//14 - healing pt.2

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A.N: authors note is at the end today, because it contains sorta spoilers?

Concept: Cal finds something that may help Harry with his anxiety.

[2550 words approx.]


Freezy POV

It's been nearly a week since the start of Harry's episode, and so far, he doesn't seem to have got much better. He sleeps very little, and only eats when I remind him to. Mostly, he keeps to his room too, but for the last few days, he's been coming out to sit in the front room with Lux and I. It is a small improvement, even if it's only for an hour each time.

His leg has got better too. Thankfully, nothing got infected, and everything is healing as well as it could be. He can walk again more comfortably, and can bend it without opening any of the cuts too. After staying in one spot for a while though, he will still move with some difficulty.

I've been sleeping in his room as well, even if it is just to keep him company. I always try to make sure that I only go to sleep once he's dozed off, so that I don't miss anything. Needless to say, I'm quite tired. But if it means that he's safe, and not alone, I find that I don't really mind.

Lux knows that we're working things through together at the moment, even if it doesn't really show. Our current relationship is a simple one; consisting of relaxed hugs, and just being within each other's presence almost all the time. I'm happy like this, and he seems to be benefiting from it too.

During the week, I've also done a lot of research into depressive episodes. This has mainly been through the internet, but Harry has managed to answer a few questions for me too. One thing that I found particularly struck me though. A certain thing that could help him.

After mulling it over for a little while, I did some further searching to find a place where I can get one from. The only problems are, that they're very expensive, and that the closest reliable place to get one is nearly four hours away. But it's worth it. If it could help him, it's worth it.

So today, I'm travelling north, to go and pick it up. I've left Harry asleep with a note, telling him that I've gone out for the day to get something. Lux knows where I'm going, and has promised to keep an eye on Harry until I get back later.

I'm a little worried about leaving him for the day, but I trust Cal to look after him. They're not as close as me and Harry, or even me and Lux, but they know each other well enough. It will be fine.

I breathe out slowly, and start the car. It's gonna be a long day.



Harry comes rushing into my room at about half seven, and shakes me roughly from my sleep.

"Cal!" He shouts, waving a small note in my face. I blink at him tiredly, and resist the urge to smack him for waking me up so brutally. "Did you know about this?"

I sit up slowly, leaning back against my headboard, and rub my hands over my face. "Know about what, Bog?"

He hands me the note. It reads 'Going on a road-trip for the day. I'll be back later. Lux will keep you company. There's loads of snacks, so remember to eat. X'. I did know that Cal was going away to get something, but I assumed that he had already spoken to Harry about it.

"Where's he gone? When will he be back?" Harry demands, looking anxious. He's become quite dependant on Freezy over this last week, so it was definitely a bad idea for Cal to leave without saying something first. Harry looks lost without the taller boy.

"Haz, I need you to calm down. Sit," I say, and pat the bed. He scowls at me warily, but perches himself on the edge of my bed. "I don't know much more than you. He's gone to get something, but it's about an eight hour trip there and back. He said that he would try to be back by about three."

Harry raises his eyebrows, confused. "What could be possibly be buying?"

I shake my head at him. "No idea mate. I think it's for you though."

His expression changes to surprise. "For me?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is," I clarify.

"Oh," he says, simply.

"Anyway Boggo, we have the flat to ourselves for a while without that wretched giraffe lurking around," I joke, earning a slight smile. "What do you fancy doing?"

He shrugs. "Dunno. Movies?"

"Sure mate. If you go pick some out, I'll be with you in a minute," I respond.

"Okay," he says, and gets up from the bed, limping only slightly as he makes his way towards the door. I sigh once I'm certain that he's gone. It pains me to see him like this, so vulnerable. Fragile. He's one of my best friends.

I've been instructed by Cal to just keep him company, and also to make sure I don't accidentally overwhelm him. I've never been the best at reading people, but Harry when he's like this is even harder.

Anything could set him off. He takes everything very personally, even if it's nothing to do with him. He switches between somewhat okay and emotional at the drop of a hat. He doesn't cope well with anything loud or unexpected. With any luck, he'll be alright today, and Cal's idea might help him.

