Is it Scary

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Angel's POV:
I woke up on someone's chest. I looked to see Marko sleeping. The two of us were in my bedroom and the curtain was slightly drawn. I walked over and closed it, the sun burning my arm and I did so. I winced and pulled a sweatshirt on me. I laid back down and fell back asleep.


Loud laughs woke me up. I stood up and walked downstairs to see the guys sitting in the living room. "Angel, we were just going out to feed. You should come with." David said. Laddie looked up at Dwayne and Paul who were currently awaiting my answer. "What about Laddie?" I asked. "He can stay here can't he? We'll bring some back for him." Paul said. I looked to Mike and Scott. Scott shrugged and said "we'll watch him." I nodded and said "let me get dressed." I went back upstairs and changed into jeans with a tank top, sliding my jacket over it. I applied some makeup and pulled on my tennis shoes. I walked downstairs and walked outside. Marko helped me on the back of his bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist and Mary stood on the porch with Laddie. David took off first, Dwayne going after him. Marko started up his bike and began to drive. Paul was behind us. I leaned my head on his back as we drove to wherever David had in mind. It was about a ten to fifteen minute ride. The guys stopped and parked their bikes. Michael was already there. I got off of Marko's bike and walked over to Michael. "You came?" He nodded and said "I'm weak. I need to feed." I went to say something else and David called the two of us over. We were all looking below us, a group of people camping. "So, who wants to do the honors of going first?" David asked. Dwayne smirked and Paul did the same. Marko licked his lips as he watched the people below. "I'll go." Michael said. Paul's eyes widened as Michael headed towards the group of people, grabbing one of them. David went after him as did Dwayne. Marko grabbed someone and Paul noticed I wasn't moving. "Come on." He said.

So let the performance start
Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you
So tell me is it scary for you, baby
So tell me is it crazy for you, baby
Am I scary for you
You know the stranger is you
Am I scary for ya

I nodded and Paul went over to Dwayne. I walked towards the screaming victims and one of them tried to run, I grabbed them. The person looked up at me, fear in their eyes. "Please don't. Please." They begged. Their heart was beating so fast and so loud. I bit my lip and I could see the guy's vein in his neck. I leaned down towards it, the heartbeat getting louder. My fangs came down and I bit down onto his neck, blood spraying everywhere.

Then there's screaming in the dark
Hear the beating of his heart
Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere

The guy screamed and as soon as I realized what I had done I dropped him. His neck had a gaping wound in it and Michael was currently tearing into someone. David broke his victim's limbs and laughed while doing it. Marko was currently drinking blood from someone on the ground. I stood up and backed away from the scene in front of me. I was scared, scared of the boys and scared of what I was going to become. I wiped the blood from my mouth and took off running. The darkness began to consume me, my feet not stopping until I got away from them. I killed someone. There was no going back from that. The four of them appeared in front of me. "Why'd you run?" David asked.

A haunting ghostly treat
The foolish trickery
And spirits dancing
In the light

I gulped and Dwayne eyed me. "Angel, why did you run?" "I got scared. I'm scared of what I'm becoming. I'm scared of all of you." I said. Marko looked down and Paul frowned a little. David shrugged and said "what's there to be scared of? You're just like us." "I know. I don't know what's going on. I'm fine with being a vampire but when it comes to killing someone, I can't." I said. "But you did. I watched you." Dwayne replied. "Are you sure I killed him?" Marko nodded and said "he's dead. You sucked the life out of him." I whimpered and David said "Angel, I understand you're scared. But you have to kill. That's the only way to feed." I nodded in understanding and David walked away. Dwayne followed and Paul did the same. Marko walked towards me and said "you ok?" I shook my head and said "I don't know." "Did you get enough?" He said. "Yeah. I killed the guy so that means I'm a full vampire now right?" I asked. Marko nodded and said "yeah." "I'm gonna walk home. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be fine tomorrow." I said to him. Marko nodded while looking down and I pecked his lips and said "I'm fine. I overreacted. I'll be fine." He went with the boys and I began to walk home. It was dark and I had a lot of time to think about what happened tonight. This was the only way for me to be with Marko. I had to join them, and accept who I am. I'm a vampire. There's no going back. And I'm ok with that. My parents don't care about me so maybe it's time for me to disappear. As I passed the boardwalk, Tyler and Reese stopped me. I rolled my eyes and said "what do you guys want?" "Just to talk." Reese said. "I heard you were with Marko. Is that true?" Tyler asked me. "What does it matter? You and I aren't together. So why is it a big concern?" I said to him. Reese leaned on the pole next to him and Tyler said "I was wondering. I just don't want you to get hurt. That's all." "I'm fine. I don't need any saving." I retorted. A car pulled up and Rusty was in the driver's seat. "Oh, hey, Angel." He said. I nodded to him and Reese said "why don't you hang out with us? Obviously you're not hanging out with Marko." "That doesn't mean anything." "It means something. Why aren't you hanging around little curly boy?" Rusty asked. These boys were testing my patience. I scoffed and said "fine. I'll hang out with you all. For an hour." Reese smirked and Tyler half smiled at me. "We'll get in. I don't have all night." Rusty said. I opened the passenger door and got in the car, sitting next to Rusty.

Tyler climbed in the backseat and Reese sat next to me, closing the door. Rusty began to drive. He drove to a large house right near the boardwalk. He parked the car and said "let's go." I stared up at the house that looked like someone rich lived there. Music blared in the house and I followed the boys inside.

Sorry I've been gone. I won't do that again🙃

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