My Monster

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This is the short story.

"Dad! Stop!" I shouted, standing between him and Mark. Dad still didn't lower his cross bow, "Get out of the way Taylor."

"You can't kill him! You just can't!" I shouted.

Tears were gathering in my eyes as I was standing against my father. He was a big time hunter. He's been training me ever since I was 3, ever since a monster killed my mother...his wife. It destroyed him, and that is what made him stronger. He made me stronger so I can hunt down everything, and I mean everything, that is like that monster that killed mom.

Now I was 16 and of course a girl...and got interested in boys of course. What 16 year old girl wouldn't be interested in boys? I meet Mark at the park one day. He was dreamy and sweet. Dark black hair, bright blue eyes, and a perfect smile, he was everything to me. The only down side...he was a monster.

A vampire in fact.

He wasn't like any other vampire. He just doesn't want to suck human's blood and kill them. He wasn't just cold blooded. He was different.

Mark was behind me, on his hands and knees, blood oozing from his nose and he gripped his stomach from broken ribs. He was fighting against my dad and he sure beat him before he grabbed his gun.

"Step aside Taylor." Dad growled.

"Dad, please don't! Mark isn't like the other vampires!"

"How could you be sure, eh? He just attacked me."

"He did no such thing! You attacked him! He was just protecting himself!" I shouted, "Dad! Please don't kill him! I...I love him."

Dad looked at me with widen eyes and his cross bow lowered slightly, "What?"

"I love him. I love Mark."

Dad just looked at me, "H-How could you love a monster!"

"He isn't just a monster Dad....he's my monster."

Dad just couldn't believe what I was saying. I could tell that he was heartbroken. I betrayed him. I went with the monster's side than his. Dad raised up his crossbow again and tighten his grip with his teary eyes, "Taylor, step aside or I will shoot." He said flatly and coldly.

"Shoot? You mean shoot me."

Dad didn't look at me in the eyes, "One last chance, Taylor."

I opened my mouth to say something but someone grabbed my hand, "It's okay Taylor." I looked back and down and saw Mark. He was still on his knees and in pain. "Mark, I can't-"

"You have too. It's fine. Trust me Taylor." Mark looked at me with his perfect glowing blue eyes. Tears stream down my cheeks, "Mark."


With that he gave me a slight push to the side and I went to that side and took a few steps back. I looked at him. I looked at his soft eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too."

I heard my Dad shifting his gun, "Goodbye demon."

I tried to look away as my Dad pulled the trigger to shoot Mark, but I couldn't. I had to see him, every second I could get. Dad pulled the trigger to release the arrow for the kill but it never came. Mark was still there. Mark was still alive...but he pulled the trigger. I heard the familiar Whoomp of the arrow being release. Where did it go?

Then I looked away from Mark and to my Dad. He had release the arrow but....

Looking down, I saw the arrow. It was in my stomach. Blood just ran down my lips as I fell to my knees.

"Taylor!" I heard Mark crying out, "No!"

All I could see was Dad, still holding the crossbow, with a cold and straight face. Why would he do this? How could he do this?

That is when I heard, what seems like a great distance away, was a hissed of a vampire that furious. I watched as Dad turn his head and his eyes widen as he quickly reached for another arrow but the arrow was different. It had green feathers at the end. This could only mean one thing. The arrow with green feathers is meant to trap the monster.

Sometimes we do this so we can interrogate them to get more information of where their clang is...At least...what we thought.

Mark was faster though, even though he was injured. He just flew up in the air and pounce on Dad. There was a fierce battle that I didn't see, because I fell completely to the ground, slowly feeling the lack of breath and vision taking me over.

I don't know how long I lay there, but I knew within a minute I would be gone.

"Taylor!" A voice came with a body that held me close. The voice was crying as they held me close. The head cradle against my neck, "I'm so sorry, Taylor. I'm so sorry." The voice kept repeating for a few more times into my ear. Then they kissed my neck, "I promise myself I will never do this..." Before I knew it, there was this sharp pain in my neck. I gave a small gasp in pain.

At first it hurt, and then I started to feel this warm fuzzy feeling at the end. That was the only thing that was warm. My whole body started to grew cold and numb.

Then they release my neck. I could hear him panting as he licked his lips. He went back and licked my neck, my guess to stop the bleeding.

"Please forgive me, Taylor." He whispered in my ear.

Numbly I felt myself being picked up in a bridal style carry. I couldn't feel the arrow in me...I couldn't feel the rest of my body either.

As we left that place, that place that I once was a monster hunter. Didn't think that my own father would pull the trigger at the demon, the demon child he has for choosing monsters than humans. Does it matter now?

A promise that was broken.

A heart that was broken.

A life that will never be the same.

A life that has die.

I'm now a different person.

With Mark by my side...

It doesn't matter now.

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