//34 - piercings

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Concept: Cal enjoying Harry's obsession with getting piercings.

[2770 words approx.]



I like to think that Harry's obsession with piercings started with me.

About six months ago now, I dared him to get his right earlobe pierced, and see which of his fans would guess that he's gay. But since then, he's just kept getting more and more.


"Come on Haz! It'll be funny," I say, as we walk into the piercing studio. The smaller boy beside me is shifting nervously.

"I don't know man. My mum is gonna flip," Harry says, running his hands through his hair.

"It's your body, she can't tell you what to do with it," I say, and he rolls his eyes. "Plus, if you don't like it, you can just take it out."

Harry sighs. "I guess. But isn't it gonna hurt?"

"Mate, I got my ear pierced once, and it doesn't hurt that much, I promise you," I reassure him, patting his shoulder gently.

"Alright. Let's do it," he says, and leads me up to the counter.

"Hi," says the shop assistant, an amused edge to her tone. "Decided if you're gonna do it or not?" She asks, giving Harry a smirk. He just looks at her blankly.

"I mean- wait, how did you know that's what we were taking about?" Harry asks, confusion apparent on his face.

"I'm not stupid, and I've worked here for way too long. I watch people have that conversation about five times a day, at least," she says humorously. "So, what do you want doing?"

Harry looks at her nervously. "I don't know what it's called, uhhh-"

"He wants his right lobe done, with a bar," I cut in. Harry looks at me gratefully.

"Sure," she says. "That'll be a tenner." Harry hands the money, and she passed him a small card with a number on it.

"What's this for?" He asks.

"It tells the piercer what he's doing," she say. "If you want to go and take a seat in the other room, you shouldn't be waiting more than five minutes."

"Cheers," says Harry, and the pair of us make our way out onto the landing. There's nobody else there, and Harry's foot taps anxiously as we wait. It only takes about two minutes, before we're in the room and he's sat in the chair.

"Is this your first one?" Asks the guy who's meant to be piercing Harry. Harry nods, anxiously watching as the guy fiddles with a needle.

"Alright. Well, you look nervous, but that's fine. It isn't going to hurt much. I'll tell you before I'm going to do it, I've just got to clean your ear first," he explains, and Harry looks over to me.

"Holy shit this is actually happening," he breathes, making both me and the other guy laugh.

"Yep," the guy laughs, before drawing a small dot on Harry's ear. "Is this placement good?" He asks.

"Yeah, that's fine," Harry responds. He's gone a little pale, but looks kind of excited despite it.

"Okay. You're gonna feel a pinch, but relax. Take a deep breath in, and out," the guy says calmly. As Harry takes his breath in, the guy pushes the needle through his ear. Harry flinches slightly, and looks up at him.

"Was that it?" Harry asks, looking relieved.

"Yep, you're all done mate," the guy says, patting Harry's shoulder once he's done putting the piercing in.

"Oh damn, that was nothing at all," Harry says, getting to his feet, and moving over to look at himself in a mirror on the wall. "I like how it looks," he grins, turning his head to admire the titanium ball on the front of his ear.

"I told you Harold," I say playfully, coming over to look at it. "You know what? It actually suits you."

"Thanks so much bro," says Harry, shaking hands with the piercing guy.

"It's alright. This letter has all the aftercare stuff in it, so make sure you give it a read. Infections are nasty," he says, handing Harry a sheet of paper.

"Okay. Thanks again," Harry says, and with that, we exit the room.


A couple of weeks later, Harry comes home with another piercing.

At first, I don't notice it, but when I'm sat right next to him, I see it straight away.

"Yo, Haz, when did you get that second one done?" I ask, pointing to his ear. There's another piercing, just behind his first one, another simple titanium ball.

"Earlier today actually. I just fancied it," he says with a shrug. "Does it look alright?"

"Yeah, it looks good," I say.

"I'm thinking of maybe getting my first changed to a small hoop, what do you think?" He asks. I just shrug.

"I'm sure whatever you like will look great," I smile, and can't help but notice him blushing slightly.

"Thanks Cal," he grins.


About a month after he got his second pierced, I go with him again while he gets his helix pierced.

"That one hurt more than the other two, but it still wasn't bad," Harry says as we exit the parlour once again. He's absolutely buzzing with excitement, a slight spring in his step.

"How many more do you plan on getting?" I ask, a slightly joking edge to my tone.

"I dunno Cal. A few more, maybe," he replies casually. I just laugh at him gently.

