//36 - the charity match

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A.N: hi. it's been a little while, i'm sorry. i've been trying to get chapters finished in advance for my other book, which has resulted in basically no time to write new stuff for this. so this is a prewritten chapter i had in t he drafts, and i figured it's better than nothing, even if y'all were expecting TUW pt.2. if anyone knows how to fix a broken sleep schedule, pls tell me, i'm currently losing the will to live because i'm so tired lmao

Concept: Cal injures himself at the Charity Match, and Harry is there instantly to take care of him

[2020 words approx.]


Harry POV

I'm at the opposite side of the pitch when it happens.

One minute Cal is running elegantly with the ball, I look away for a split second, and he's on the floor. My stomach drops instantly, but I try to shake the feeling. Of course he's fine, right? But I can't just stand over here if he isn't. People are coming to surround him now. Something's off.

"Hey, I'm gonna go and see what's happening," I call to Ethan, who just nods. The only people that know Cal and I are dating are the Sidemen, and Lux. So Ethan understands why I need to go and see if he's okay.

I jog quickly over to the huddle of people. The fact that they haven't disbanded yet worries me. When I get there, I push gently between Lux and Simon, who are standing near Cal. Neither questions why I've left my position. They already know.

"I'm fine, I swear," insists Freezy, who's still sat on the ground, with his left leg bent at an awkward angle. I can hear him trying to mask the pain in his voice. "We need to carry on playing."

"We can carry on, but you need to get checked over. JJ has gone to get the medics," says Lux firmly. "Your leg doesn't look good mate."

"I'm fucking fine," spits Freezy, seeming frustrated. "It just looks bad because of how I'm sat. Now help me up, I'm carrying on." He glances around at his teammates, and none of them move to help him. "Fine, I'll do it myself then," he growls, putting all of his weight on his good leg and getting to his feet.

"See? I'm fine," he says, standing, but still not leaning on his other foot. He tries to take a stride forwards, but as soon as he shifts his weight to his bad foot, his ankle gives way, and he stumbles. I rush forwards, catching him before he falls.

"Harry? Why're you here?" He asks, confused.

"I saw you fall. C'mon, sit down," I say, helping back onto the grass. I kneel down beside him, and take a quick look over his leg. It's not good, his ankle already quite swollen.

"I'm fine Haz," he says, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"You can't even stand. That's not fine," I say, grabbing his hand.

"I'm the captain, for fucks sake. I can't just not play," he says, his tone slowly becoming more distressed. So that's what this is about.

"Cal, listen to me," I say gently, squeezing his hand, and looking him directly in the eye. "You cannot play like this. That won't help anyone. I need you to understand that, so we can get you off the pitch, and you can get checked over."

His confident attitude falters. "It really fucking hurts," he murmurs, quietly enough that only I can hear him. "But I don't want to let everyone down."

"You're not letting anyone down," I say, raising my other hand to cup his cheek gently, not caring who might be looking. "I know it hurts, but you're handling it so well." JJ has now arrived with medical personnel following him.

"Alright Callum. I'm Joyce, and this is Paul, we're going to be looking after you today," the woman says, kneeling down on Cal's other side. "Jide has just explained to us what happened. Is it only your ankle that's painful?"

"Yeah," Cal responds, clutching my hand tightly.

"Okay. Even from here, it looks like it's most likely broken, maybe only badly sprained if you're very lucky," she explains. "Is it okay if we move you off the pitch?"

"Sure," he says, trying to sound calm but failing miserably.

"I'm going to need you to step away for a minute please sir, while we get him onto the stretcher," Joyce says, now addressing me.

"Of course," I say, but Cal doesn't let go of my hand, his eyes silently begging me to stay right there. "Cal, baby, I need you to let go, just for a minute. I'll be right back, I promise." I press a quick kiss to the back of his hand, before standing up and going over to JJ.

"I made certain that there were no cameras around," he assures me, noticing my slightly worried expression. "And the others were blocking you guys from the crowd."

"Thanks JJ," I sigh, relieved. "Can I be a complete dickhead, and ask for another favour?"

"Yeah man, sure. What do you need?" He asks solemnly.

"I don't suppose there's someone who could sub in for me?" I say, feeling slightly guilty about wanting to ditch the game to stay with Cal. JJ just smiles at me.

"Yeah bro, don't worry about it," he says, patting my shoulder gently. "Go and look after your man." I smile back at him gratefully.

"Thanks so much JJ, I owe you," I call over my shoulder, starting to jog back over to where Cal is being lifted up on the stretcher.

"Whatever bro!" He shouts after me.

I finally catch up to them, and the two medics give me a confused look. Cal's eyes are closed, so he doesn't notice me.

"Can I stay with him?" I ask. The woman just smiles at me.

"Of course," she says. Cal opens his eyes slightly, and looks up at me. I gently brush my fingers through his hair, unsure if I'm allowed to touch him or not.

"I'm right here," I assure him, before looking back to Joyce.

"So, what's your name?" She asks politely.

"I'm Harry Lewis, good to meet you," I respond, not holding out my hand for her to shake since she's still carrying the stretcher.

"I suppose you're this young man's boyfriend?" She asks, a hint of something that I can't identify in her tone.

"Yeah, I am," I say, nervously.