I roll out of bed, and wander slowly into the front room. Harry is curled up at one end of the sofa, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He looks up sharply upon hearing me enter the room, but relaxes slightly when he realises who it is. I walk in, and sit myself on the opposite end of the couch.

"What've we got?" I ask, and grin when he shows me the three films he's chosen.

"Cornetto Trilogy," he smiles back, and gestures to the TV, which has the loading screen for Shaun of the Dead.

"As long as we don't have to watch Worlds End, it sounds great," I joke. He considers this, but shakes his head at me.

"Nah, we're watching it," he responds, and gives me a teasing look.

"Bro, it's shit," I chuckle lightly.

"You're deluded Cal," he replies, and presses play to prevent any further argument. I turn my eyes back towards the screen. This could be a nice morning, I think to myself.


Harry POV

After calming down from the initial shock of waking up and finding Freezy gone, I find myself able to enjoy the quiet morning with Lux. He isn't quite as attentive as Freezy, but I don't really mind. It gives me a little bit of breathing room, which I'm grateful for.

Once the first film finished, we went into the kitchen to grab some food. Somehow, this simple task morphed into us making some of the worst food on the planet. I'm not even sure it could be described as food to be honest. The kitchen counters will never truly recover from our attempt at making cookie dough.

We settle down to watch Hot Fuzz with a bowl of cereal and a mug of tea each, and a huge bowl of popcorn between us. By that point, it's nearly ten. Neither of us have washed, or got dressed yet, so we agree to have a break to do that when this film finishes.

Hot Fuzz is brilliantly funny, and has both of us still laughing even after we finished it. Cal then declares a half hour break so that he can go and get washed and dressed. While he does that, I go up to my own room to change my clothes and shave at the very least. I can't shower at the moment because of my leg, so I just do the teenage boy equivalent and spray myself with a lot of deodorant.

I pull on a new pair of joggers, and a T-shirt, but find myself to still feel a little bit cold. An idea strikes me, so I head up to Freezy's room, and choose one of his hoodies to wear. It's a large fit on him anyway, so I'm practically drowning in it. But I feel warmer now, and comforted by his scent that surrounds me. Satisfied, I retreat back to my spot on the couch.

Lux comes back down at about twenty past twelve, with damp hair, now dressed in a large, fuzzy jumper, and jeans. When he sits down, we begin to debate over wether we are actually going to watch Worlds End or not. I win, claiming that it's necessary to watch all three films together.

Reluctantly, he puts the disk in, and we start the movie. I have to admit, it isn't as good as the other two, with it's weird concept and crazy plot line. But the actors still make it enjoyable.

At about quarter past two, the film ends, and we both get up to stretch out for a bit. Freezy should be back soon. Cal makes us both some more food, and we decide to start yet another film to help pass the time quicker.

And so, with half an hour until Cal's return, we settle down to watch Paul. We thought this would be good to watch seeing as it also stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, similarly to the Cornetto Trilogy.

During the movie, I can't help but keep obsessively checking the time. The minutes tick by slowly, but eventually, Lux gets tired of my antics, and confiscates my phone.

About half way through the film, I hear the front door open. I pause the movie quickly, and get stiffly to my feet. When I reach the top of the stairs, I am met by Freezy, who grins at me.

"Harold!" He exclaims, and wraps me up in a hug. I snake my arms around his waist happily, hugging him back, breathing in his familiar scent, not wanting to let him go. He chuckles lightly, and rests his chin on top of my head. After a minute or two, we pull away, and he gives me an excited look.

"Where'd you go?" I ask, as he takes my hand, and leads me back into the living room.

"I went on a road trip Boggo! And I got something for you," he responds, and gestures for me to sit back down on the sofa.

"What is it?" I inquire while retaking my seat, feeling a little bit suspicious of him. What could he possibly of needed to travel halfway up the country to get for me?

"All will be revealed," he says, mysteriously. "But I've done a lot of research into this. Hopefully, it should help to reduce some of your anxiety, and it also might help to maximise the time between your episodes."