"I think I might have started something," I say, and Harry nudges me playfully.

"I'm glad you did, I'm absolutely loving it," he grins.

"I can tell," I say, taking a moment to admire his newest piercing. He got it done with a hoop this time, and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't look good on him. "Your newest one is definitely the hottest one you've got so far though," I blurt out, making him blush.

"Really?" He asks shyly. I smile at him gently, praying I'm not blushing too.

"Yeah, really," I murmur. He hums, seeming as if he's considering my words.

"Well, in that case, can I do something?" He asks, stopping in the middle of the deserted pavement.

I give him a quizzical look, standing directly in front of him. "Uhh, sure."

Hesitantly, Harry rests his hand on my forearm, and comes up onto his tip toes, before pressing a careful kiss to my lips. He pulls away almost immediately, looking at me expectantly.

"What was that for?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"I just felt like it," he says in an offhand manner, but I can see him blushing still. I growl at him lowly, and his expression changes to fear. "If you didn't like it, I'm sorry-"

I lean in to meet his lips again, successfully cutting him off. He makes a small noise of surprise as I wind my fingers into his hair, but kisses back slowly. I pull away after a minute, leaving us both a little short of breath.

"If you're going to kiss me, fucking do it properly," I say, smirking at his flustered expression. He moves back in, more hungrily this time, not bothered about the fact that we're kissing in the middle of the street.

I suppose this is as close as we're going to get to admitting our feelings for each other, for the time being anyway.


Nearly three weeks later, Harry comes home from a mysterious outing, claiming he has something to show me.

"Hey Cal?" Harry calls. I can hear him shutting the front door behind him, his keys jingling slightly.

"What's up Haz? I'm in the kitchen," I shout back.

"Okay, I got something to show you," he says, and I hear him padding into the room. I turn around to face him, and he has his hand over his mouth.

"What is it?" I ask. "You didn't get beat up did you? Why're you covering your mouth?"

"Alright, don't be mad, but you're probably not going to be able to kiss me properly for a while," he says, before taking his hand away. I gaze at him, admiring the new additions to his piercing collection.

He has a set of viper bites, on his right side. His lip looks a little swollen, but other than that, it looks great.

"They're hot as fuck," I say, smirking at him. "Sure I can't kiss you?"

"Yes Cal, I'm very sure, they're sore right now," he says, laying his hand my my chest in case I get any ideas.

"Don't worry, I won't," I say, seriously. He gives me a grateful glance.

"Thanks. They're probably going to take longer to fully heal than my other ones I've had, so I'm sorry about that," he says.

"Eh, I can live with it. It's not like I can't kiss you elsewhere," I say, leaning down to brush my lips over his jaw. He giggles at me, gripping my shoulders.

"That tickles," he objects, pretending to try and push me off. "Seriously though, the placement looks okay?" He asks. I pull away from his jaw for a second to look at his lip.

"Yeah, they look fine. As long as you're happy with them," I reassure him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I am," he smiles, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist.

"Well, that's all that matters then," I say, placing a kiss carefully to the opposite corner of his mouth to the piercings. "You look beautiful Harry."


Hazza: Hey Cal, guess what?

You: What Haz?

Hazza: I might of got a bit carried away today, and got two new piercings done, instead of just getting my lip rings changed ;)

You: Wait really? Can't wait to see them xx

Hazza: I'm coming upstairs now, can you let me in? I forgot my key...

You: Yeah sure <3

Hazza: I'm outside

You: Coming x

I hop quickly out of my seat, and race to get the door. I'm quite excited to see Harry's new piercings, although I'm not sure what they could be. It's been nearly a month and a half since he got his viper bites, and I've been expecting him to get something new for a week or so now. And of course he wouldn't have been able to resist if he was in the studio anyway.

"Hey Cal," smiles Harry.

"Okay, hold still," I say playfully, looking around him for the new additions. But I'm confused when I can only find one, another helix ring, just above where his other helix piercing is. I move back, and give him a confused look.

"What do you think?" He asks, giving me a look that I can't understand the meaning of.

"It looks good. But where's the second one?" I question, quirking a brow at him. He smirks at me.

"Do you want me to show you?" He murmurs, leaning in so that his mouth is right next to my ear. His hot breath against my skin makes me shiver.

"Yeah," I respond, grabbing onto his hips. He then runs his tongue lightly along the shell of my ear, and I feel a smooth piece of metal against my skin.

