Crazy Curly

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Angel's POV:
I woke up the next morning and walked out of my bedroom. I peeked in on Mike who was currently sleeping. I headed downstairs and cooked him some breakfast. Eggs and bacon. I grabbed a tray and carried it up to the guest room. I poked Mike's cheek and he opened his eyes, the blanket covering half his face. "I have breakfast for you." I said. Mike sat up and said "wow. That's really nice of you." I smiled and said "of course." Mike took the tray from me while pushing his hair out of his face.

"So are you going to the boardwalk later?" He asked. I nodded and said "yeah. Mary and I haven't seen each other in a while. So I'll be seeing her." "Do you mind if I stay here? I'd like to just relax for a little bit." Mike said. "Of course I don't mind. Stay here and relax as long as you want." I replied. Mike nodded in response and I left him in the guest room.


I drove my car to boardwalk. I parked it and Mary said "wanna go to the club?" I shrugged and we began to walk to it. Tyler stopped me and said "hey Angel." "Hi. What's up?" I asked. Tyler stared at me and didn't say anything.

Mary had a wild smirk on her face and a boy standing next to him said "you gonna introduce us or nah?" Tyler nodded quickly and said "of course. Angel. This is Reese." Reese stepped forward and smirked at me, sunglasses on his face. "Hey." He said as he stuck his hand out.

I shook his hand and his smirk grew. "This is Rusty." Tyler said. Rusty licked his lips and said "what's up?"

"And this is Derek." Tyler said. The boy who I was assuming was Derek, was chewing on a toothpick. "Hey." Reese nudged him and he looked over. "Huh?" He asked. "I'm introducing you to Angel." Tyler said, annoyed. Derek looked at me and said "hi. I'm Derek."