"Don't be worried, I don't have anything against it," she reassures me, noticing the worry on my face. I sigh, relieved.

"Sorry," I say, scratching the back of my neck. "Not all people like it."

"It's fine. And those people are idiots," she responds, giving me a good natured smile. We've entered the tunnel now, heading towards the deserted changing rooms.

"Harry?" Cal murmurs, not opening his eyes.

"What's up Cal?" I ask, looking down at him carefully.

"You're still there, thank God," he breathes, dangling his arm off the stretcher.

"Can I hold his hand?" I ask timidly, and Joyce just shrugs.

"I'm not going to stop you," she muses. I reach out to take Cal's hand, interlocking our fingers. He squeezes back gently, looking up at me.

"As much as I want you here, you're meant to be playing," he says, frowning at me.

"You come first Cal. Someone's covering for me," I respond. He closes his eyes again.

"It hurts," he whines. It makes my heart ache at how vulnerable he looks now. He's usually so strong.

"Don't worry kid, we'll get you drugged up soon," Joyce tells him, a slightly joking edge to her tone.

I squeeze his hand reassuringly. "You'll be fine Cal."


I went with him when he got taken to the hospital for X-Rays. The guys all came down to see how he was after the game, and to find out the verdict.

It's announced that he's fractured the bottom of his fibula, and that he's going to be in a cast for six weeks. Thankfully though, he shouldn't need surgery. He has to stay the night at the hospital so they can monitor him, but we'll go home in the morning.

The only funny thing about the situation is that Cal is still high off his ass on painkillers. Even though they cut him off from the strong stuff about an hour ago, it's still having a lasting effect. And JJ is taking great delight in messing with his head, and filming it.

"Wait wait wait wait. So you're trying to tell me, that penguins do have knees?" Cal asks, his eyebrows knitting together with confusion.

"Yeah bro, penguins have knees," JJ says, trying to hide a snigger. He's reading weird facts off his phone, in hopes of confusing Cal.

"That's so weird," Cal says, looking around the room at everyone. "Did you know that Harry?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I did," I respond, before turning to JJ. "Leave him alone for a bit Jay, he's probably tired."

"You're the boss," JJ responds sarcastically. Cal looks at JJ with horror written on his face.

"Harry's the boss? We work for him?" He asks, seeming worried. JJ glances at me, mischief in his eyes, and I just sigh.

"Yeah Cal, we all work for Harry. That means you're having a relationship with your employer. And that's illegal," JJ says, and I glare at him.

"Wait what? We're dating?" Cal asks, looking at me. "I thought that was a dream."

"No babe, not a dream," I assure him, and he looks back at JJ.

"You're saying, that I can't be with Harry because he's my boss?" Asks Cal, looking slightly sad.

"Yeah mate, you're going to have to dump him," says JJ, smirking at me.

"Shut up JJ. Don't listen to him Cal, he's messing with you," I say.

"I don't have to break up with you?" He asks.

"No, you don't. And I'm not your boss," I confirm, and he sighs with relief.

"Thank fuck. I'm glad I don't have to, because you've got a really nice ass," he says, and JJ bursts out laughing. Cal looks at him, confused. "What JJ?"

"Nothing man," he wheezes, trying desperately to stop laughing.

"Okay, it's getting late. I think it's time for us to go," says Vikk, glancing at JJ.

"Probably a good idea," adds Simon, grabbing JJ's arm. "Let's go."

"A'ight, a'ight," JJ says, calming down at last.

"Are you sure you're okay to stay the night Harry?" Asks Tobi, shooting me a worried look.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I insist. "I don't think I'd be able to sleep if I left him here."

"Well, just make sure you do get some rest. It's been a long day," says Josh, patting my shoulder gently.

"I will," I say. "See you guys tomorrow."

"See ya Bog," smiles Ethan, who's the last one to leave.

"Where've they all gone?" Asks Cal, with a yawn.

"Home, so you can sleep," I explain, trying to get a little more comfy in the chair I'm sat in.

"I'm not tired," he says, but yawns again straight after. I smile at him softly.

"You're not, are you?" I ask, and he nods. "Well, I am. I'm gonna see how much sleep I can get in this God-forsaken chair."

"But can't you sleep here with me?" Cal asks, looking confused. I shake my head.

"I don't think I'm allowed to. And I don't want to hurt you," I explain, and he sighs.

"I'll sleep easier if you're with me," he says. I reach out to grab his hand.

"I'm right here Cal," I assure him, shifting my chair a little closer to his bed. He shuffles around a bit, and then pats the space he's made next to him.

"Please?" He says, looking at me with sad eyes. I cave instantly. I slip my hand out of his, and get out of my chair, carefully lying down on my side, on top of the blankets. "That better?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

Cal pulls the covers out from underneath me, and throws them over me. He then wraps an arm firmly around my waist, and pulls me into his side. I tense slightly at the touch, and look around nervously.

"Cal, baby, I'll get in trouble," I murmur, but he ignores me.

"I want you right here, with me," he mutters, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I sigh, but allow myself to relax into him, resting my head on his shoulder. "I love you Harry."

"Love you too," I whisper, watching him close his eyes peacefully.

Fuck getting in trouble. I want to be here. With him.


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