grab Jamie and bring him back to Amelia. I'm Y/N Stone by the way, " I said as I pulled out my hand for him to shake. He took it and we shook his hand

"Nice to meet you, my name is Harry Hurricane, I'm Jamie's....... Friend....... Psychiatrist.... " he whispered the last part like he doesn't want him to know

Grant Gustin as Harry Hurricane aka Hiccup Haddock (How To Train Your Dragon)

"sorry again but I need to bring Jamie
back before Amelia does something that the whole town would regret on voting Her " I grab Jamie's hand who was actually holding a black cat. It jumped off, and curled itself around Harry

"you probably should, I know how cranky she can get when it comes to her son " the cat purred as he scratch it's forehead but when he stops it tried to attack him.

"alright Toothless, calm down. Anyways maybe I can take you to her by my car, her house is a long way from her "

Toothless? That's a weird name for a cat. I'm just gonna put that aside, and take his offer

"sure, I hate going the long way. "

Fairytale Pass

I was going through Berk to take a rare Dragon crystal. Since I'm not actually an expert on dragons, I do know someone who does.

Remember, i came from the real world, so I know someone who calls himself the Dragon Master, or Dragon Prince as they say.

I sit at the edge of the cliff waiting for what seems like hours till I spotted something black. I knew what it was

With a smirk I grab my wand and turned it into a whistle,

Playing an outgoing tune that dragon seems to come closer.

Hiccups POV

As I was soaring high with Toothless, i heard a flute playing an outgoing melody. Toothless seems to be in a trance because of it. I tried to wake him up., but then he dive down to a cliff.

Making me scream in surprise. What in the world is he doing?

We landed roughly, making me thrown off by Toothless. The playing stopped, I swear whoever did that is gonna-

"Hiccup Haddock? " a female voice asked. I looked up to see a hooded figure standing before me.

She pulled out a hand to help me up and I gladly took it. Wiping off the dust that was in my suit, I look at her a bit angry and curious. She was dressed in white and gold, and in her right hand was a glass pen.

Putting the pieces together, I know she's the Guardian of Stories.

"So your the so called author of our lives, the one who comes and helps us in our life, what trouble am I getting into " she laughed at that, she was also wearing a mask so that I couldn't recognize her face

" I guess my reputation precedes me, but no, I'm not here to help you,

I'm here so you can help me, help someone  "

Back to the Storybrooke present

It was a long ride,but it wasn't like with Aster except the ride was a bit relaxing since Harry is a really nice person. I see that he doesn't just study psychology, but also an expert  on animals and an inventor.

We had a long talked, I told him about my life as he told his. But he asked me a question, that I can't clearly answer directly

"So what do you think about Jack? I actually saw you two in the cafe, I have never seen him so happy, hes my bestfriend. And u think you two look really good together ."

I was quiet, whenever I hear his name, I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Then I heard Harry laugh.

"OhMyGodYouLikeHimToo " he inhaled and continued to laugh as Jamie snickered, I gave him a glare telling him not mess with his so called sister. I do feel like his sister though, and Harry feels like an old friend

Fairytale Pass

Me and Hiccup entered the cave, where a silvertail dragon live. We didn't bring Toothless along because Hiccup says that this dragon has hypnotic eyes that can make any dragon do what it commands?

How is that possible?

"Your real name is Y/N right?"

The fudge how did he know, I stopped and saw him chuckle.

"Dont worry,i won't tell anyone, if your wondering how it was Jack who told me "

"You know each other? "

"We met when he rescued me and my girlfriend, Astrid from an avalanche "

A small oh escape my mouth as I just stare blankly at the light my wand produce.

"Youd make a cute couple by the way, " I was a bit embarrassed by this,so I walked faster and I hear him apologize but light chuckles would escape his goofy smile

We reached where we wanted to be, the silver tail was asleep so we can just grab the glowing opal gem

Until we heard a huge roar,


Returning to Storybrooke

We arrive at Amelia's house, and also she was there,once she saw Jamie she ran to him
And hug him.

"I'm so glad your ok,oh and by the way your grounded "


"No buts! You worried me, and now go to your room mr."

Jamie stomped off, and entered the house, amelia sighed then glared back at me

"I want you to leave this town right away, you have created enough trouble and i do not want anymore of you. Jamie and his stupid imaginations. "

She stomped off, and went back to her home.

I sighed then I felt Harry squeezing my shoulder,

"Dont listen to her, you have the right to do whatever you want. Listening to her won't- "
I shut him up before he could say anything

"I'm sorry Harry, but I dont feel like I belong here, I really should be going, just  take me to the cafe I have my own ride "

Fairytale World

Me and Hiccup are running for our lives as the silver metallic dragon chases us. We were almost at the entrance till Hiccup trip and fell.

I stopped and help him up, his metal leg was gone, there was no time so the dragon catch up with us

"Psycorum Muros! " I yelled, creating a wall, giving us some time to escape.

I helped Hiccup walked out and we saw the bright sun again, and Toothless who instantly pounces on Hiccup. And is now licking his face in relief.

I also sighed in relief, thanking Hiccup for his time, i went off.
I pulled out the opal that we stole, and went out to nearest tree shade.

Waiting for my client,

"you actually did it, well I'm not surprised, I mean your the Storyteller after all, what you say, goes "

I jumped a bit to turn and saw Pitch.
I sighed and gave him what he wanted.

"a deals a deal " I said


I was about to open my car door till I heard my name,

"Ms. Stone! My, my, where are you going? " Mr. Black asked

" Black, I need to go back, I have to go...... home " I hesitated to call it home, it was never home.

Mr. Black notice and gave me a tight squeeze in the shoulder.

"They say Home is where your heart is, but by the look on your face, it feels like you don't know if it's home to you. Y/N, if you ever need to sleep in, Titania has a lovely room for you to stay "

I nodded and thank him for his offer, I went inside the car. I bid him goodbye, and left.

Along the way, I feel so sad. My heart aches every minute I drive. I closed my eyes for a minute to see the same blue ones. I can even hear his chuckles, and

"wait for me to come home.... "


I open my eyes to see a white wolf in the middle of the road, making me panic. I made a quick turn which is an utter mistake cause the next thing you know

Lights out....

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