//26 - a day in the life

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A.N: yesss update. it happened a few days ago now, but just wanted to say thank you for over 3k reads, and 200 votes. it means a lot, especially from the people who have supported my work from the beginning. anyway, a little bit of domestic fluff today, because i wanted to. and ginny the cat is back! :)

Concept: A day in the life of married Wroetofreezy.

[2710 words approx.]


Harry POV

I'm woken up by deep purrs rumbling though my body, and a rough tongue tickling my nose. I slowly open my eyes to find Ginny perched on my chest, and busily licking my face in an attempt to wake me up. I laugh gently, and raise a hand to stroke her head.

"Good morning Gi-Gi," I whisper, knowing that Cal is probably still asleep. "If you want me to feed you, you need to get off," I say, but Ginny just stays where she is, watching me with her huge green eyes.

I lift her gently off me, and sit up against the headboard, grabbing my phone. The time reads 11:14am, so it's probably about time we got up. I'll leave Cal for a minute though, I think, smiling as I look over to watch him sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Come on then you," I say, getting out of bed and picking Ginny up to cradle her in my arms. Quietly, I pad through our house and into the kitchen, with Ginny still purring contentedly. I place her down in front of her bowl, and fill it for her.

"Bon Appetit," I murmur, ruffling the fur on her head gently before leaving the room. I head back into our bedroom, sliding into bed beside Cal again. Carefully, I run my fingers through his hair, and lean down to press a long kiss to his mouth. After a moment, I pull away, and feel him stir.

"Morning babe," he says, voice slightly croaky with disuse. He looks up at me with a smile, his eyes still slightly glassy. He reaches out for me, hands gripping my waist and dragging me closer to him.

"Hey," I smile, enjoying my position above him, propped up on my elbows.

"What time is it?" He asks, looking only slightly more awake than he did before.

"Late. We need to get up, and do things," I muse, but he scoffs.

"Things can wait," he responds, moving one of his hands to cup the back of my head, and pulling me down for a slow kiss. I can't help but smile against his lips, despite knowing exactly what he has in mind.

After a minute, he rolls us over, so that he's leaning over me, with a smirk on his face.

"You're certainly a lot more awake now," I tease, and his hands move around underneath the loose fitting T-shirt I'm wearing.

"Since this is an option, yes I'm awake," he says, between pressing open mouthed kisses along my the underside of my jaw.

"You're so stupid," I say, no malice behind my words, looking down at him With fondness in my eyes.

"And you're the one who married me," he shrugs, kissing gently down my neck, without leaving any marks.

"Touché babe."


It's nearly midday when we finish showering after a bout of lazy morning sex. We now stand together in the kitchen, making coffee, and food.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I ask, hopping up to sit on the kitchen counter. Cal turns around and gives me a disapproving look, but says nothing.

"Well, the house needs cleaning, general things like that," he says, putting a few bits of bacon into the pan, and watching them carefully.

"That's boring," I whine, and he laughs at me.

"You never want to do any housework," he says, amusement in his voice.

"Who would want to do housework?" I retort.

"Nobody babe, it still has to be done though," he laughs, sparing a glance back at me. "Can you pass me my coffee please?"

"Sure. I've got an idea," I say, getting down from the counter for a minute to give Cal his drink.

"Thanks. What's this idea?" He asks, sounding interested.

"What if, I paint the fence this morning?" I suggest, and he just laughs at me again.

"You really don't want to do chores do you?" He teases, and I huff at him gently.

"No," I mutter, and he turns around for a second to grin at me.

"It's fine. You can paint the fence if you want. I don't mind cleaning," he says, taking the now cooked bacon out of the pan, and placing it all on a plate.

"Are you sure Cal?" I ask.

"Yeah, positive," he says, coming over and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Just do a good job of the fence, please," he requests, only half joking. I smile at him.

"It won't be half-arsed, I promise," I say, following him into the dining room. He's brought bread, ketchup and bacon with him, so I can only assume that's breakfast. He does make the best bacon though, so I can't complain too much.

"Good," he says, taking a seat at the table. I sit down beside him, in my usual spot.

"What time are we meeting the boys today?" I ask, plating up some food for myself.

"At four. So we need to leave at about half two," Cal says.