I nodded to the four of them and Tyler said "so what're you two up to?" "We we're going to the club." Mary said. Tyler looked at the guys standing behind him. "Wanna go?" He asked. Rusty stepped toward me and said "let's." I looked up at him and he held out his arm. Mary began to lead the way and Reese eyed Rusty. I took Rusty's arm and we began to walk down the boardwalk. We entered the club and the music boomed inside. "Can I have the first dance?" Reese asked. Rusty scoffed and I looked between the two boys. "Sure." I said, not knowing what to do. Reese led me to the dance floor and people surrounded it. He pulled me close to him, my arms around his neck. "So Tyler says he knows you." He said. I nodded and said "yep. We've known each other a while." "How long?" He asked. "Freshman year. So two years?" I replied. Reese nodded and said "so are y'all close?" I shook my head and said "nope." "Well people drift apart huh?" Reese said. "Yeah. I guess so." I said. I watched different people drift off and on the dance floor. "You drink?" He said. I sighed and said "no. I had to drive home. And I'm not fond of beer." Reese shrugged and said "it's not bad." "It's not my thing." I replied. Reese pulled me off the dance floor and to the bar. He got a beer and I didn't get anything. We sat at the bar and talked for awhile. Before Rusty took me away from him. "Mind if I steal her?" Rusty asked. Reese inhaled on his cigarette and said "go ahead." Rusty smelled of alcohol and he brought me to the dance floor. "How come I ain't never seen you around before?" He asked. I said "I don't know. I'm practically at the boardwalk every night." "Where do you live?" Rusty said. I leaned towards him and said "the rich part of Santa Carla." He looked down and said "that's why I ain't never seen you. I live in the poor part. Well, lived." "Lived?" I asked. Rusty nodded and said "I live in a nicer part now." "Oh. That's good." I replied to him. Rusty shrugged and said "it's ok." The rest of our dance was silent. The night went on and I actually had some fun. As the club closed, they kicked us out. I had one drink. That was it. We walked to the parking lot and Tyler got on his bike. Mary said "well I hope to see you tomorrow." "You too." I replied. The four boys sat on their bikes. I sat in my car talking to Derek, who was beyond drunk. He hiccuped and said "I don't think tonight was as fun as it should've been. We could've done better." Reese rolled his eyes and said "you gonna be able to drive?" Derek shrugged and said "I don't know." Rusty snickered and Tyler shook his head. "Yo, baby come here!" A boy said. I turned around and saw a curly headed boy standing with three other guys around him. Immediately, I gave him a dirty look and ignored him. "I wanna take you for a ride! Come here!" He yelled. I said goodbye to my friends and put my car in drive. All of a sudden the curly haired boy jumped onto the car. "Holy shit!" Derek said as he fell over, drunk as can be. Mary's eyes widened and I began to drive. "Come on! Come on!" He said as he knocked on my windshield. I swerved all over the road, trying to see. "Babe! Come on! Let's go for a ride!" The boy said. I turned down the road and a scream left my mouth as he hung onto my windshield wipers. He looked behind him and steadied himself on the hood. "Girl, come on! I just wanna take you for a ride!" I managed to see the road in front of me. It was straight. I slammed on the breaks, the boy falling off my car. I gasped and covered my mouth. He rolled on the ground and I panted. "Oh my god." I said, terrified that I had just killed him. He stood up and walked to my window. I locked the car doors and he knocked on the window. "Hey! Can I talk to ya?" He asked. I shook my head and said "you're crazy! You're freaking crazy! I could've killed you!" He laughed and said "that's the fun of it." "You wanted to die?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked him. He shrugged and said "just wanted to get your attention." "You did more than get my attention. Your scared the hell out of me." I said as I drove away. My breathing went back to normal and it was silent for a few minutes. I heard some clattering and looked in my rear view mirror. There was the curly headed boy on the back of my car. "What?!" I said. He waved at me and I slammed on the brakes once again. He toppled over the car, landing on my hood. I waited for him to bounce back but he didn't. He just laid on my hood. I got out of the car, walking to his body. I shakily tapped him and said "hello? Are you ok?" He groaned and opened his eyes. "Woah. You stopped for me." He said while smirking. I rolled my eyes and said "get the hell off my car." He nodded and hopped off the hood. "Don't follow me." I said. He frowned playfully and said "it's so fun babe!" "If you follow me, I won't go on a ride with you." I said firmly. "Ooh. So you will go on a ride?" He asked as he grabbed my wrist. I nodded, yanking my wrist away from him. The boy smirked and said "am I gonna get your name?" "Nope." I replied as I got in my car and sped away. I had the gas floored, that boy gave me a scare. As I pulled up into my driveway I ran inside the house, locking the door. Relief washed over my body and I heard water running. I took off my shoes and walked upstairs and saw that the bathroom was occupied. I knocked on the door and Mike said "I just got in can you wait your turn?" I opened the door and he was in a bathtub surrounded by bubbles. My eyes widened and he smiled. "Having fun?" I asked. "Ya." He said as he threw bubbles in the air. I laughed and he looked adorable. His hair was wet and slicked back, the bubbles hiding his naked body. "So, did you have fun tonight?" He asked. I shrugged, leaning against the wall. Mike motioned for me to get in the tub. "No." I said. He shrugged and said "why?" "Cause." Was all I said. He rolled his eyes and said "no fun." A sigh left my mouth and I sat on the rug next to the tub. "Some crazy guy jumped on my car." I said. Mike sat up and said "who?" "Some guy. He jumped on my car as I was driving." I replied. Mike furrowed his eyebrows and said "why did some dude jump on your car?" "He wanted to take me for a ride on his motorcycle." I replied while rolling my eyes. Mike made a face and said "ew." I chuckled and he leaned back against the tub. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I've been bored all by myself." He said. I groaned and said "you should've came out with me tonight. These two guys were fighting over me." Mike said "ooh drama." "Tons of it." I said dramatically. He laughed at me and said "well hopefully I'll have some fun tomorrow." "You will." I replied. Mike nodded and played with some of the bubbles. He sat up and grabbed some from the end of the tub. He hummed to himself and I picked at the rug on the floor. It was silent for a minute. His humming stopped and I looked up to see him face down in the water. "Mike!" I said. I climbed into the tub, my socks and jeans getting wet. I leaned him against the tub and shook him. Water sloshed everywhere since I was standing in the tub. I cupped his cheeks and said "Mike?" My lips parted and my heart began to race. He opened his eyes and I said "Mike." "What're you doing?" He asked me. "You were face down." I replied. Mike said "uh oh." "Yeah. Uh oh is right." I said. Mike saw my wet socks and jeans. "You're wet." He said as he looked down. "You scared me." I whispered. He sat up and said "I'm sorry. It's my narcolepsy." I let go of his face and said "I know. But I thought you drowned." He shook his head and said "I'm ok." "I'll let you get dressed. I'm just gonna change." I said. I walked out of the bathroom and changed into some shorts and a tank top. I put my hair in a pony tail and walked into the loft room. I walked out to see Mike staring at the tv. His mouth hung agape and he was watching the tv. "Hey." I said as I ruffled his hair. Mike looked up at me and I said "I'm going to bed ok?"

Mike nodded and said "I'm going to just watch some tv." He had his jacket on over his body, his chest showing underneath. I went into my dad's room and grabbed a t-shirt, throwing it at Mike. He jumped and I said "here. This should fit you." I walked out of my room, plopping onto my bed, falling asleep quickly.

Here's the update!!

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