chapter 6

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Slowly awakening, Yueting hears people talking. "Shh, don't wake her up," daiki advises. "She's so pretty when she sleeps," meiyang observes. "Do you think she always sleeps this long?" the second voice inquires. "I'm not sure, but I did wake her up in the middle of the night because I saw someone in this room," daiki responds. "I see, maybe that's why she's so sleepy," meiyang speculates.Opening her eyes, Yueting yawns. "What time is it?" she mumbles, her voice muffled, still half asleep."You're awake. It should be around 10 am," daiki informs."Ugh, that's way too early," Yueting groans, turning around and closing her eyes again. "Just a few more minutes," she murmurs as she yawns.

After finally waking up at 1 pm, one of the maids escorts Yueting downstairs. "Miss, we've prepared a special breakfast for you since you awoke late," the maid informs. On the way downstairs, Yueting meets Daiki and Meiyang talking. "Hero, you're finally awake," Meiyang exclaims. "Morning," Yueting replies, her hair disheveled, her eyes still half-asleep. "Are you heading to eat?" Daiki inquires. "Yeah," Yueting confirms. "I see you're not much of a morning person," Daiki observes. "I guess you could say that," Yueting responds.

Walking down to eat, Meiyang inquires, "Is it normal for you to sleep in?""Just a habit," Yueting replies. She used to wake up late every day to avoid going outside, then stay up late to go out drinking until she couldn't anymore, because even if she was drunk, she probably wouldn't remember seeing anyone.

Sitting down to eat, the maids bring in food, and the table is soon filled with delicious dishes. Even in her original world, where she had all the riches she could dream of when she was younger, she never actually had this kind of breakfast—the kind you have with others."Do you like the food?" Meiyang inquires."It's nice," Yueting acknowledges.

⌞System message: Master, the examination is done.⌝

Glancing towards the window, Yueting addresses the system, "Show the results."

⌞Loading examination results...⌝

⌞Reason for sickness: The red circle that was previously on her body was a type of poison that can induce a coma-like state, making one unable to live normally.⌝

"How can you cure it?" Yueting questions upon seeing the results.

⌞System message: Master, I could prepare an antidote, though it might take a while.⌝

"Start now, take the fastest way," Yueting commands.

⌞System message: Understood.⌝

Even if she could cure the person with the system's help, the system surely wouldn't tell her how to solve this entire problem. After all, the person she saw in the room was part of this and had to be defeated. "What will you do after eating, hero?" Meiyang inquires. "I'm not sure yet," Yueting responds. "I see," Meiyang remarks. Meiyang stands up to leave. For some reason, it felt like Meiyang was smirking as she turned her head. "I'll have to leave too now. I'll see you later," Daiki mentions before leaving as well.

Pushing away her chair, Yueting stands up and heads to her room. The castle is vast, and without the navigation provided by the system, she would have been completely lost. Entering her room, Yueting collapses onto her bed, deep in thought. It's possible for a single person to orchestrate such a scheme, but only if they possess exceptional intelligence. If even the system struggles to create an antidote, then the poison must be potent.

Furthermore, they pre-poisoned her to induce sleep, marked her with the red circle, and had someone to administer the final blow. It's unlikely that one person alone is responsible. If it were the work of a lone individual, they would need to be proficient in both combat and intelligence. The person Yueting encountered demonstrated quick wit, suggesting they received training somewhere. Books are rare and expensive in this world, with only nobles having easy access. The royal library is restricted to royalty, and aside from them, only doctors and scientists can obtain books on poisons or their antidotes. Therefore, the suspect must either be a member of the royal family or a medical professional of some sort.

Standing up again, Yueting walks towards Daiki's room. However, halfway through, she realizes she doesn't know its location. "Um, System, please navigate me to Daiki's room," Yueting requests.