"Oh yeah, because we're going up to Vikk and Tobi's this time," I respond, taking a bite out of the bacon sandwich I've now constructed.

"Yep," says Cal. "So we've got about two hours to get everything done. As soon as I'm finished, I'll come and help you with the fence."

"Sounds good."



I finish all of the housework much later than I expected. It's nearly two already when I step out into the garden, with Ginny following behind me. She usually sticks to Harry, but it was too hot for her outside, so she stayed indoors with me today.

"Harry? Are you nearly done-" I get cut off by a laugh as I finally catch sight of Harry. He's absolutely covered in paint. He turns around to look at me, confused as to why I'm laughing at him.

"What's funny? I've finished the fence," he says, raising a brow and walking over to me.

"How the hell did you manage to get so much paint all over you?" I wheeze, leaning heavily against the wall of the house. He frowns at me.

"Surely it's not that bad," he responds. I lift up my hand to his face, and wipe away some paint from his cheekbone with the pad of my thumb, before showing it to him.

"There's more on you than there is on the fence," I chuckle.

"Whatever," he pouts.

"Go and have a shower. We've got about half an hour before we need to go," I say, and step back inside. "Take off your shoes first babe, I've just cleaned," I say, and he looks up at me with a face that just says 'really?', before kicking off his shoes. He's about to walk past me, but I lay a hand on his chest to stop him.

"What now?" He asks, a hint of amusement to his tone.

"Love you," I smile, seeing a grin playing on the corners of his mouth.

"Love you too," he says, leaning in to give me a brief kiss. "Now, let me go and shower."


"Hey, Cal, can you change the song please?" Harry asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

"What? Why?" I say.

"Because it's shit," he laughs.

I gasp in mock offence. "Excuse me, but nothing by Queen is shit."

"Most of them aren't. But this song is stinky," Harry says.

"Stinky? Really babe? What are you, fifteen again?" I laugh.

"Maybe. Whatever I am, I'm still younger than you," he quips, sparing a glance at me.

"Damn, that one stung Haz," I say, clutching my chest dramatically. He just giggles at me.

"Whatever, drama queen. Can you change the song now please?" He asks again.

"It's nearly finished babe, just wait like thirty seconds," I say, and he rolls his eyes but doesn't argue.

"Oh no, another Queen song," I say sarcastically when the next track to come on is Brighton Rock. "Want me to turn this one off too?"

"No actually, this ones a banger. Turn it up," he requests, not looking over at me. I can see his fingers tapping on the wheel. I smile at him softly, and spin the volume dial so that the music fills the car.

Since we're on the motorway, and it's pretty empty, I feel Harry floor the accelerator, the car lurching forwards instantly. He puts the windows down, cool air rushing inside, and whipping our faces. The sound of the wind nearly drowns the music, so he reaches across to turn it up even more.

This simple act makes me feel young again. Harry always manages to make me feel this way. Carefree. The feeling of the wind in my hair, and the sound of the music is thrilling. When I look across at Harry, he's grinning from ear to ear, yet still focusing intently on the road. I close my eyes, and just enjoy all the passing lifetimes that I'm living right now.

Eventually though, we catch up with some other cars, meaning Harry has to slow down to a reasonable speed again. He rolls the windows back up, and turns the music down to its original volume. He finally looks across at me when we slow to a stop in some heavy traffic.

"That was awesome," he says breathlessly. I just grin at him.

"Fuck yeah it was," I reply, reach across to lay my palm on his thigh.

"It feels weird to think that I used to do that kind of shit all the time," he says wistfully.

"We all did," I say. "But you were definitely the worst for it."

He laughs at me. "Do you remember when I went on that roadtrip with the boys, and I got super drunk, and then fell off their car?"

"Yeah, I remember that," I say, smiling. "Wish I could have been there."

"It was great," he says. "You remember the first night of Mykonos with Lux?"

"I don't think any of us really remember it too well," I laugh. "That holiday was wild."

"It sure was," Harry agrees.

"You want to know something?"

"What, Cal?"

"I think that Mykonos was the first time I realised just how much I loved you," I say, and he looks over at me again.

"You waited nearly two years to tell me?" He laughs. "And then a week after you told me, you went half-way across the country to buy me a fucking cat."

