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That picture of River makes me cry😭

Angel's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my parents screaming at one another. I stood up and shook out my hair. I turned the doorknob to the guest room and saw Mike awake. He was reading a book, glasses on his face. "Hey." I said softly. Scott laid asleep next to him.

"How long have they been at it?" I asked. Mike shrugged and said "not long." "Did you not sleep?" "I slept a little. I feel like I sleep too much. But that's what narcolepsy does to you." Mike said. Doors slammed and Scott rolled over, huffing at the sound. "If I tell you something will you think different of me?" I said to Mike. "No. I'm not gonna judge you." I sighed and said "well you know Marko and them? I've been hanging out with them recently and stuff-" "Oh god. Are you pregnant?" Mike asked me. I shook my head and said "no. Oh my gosh." "Just wondering." The older boy replied. "You know how they never are at the boardwalk in the daylight. They're only there at night." Mike nodded and I said "they're vampires. And uh, Marko bit me and now I'm one." Mike stared at me with a face that said 'you're lying'. "Are you sure you're a vampire?" I nodded and said "yeah. Look." My fangs came down out of my mouth and Mike's eyes widened. "Woah." Scott said. Mike jumped as did I. "When did you wake up?" Mike asked. "I've been up since I heard the word vampire. Can I touch em'?" Scott said. Mike rolled his eyes and I said "I guess?" Scott touched one and he said "that's so cool! But creepy." I chuckled and footsteps came up the stairs. Angry, stomping footsteps. My fangs disappeared. My bedroom door flew open and I quickly jumped up, closing the door that connected to Mike and Scott's room. "Angel, I'd like to ask your friends to leave." My father said. I stood in front of the door, not letting him get to the door. "Angel, move out of the way." I shook my head and said "no. You're leaving anyway." My father grabbed me by the arm, moving me away from the door. I stumbled and he opened the door. Mike was standing and Scott was sitting down. "The two of you should go home." Dad said. "So should you. Go back to Europe or wherever you and mom were. The two of you would much rather call that home than be here with me." I said. My father stared at me and Scott said "just go." "Don't tell me what to do. I want the two of you to get out of my house." "Why don't you go home? Go the fuck home." Mike said. Scott smiled at Mike and my dad stepped to him once again. Scott looked up at him and said "don't even think about it."

Mike went to walk toward me and my father stepped back over to me. "Stop." I said. I was moved away from Mike again, this time more rough. Scott was getting more angry by the second. Mike got past my dad and he stood next to me. He ignored Mike and I and went to mess with Scott. I heard my mother downstairs packing her bags and walking outside. Scott stared up at my father who was currently saying hurtful things about Mike. Mike looked down and shuffled his feet. I saw how he was trying to hide the fact that the words did hurt him. "Leave!" I screamed. My father turned around looked at me. "Leave! I want you to leave! You and mom never come home and you expect me to live in this huge house alone. Well I'm not going to do that any longer. There's gonna be a day you're going to come home and I won't be here. I'll be gone. And maybe I'll leave the house to Mike. He deserves it more than you do. You are so hostile to everyone. I want you to leave. Now." My dad stared at me. "Angel-" He began. I shook my head while crying. "Leave. I don't want to say anything to you. Just get out." Scott sat up and said "she asked you to leave." My father left the room, not turning around. I heard the front door close and Mike grabbed my arm softly. "You ok?" He asked. I shook my head and Mike hugged me. I put my arms around him, clinging to him.

I gripped his jacket and tried to stop the tears. Scott left the room and Mike said "you're ok." I shook my head against his shoulder and he sighed. "They're gone!" Scott hollered. "Alright!" Mike replied. I sniffled and felt Mike begin to grow weak in the knees. "Mike?" I asked him. He fell asleep and I fell but ended up catching him. I yelped as I hit the carpet, Mike falling into my lap. Scott ran upstairs and said "you ok?" I nodded and Scott sat next to me. "Do you think that it gets worse?" I said. Scott shrugged and said "I don't know much about narcolepsy. You definitely don't grow out of it." I moved a strand of hair out of Mike's face. Scott stared at him and said "he's my best friend." "If he's your best friend, why'd you take him on a date?" I asked. Scott looked down while blushing. "Don't know. I just did." "Maybe he'll get better." I played with Mike's hair, admiring his beauty. Scott sighed and said "I hope so. He just collapses. What if there's a day we're not there to catch him and ends up hurting himself?" "He almost drowned. He was in the bathtub face down. I had to climb in and wake him up. I was so scared." I said as I looked at Scott. He said "wow. That's crazy. I'm sorry that happened." "I saved his life. That's what matters." Mike's eyes fluttered open and Scott said "hey." Mike looked at Scott and then at me. I gave him a small smile and Mike reached up to wipe a tear from my cheek. "Don't worry, everything will be ok." Mike said. I nodded in response and Mike sat up. Mike faced the door and wall in front of me. He was in between my legs and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Aren't you tired?" Scott said. "Me?" Mike asked. "No doofus. Angel. She's the vampire." Mike sniggered when Scott said doofus. "I am a little tired. Yeah." I replied. I leaned my head on Mike's shoulder and Mike leaned his head on mine. Scott stared at me and I said "what?" "If you weren't dating Marko, you and Mike would be a good couple. You guys look perfect. You're beautiful and so is Mike, in his own way." "Thanks, Scotty." Mike said while smiling really big. I removed my arms from Mike's waist and Scott stood up while Mike followed him. Scott began to walk away and Mike cleared his throat. Scott turned around with a questioning look on his face. "What?" He asked. Mike motioned to me and I said "help a girl up?" Mike held out his  right hand while Scott walked over and held out his left. The two of them pulled me up and I smiled really big. They both poked my side and giggles erupted from my mouth. The two of them hugged me and I wrapped each of my arms around them. "Thanks guys. It means a lot to have you guys sticking up for me when my dad's around. He didn't used to be like that." I said to them. Mike shrugged and said "you know what I say to him?" I shrugged and Mike said "F U C K. You. Fuck you." Scott cleared his throat and said "mine is ten times worse." I giggled again and Mike said "fuck you, sir. Wait, what's your last name?" "Crabtree. Angel Crabtree." Scott furrowed his eyebrows and said "your name sounds really rich." I pushed him playfully and Mike said "fuck you, Mr. Crabtree." "It sounds amazing." I said. I removed myself from the boys and said "I'm gonna get some sleep. And you should get some too." I booped Mike's nose and he nodded while smiling. "Make sure he sleeps, Scott." Scott saluted me and said "of course, dude." I pushed the two of them out of my room and they laughed. I saw that the sun was peeking through the curtain and I walked over to it. I let the sunlight touch my hand and there wasn't any pain but it felt weird, like I don't belong in the sun. I didn't like Santa Carla in the daytime anyway. Night was my favorite. I'm going to miss going to the beach and getting a tan. But I'd be out in the night. Something that I didn't do much until I met Marko.

Here's the update! Quick question for you guys. I know that Scott and Mike don't end up in My Own Private Idaho. Would you guys want them together? Or no?

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