⌞Activating navigation to Daiki Nakamura's room.⌝

Arrows guiding Yueting to his room appeared again, and following the lead, she finally arrived at his door. Knocking on it, she gets no answer at first. Knocking again, the door finally opens. "Oh, it's you," he remarks. "What brings you here?" he inquires."I have a few questions, but let me come in first," she suggests, entering the room. Closing the door, he sits down at the table in his room. "What is it?" he wonders.

"You have access to the royal library, right?" she queries."Yes," he confirms.

"Is there some sort of librarian who can tell me who entered the royal library and when?" she inquires."I guess so, but I doubt they'd tell you anything," he responds, taking the teacup.

"Even though I'm the hero?" she prompts."Perhaps they'll make an exception," he remarks. "Why do you want to know though?" he questions, taking a sip of the tea.

"Because your wife got poisoned, and only doctors or royalty have access to such knowledge," she explains. With that, he spits out his tea. "She got poisoned?" he asks, wiping away the tea from his mouth.

That reaction made it seem like Daiki shouldn't be one of the suspects after all, but even so, there's one more question: "Did you have any relationship problems with your wife?" Yueting inquires.

"No, not at all," Daiki responds, still wiping away the tea."I see. Is there anyone who might hate her?" Yueting inquires."I doubt it. She's the sweetest," Daiki replies.

"Alright, then I'll go visit the royal library," Yueting states. Taking out some kind of card, Daiki hands it to Yueting. "If they doubt you're the hero, show them this, saying I gave it to you as proof," Daiki suggests."Okay," Yueting acknowledges before standing up to leave. "She will be alright, right?" Daiki asks before Yueting leaves."May she live," Yueting responds, giving a glance back before shutting the door.

Arriving at the library, Yueting sees two male guards standing outside, guarding the door. The library looked very expensive from the outside, with doors and walls adorned with gold. Stepping closer, the guards put their swords in front of the huge door, forming an X.

"Apologies, but you're not allowed inside," one of the guards states.Looking at him, Yueting begins to speak, "I'm the hero. Allow me inside.""The hero? What nonsense is that?" the other guard remarks.

"Even so," taking out the card Daiki gave her, she speaks once again, "I have permission from Sir Daiki Nakamura," she asserts.

Putting away their swords and opening the doors, both guards apologize. Walking inside, the door closes behind her.

"There's no way she's really the hero," one guard comments."Isn't the hero really buff?" the other responds.

Ignoring them, Yueting walks towards the desk in the center of the library. The library was big, and looking up, there were many levels filled with hundreds of books. Considering books should be expensive and rare, there was a whole lot in here.

Arriving at the desk in the center, there sat a young girl. Upon further inspection, the young girl was an elf.

"Excuse me," Yueting begins, but the girl doesn't look up.In a louder tone, Yueting speaks once again, "Excuse me?"Once again, the girl doesn't react."Ehem, EXCUSEEE MEEE!" Yueting yells. Finally, the girl looks up."What?" she responds in an annoyed tone.

"Finally, I'd like to speak with you in private," Yueting declares."There's no one here, so begin," the girl acknowledges."If you say so," Yueting starts. "I'm the hero. Not many know, but I'm here to solve 'the problem,'" she asserts."And why does that concern me?" the girl questions."Because only people from royalty or doctors have access to poison," Yueting points out. This time, the girl fully directs her attention to Yueting."Continue," the girl insists."I would say you should give me the names of everyone who entered here in the past few days, but that would take too long. So, I want to ask if you recognize this type of poison," Yueting proposes, taking out a poison bottle from her pocket and handing it to the librarian."Ah, indeed. As a simple librarian, I wouldn't have recognized the poison if it was anything other than this," the girl remarks."That means?" Yueting inquires."It's the blue swamp poison," the girl reveals before continuing. "It's from a dangerous swamp, and only very few people have even a drop of that swamp water," the librarian explains."I see. Thank you for your help."

❝Love is just as poisonous as hate.❝

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