"Yep, I did that," I say. "So how old does that make Ginny now then?"

"Five and a half?" He says, seeming unsure. "If you can find her papers, I'm pretty sure they have her birthdate on them."

"We've been together for about that long, so that sounds plausible," I say.

"On a similar note, our first wedding anniversary is next month," Harry says, taking one hand off the wheel and placing it on top of mine. "Do you want to do anything for it?"

"I don't mind babe. What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"I thought maybe we could go away for a few days, a week at a stretch," he says, looking at me hopefully.

"Sure Haz, whatever you fancy."


Harry POV

We arrive at Vikk and Tobi's house a little bit early, but they don't seem to mind at all. Vikk is the one who greets us, leading us both into their huge garden, where Tobi is nursing the barbecue. The three of us then just lounge around in chairs by the pool, exchanging conversation and waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Ethan comes first, along with his long term girlfriend, Libby. Next it's Josh and Freya. Then Lux and his girlfriend, Mia. And finally, JJ and Simon.

The twelve of us all just sit together, eating food, the ones who aren't driving with alcoholic beverages, just talking about what's been going on for each of us. It all feels so natural still, despite the fact that we've all gone our separate ways in most respects. Whenever we do our meeting every month, it takes very little time to fall back into the same easy going banter there always is between us.

Everyone has a lot to tell.

Tobi and Vikk tell us about their plans to finally get married. They decided that they're in a secure enough position to do so, with the support of both of their families and friends, despite any prior worries they had. Vikk wears his engagement ring with pride, explaining that Tobi had only proposed only a couple of weeks ago now. And they told us that naturally, we're all invited to their wedding in December.

Lux and Mia tell us about how the two of them have finally moved in together, meaning neither have to worry about traveling so far to see each other any more. They've also bought a dog, called Misty, who they were going to bring with them, but didn't because they weren't sure if we were bringing Ginny or not.

Ethan and Libby probably have the biggest news out of everyone. Ethan tells us that a couple of weeks ago, they found out that Libby has fallen pregnant. Despite the fact that they've been in a relationship for nearly three years, her parents are unsupportive since the couple aren't married yet. But they say that they have no plans to marry in the near future, and in the politest way possible, her parents could shove their views where the sun doesn't shine.

Freya and Josh don't really have much to tell. They've been taking it easy for a little while, since Josh started having anxiety attacks from overworking himself. Thankfully though, Josh seems to be doing a lot better now, the last time we saw him, he seemed very unsettled.

Simon and JJ are doing well. The two of them have moved into a bigger house now, since the two of them are planning to look into fostering and adoption. They've been together for nearly a year and a half now, and everyone's still surprised how well it's going for the both of them. Happy, but surprised, that Simon is putting up with JJ so well.

After that, we all just talk about random things, retelling old stories and just bantering together, until the sun begins to set. It's about 9pm when Cal and I finally manage to drag ourselves away, and start the long journey home.

And as exhausted as I feel after it all, I love days like these more than anything.


"Hey Harry?" Cal says, and I can see him looking over at me in my peripheral vision. I can't take my eyes off the dark road though.

I hum in response.

"Do you want to pull over and we can switch? You look tired," he offers, laying a hand gently on my knee.

"I'm fine Cal, don't worry. You can't drive anyway, you were drinking earlier," I say.

"I didn't have that much. If you get too tired, tell me and we can swap."

I spare a grateful glance at him. "Thank you."


We finally make it home at half ten. Neither of us have any interest in staying up, instead just getting straight into bed together.

"Do you want to put the TV on for a little bit?" Cal asks, lying down beside me. I curl myself into his side, resting my head on his chest.

"Sure, I don't mind," I reply, with a yawn.

"If you want to go to sleep, don't let me keep you up," he says, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head. "I'll probably only watch like, half an episode of something."

"Okay babe," I say, settling down further. I feel him raise a hand to my head, and begin running his fingers gently through my hair. I get lost almost instantly in the soothing feeling, closing my eyes against it.

It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep, listening to the TV, and Cal's heartbeat. My mind whirs, slowly picking through the memories that I made today. Thinking about the time I spent with my loved ones. All of the happiness I felt. It makes me realise two things.

How lucky I am.

And how much I love my life.


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