I give him a confused look. What miraculous thing could he of possibly bought that will somehow do all that? I'm a bit skeptical to say the least, but since he spent half a day going to get whatever it is, I suppose it's worth a try.

"So Harold, I need you to close your eyes while I go and get it," he continues. I roll my eyes at him, but comply anyway. His footsteps recede quickly down the stairs, and I don't hear anything for a couple of minutes. Just as I begin to wonder where he's gone, I hear him coming back upstairs, much more slowly this time.

"Oh my God, Cal," Lux's voice comes from his seat near me. He sounds pleasantly surprised.

"Okay Harry, I'm going to put it in your lap, be careful," Freezy warns, and next thing I know, something small, and warm is on my legs. Something soft. Something... alive. I open my eyes to find a tiny, Burmese kitten sat in my lap. She blinks sleepily up at me with huge, green eyes.

My heart melts instantly. "Holy shit!" I breathe. "She's so cute Cal. Is she really for me?" He nods, and I grin at him excitedly. I reach down carefully, and stroke the cats velvety head. She begins purring quietly.

"She's all yours. A purebred Burmese, from one of the most reliable places in the country. That's just to make sure she has the right temperament though," he explains, and comes to sit down between myself and Lux. Subtly, I take his right hand in my left.

"How old is she?" Asks Lux, looking at the adorable bundle in my lap. She quickly stands up, stretches, turns around a few times, and then settles back down to go to sleep. I gently run my finger over the fur on her back.

"She's twelve weeks," says Freezy. "She looks smaller though, because she was the runt of the litter." He rubs the pad of his thumb over my knuckles, as the three of us watch the little cat doze off.

"Does she have a name?" I inquire, and tear my gaze away from her to grin at Cal.

"Not yet. You can name her," he suggests. I wrack my brains, searching for a name that suits her.

"Ginny," I say randomly, and the other two smile at me.

"Nice," Freezy replies, and loops his arm around my shoulders loosely. "Ginny it is."

"Have you already bought stuff for her?" Questions Lux, vaguely. "Like, I dunno, food, bowls, litter tray, that kind of thing?

"All taken care of my friend," grins Freezy. "Everything is downstairs." I feel a sudden surge of gratitude towards the taller man sat next to me. It's only really now sinking what he's done this for me. He's got me a cat.

"Thank you so much Cal. You have no idea how much this means," I beam at him, and lean across to press a shy kiss to his cheek. When I pull away, he blushes, and looks down at his lap, trying to regain his composure.

"No problem Dinho," he mumbles, before picking his confidence back up again. "Right. I've got some stuff that I learned which I need to tell you about Emotional Support Animals," he announces loudly, clapping his hands together in a businesslike manner. Lux groans.

"Shush you. I'll make it quick," laughs Freezy. "So, Burmese are one of the best breeds to be used as an ESA. They're loving, good at picking up on moods, intelligent, and quite loyal too. So Harry is going to need to spend time over the next few weeks building a bond with Ginny to get the most out of having her in the long run."

"So pretty much, stay away from Harry's cat?" Says Lux, in a joking tone.

"Pretty much," replies Freezy, with a chuckle. I lean further into his side, and rest my head on his shoulder. His arm wraps more tightly around me, and he kisses the top of my head. I could get used to this.

"You guys are cute, ya know?" Comments Lux, and I can't help the smile that makes its way onto my face.

"I know we are," grins Freezy.

"Not you dumbass. Harry and Ginny," Lux responds, with a wicked grin on his face.

Freezy pouts. "You're such a dick, Cal."

"I know."


A.N: just a quick couple of things. normally, you need to have recommendation from your therapist or doctor to get an official ESA. however, in this story, harry doesn't have a therapist, so ginny is his unofficial ESA. cats don't need special training to become ESAs, they just need to have the right temperament (which is why cal bought a purebred burmese). they may not work for everyone, this is just one method of reducing anxiety.

the cat in this oneshot is based off my step mums unofficial ESA (also called Ginny), who is shown above. :)

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