"Jesus Christ Harry," I breathe as he pulls away, looking incredibly pleased with himself. He pokes out his tongue, confirming my suspicions. There's a single titanium bar going through the middle of his tongue.

"You like it then?" He asks, and I chuckle lightly.

"Your lip rings already make kissing you even better, but something tells me that this new one is going to change the game when you give me head," I purr. He puts his tongue back into his mouth, and grins at me widely.

"I agree," he says. "But I've got to wait a little bit for it to heal first. It's really sore at the moment."

"It will be, you literally just got it done," I retort, and he gives me a small sarcastic smile. "How many more have you got left on your list now?"

"No more for the moment. Well, one more, but that's gonna be a surprise," he says, tapping his nose.

"I'll look forward to it."


Nearly two months later he gets his final piercing.

"Hey Cal, I got something to show you!" Says Harry excitedly, coming into my bedroom. I'm sat at my desk, and am meant to be working, but really I'm just scrolling through Instagram on my phone.

"What babe?" I ask, turning around in my gaming chair to look at him properly. He sits down on my bed, and gives me a shy grin.

"Might be difficult, but I'm gonna need you to keep your hands off," he teases, before grabbing the hem of his shirt, and pulling it over his head. Jesus fucking Christ. I think I'm about to die on the spot.

Harry has his right nipple pierced.

"I swear to God," I growl, getting out of my chair and pushing him back into my mattress, straddling his hips. He grabs onto my forearms gently, trying to keep me a safe distance away from his newest piercing.

"Cal, I got it done a week ago, but it's nowhere near healed yet," he warns. "It's gonna take near enough a year, nine months if I'm lucky, to fully heal. Please just be careful." I take what he's saying into consideration, but can't resist leaning down and capturing his lips.

He moans softly into my mouth, melting into the kiss. I'm being a little rough, but he doesn't seem to mind at all, winding his fingers into my hair, and kissing back with equal vigour. When I pull away, he laughs at me quietly.

"I thought you might like it," Harry smiles, playing with my hair.

"It's on you, of course I like it," I say, pressing a slightly more gentle kiss to his lips. "It makes you look even more hot." He blushes slightly at this.

"Whatever you say," he murmurs. "All I'm saying is, keep your filthy mouth away from it. These are a complete bitch if they get infected," he says, only half joking. I pout at him.

"That's no fun," I say. He grins at me.

"You'll get to have your fun. Just be patient," he says, pulling me down for another kiss. I hum quietly against his mouth.

"Come on then, let's have a proper look," I say once we pull away again, leaning back. He groans softly when I sit back heavily onto his crotch.

"Don't bloody do that," he complains, but I ignore him. I rest my palms on his ribs, and just sit admiring his newest piercing. Since he's had it done for a week, it isn't too swollen, but still looks quite fresh.

"Looks really good babe," I say, rubbing my thumbs gently along his skin.

"Thanks. Is there any chance of you getting off me now you've decided that it looks okay?" He teases. I get off him, and resume my seat in in my chair. He sits up, and pulls his shirt back on.

"You know your mum is gonna kill you when she sees it?" I say, and he sighs.

"Don't remind me."

// BONUS //

Harry and I have gone out to Guernsey for a couple of weeks this summer, so that he can spend time with his family, and we can enjoy the nice weather. We've all gone out to the beach together today, and Harry and I are getting ready to go for a swim.

"Harry Lewis, what is that?"

Harry turns back around to look at his mum, confusion apparent on his face.

"What's what mum?" He asks, and she glares back at him. She points to his chest, and when he looks down, he realises instantly what she's talking about.

"That bloody thing! You really got your nipple pierced?" She says, giving him a disapproving look. He sighs gently.

"Mum, I'm sorry. I like it though, so I'm not going to take it out," he says, glancing at her apologetically.

"For the record, I like it too Mrs. Lewis," I chime in, smirking at Harry. The two of them just send me a dirty look.

"Alright fine," she sighs, seeming defeated. "When did you get it done?"

"About a year ago," Harry says, grinning sheepishly.

"Really? And you didn't tell me?" She says.

"I thought you wouldn't like it!" Harry says exasperatedly.

"I don't like it. But it's your body. If you like it, I can't tell you to take it out," his mum said, seeming a little reluctant. Harry smiles at her gratefully.

"Thanks Mum," he says.

She waves a hand at him dismissively. "Sure. Go, take your boyfriend, and have a swim," she says, a grin on her face.


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