"I can do what I want."

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There will be some harsh language. But remember this book is in the 80's and people did talk like this back then.

Angel's POV:
After I took a shower I walked downstairs. As I did the front door opened, revealing my parents. The two of them looked at me and then at Mike and Scott. "Who are they?" My mom asked. I gulped and said "Mike Waters and Scott Favor. They're my friends and have been staying here with me, keeping me company. Since you guys are gone all the time and I don't really like being alone." Mike stood up and held out his hand. "Hi." He said. Scott stood up and stood behind Mike. My dad looked at the two of them. Mike retracted his arm since my dad didn't shake his hand. "You're a pretty boy." He said. Mike shrugged and said "I guess so, sir." Scott stepped forward and stood next to him, his chest slightly puffed out. My dad noticed and he scoffed. "She's got fags in our house. Fags. She's got two faggots in our house." My mother looked down and said "don't say that word." "That's what they are. Aren't you?" Mike went to reply when my father stepped to him. "I have no love for your kind. It's disgusting. I can't believe my daughter would associate with you. You're absolutely disgusting. I can't even look at you." Mike's lip started to quiver and Scott said "don't talk down on him." "Oh so he's the fag? Not you?" Scott rolled his eyes and said "sir, can I say something bluntly?" My father nodded while my mother walked away. "You're a real asshole. And if you call me or Mike a fag again, I'll beat the living shit out of you." Scott said. My father smirked and said "I hope it happens." Scott shrugged and said "also, your daughter is too good of a person to be left alone all the time." "Angel helped me when she didn't even know me. She gave me a place to stay, food and kindness that I've never received in my life. Your daughter is a vision. But she's nothing like you. I'd never guess you were her father. You're a piece of shit." Mike said as his voice slightly broke. I smiled a little and my dad walked away, not saying anything else. I opened the front door and dad said "where are you going?" "The boardwalk. I'm meeting my friends there." I replied. "You takin' the fags with you?" Scott stepped forward and I put my hand on his chest. "You're not going anywhere." Dad said. "I can do what I want." I said as I smirked. Mike covered his mouth and Scott chuckled. I walked out of the house, Mike and Scott following me. Once we were outside Mike ran a hand through his hair. Scott said "don't you listen to him. He's an asshole."

"Nobody's ever done anything like that for me before." Mike said as he got in the car. Scott blushed and said "I hate that word and I'm not gonna let anyone call you that." Mike smiled really big and Scott kissed his cheek. Mike looked at him in shock and I started up the car as the two of them sat in the backseat. Once we arrived at the boardwalk, Mike and Scott headed off. "Come on. I know somewhere we can go to have fun." Scott said. Mike giggled and said "where?" "Can't tell you. It's a surprise."

I sat in my car to wait on Marko. I ran a hand through my hair as it became later and later. He didn't show. I got out of my car, locking it and headed to the boardwalk. I tried to look for Michael or anyone that I could hang out with. I didn't want to bother Mike and Scott. As I walked past the rollercoaster, someone grabbed me. I went to punch them in the face and Marko said "woah!" "What're you doing?!" I yelled. He put his hands up in defense and said "you weren't at your car. I was looking for you." "Don't grab me like that." I replied. Marko nodded and said "I went to your car, where were you?" "I left because I had waited for you and you were a no show." Marko sighed and said "I had stuff to do. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be late." "It's fine." I said as I went to walk away. Marko followed me and said "I wanna show you something tonight. If you'll let me." I continued to walk, not turning around. Marko grabbed my arm softly and made me turn around. I didn't look at him and he said "hey. Don't be mad. I was busy. I didn't think I'd be long." I stared at the ground and Marko made me look up at him. "This thing I wanna show ya, you might be scared at first. Plus, if the guys knew I was telling you, they'd get mad." I smiled a little and said "thanks." He nodded in response and I looked around. We were in an alley next to the roller coaster. "So when are we going?" I asked. "Soon. Tonight." I nodded and he grabbed my hand. "If you get scared, please promise me that you'll still talk to me. Don't cut me off. I won't be sure if I can handle you doing that." "What would that do to you?" I said. Marko bit his lip and said "it'd hurt me. Just promise me." I nodded and said "I promise." He half smiled and I went to walk away when he stopped me for the third time. "What? What is it?" He cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips onto mine. He pulled away and I hadn't kissed him back. "I'm sorry." Marko muttered. He removed his hands from my cheeks and I cupped his cheek with one hand. "Marko." I said softly. "I changed my mind. I'm not sorry." I pressed my lips to his and our lips moved in sync. His arms went around the small of my back and we both pulled away, gasping for air. We stared at one another and I kissed his cheek. "A-Angel?" Marko stuttered. "Yeah?" Before Marko could answer Paul walked over. "We gotta go." He said. Marko nodded and Paul saw Marko's arms around my waist. Paul gave him a thumbs up and walked away. "Come on. Before David has a fit." Marko said. I followed him and Mike saw me. He stopped me and said "where ya going?" "With Marko. I'll be back later." "What're Scott and I supposed to do about your parents?" Mike asked nervously. I thought about it and said "here's a spare key. They'll have the house locked. The both of you go upstairs to the guest room directly next to mine. Go inside and lock the door so my dad can't bother you. Ok? If my mom sees you, she won't do anything. I promise. And if my dad gets physical, tell Scott he has permission to hit him." Mike smiled and said "ok. Be careful." I nodded and Marko pulled me away from him. Michael and David were staring each other down. They both looked pretty angry. "Let's go. I found us a spot." David said. Everyone got on their bikes. Mary on the back of Dwayne's and Michael on his. I got on the back of Marko's, wrapping my arms around his waist. We then rode off into the night. I had no clue what I was in for.

Here's the update! I know I've been gone. I'm gonna try to update more. I apologize.

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