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Angel's POV:
I woke up and found that Izzy had gone. She left me a note.

Angel, I left early since I had to help my mom with some stuff today. I'll see you later on the boardwalk. 7:00. By the comic book shop.

I smiled at her note and walked downstairs. No parents. Nothing at all. I sighed as I began to make breakfast for myself. I'd usually sleep all day but I've been on a different schedule. It's not normal for me to be up in the middle of the day. I prefer the night. Well most of the time. There's some days where I want to feel the sun on my skin. But I like the dark sky and the stars. That's one perk of Santa Carla. The city is absolutely amazing at night.


I drove my car down to the boardwalk tonight, I didn't feel like walking. As I parked I began to walk to it. There was a lot of people tonight but there were none in the parking lot. Except one single person. He stared up at the sky, blinking rapidly. He looked confused.

"Sir?" I asked him. He didn't reply. He continued to stare up at the sky. He stumbled a little and then caught himself. A breath of relief left his lips and he sighed. "Are you ok?" I said, trying to get him to communicate with me. His eyes slightly rolled into the back of his head and he fell onto the ground, fainting.

"Whoa! Sir, are you ok?" I asked as I ran to his unconscious body.  I knelt down and gently shook him, seeing if he'd wake up. Nobody was in the parking lot. I didn't want to leave him here. His blonde hair had fallen into his face. I moved it and saw this man was beautiful. His clothes didn't look that great. They were ratty. He looked clean. But he looked like he didn't have a place to call home. I heard car door shutting and a bunch of people began to walk to the boardwalk. I looked back down at the man in front of me. I examined his shirt to see if he possibly had an injury, maybe that's why he had fainted. All of a sudden he opened his eyes. My eyes widened and he said "woah." I didn't reply. I just stared down at him. "You're beautiful." He whispered. I didn't know what to say. "Uhm thank you?" I asked. He sat up causing me to fall onto the ground. Now his eyes widened. "Sorry." He said. "It's fine." I replied. He looked around at the parking lot and he sighed. "You fainted. And I didn't know if you were ok. So I was sitting here. Until you woke up." I stated. He looked over at me and said "you were really going to sit here until I woke up?" I nodded and he said "well I didn't faint." "What happened then?" I asked. He dusted himself off and held out his hand. I looked at it and then at him. He went to pull his hand back and I grabbed it. I was pulled up to my feet and dusted myself off. "I have narcolepsy." He said quietly. I looked up from my jeans and said "narcolepsy?" He nodded and said "yeah. It's nothing though." "Narcolepsy? Narcolepsy is not nothing. Do you have anyone looking out for you? Caring about you?" I asked. He shook his head and said "I'm on my own. I do what I have to to earn money." "And what is that exactly?" I said. He chuckled and said "it'd make you think differently of me." "How so?" I replied. "It just will." He said. I turned away from him and thought about it. This man had no place I go. I was sure of it. Hell, he looked like he hadn't eaten in a while. I turned back around and said "hey. Wanna stick with me?" A small smile tugged at his lips and then it quickly disappeared. "Why would you want to stick with me?" He asked me. I stepped toward him and said "because you need someone to take care of you. And I can help you...." "Mike. I'm Mike." He said. I smiled and said "I'm Angel." "Angel." My name sounded pretty coming from his lips. "You can stay at my house with me." I said. We began to walk towards the boardwalk. "I'm sorry, but how old are you?" Mike asked. "I'm seventeen." I replied. Mike ran a hand through his hair and he said "you live alone? At seventeen?" "Yeah. I'm all by myself." I lied. I looked down so he wouldn't see the hurt on my face. "I'm twenty." He said. "Wow. It must be nice." I said. Mike looked at me and said "what do you mean?" "It must be nice to be twenty years old and have adventures like you do." I replied. Mike looked up at the flashing lights and said "I wish I could have adventures." I saw Izzy standing by the comic book shop. Mike and I walked over and Izzy noticed him and got tense. "Hey." I said to her. "H-hey. Who's t-this?" Izzy asked me. "This is Mike." I replied. Izzy looked him and up and down and now Mike was tense. I felt him grab my arm and begin to pull me away from her. "What is it?" I asked him. He shuffled his feet and said "she's judging me. I can see it." "Izzy? No. She doesn't judge. She's just very shy." I replied. Mike shook his head and said "I think I should go. It'd probably be better." "No. Don't go. I'll be all alone if you do." I whispered. Mike saw how my demeanor changed as I said that. He nodded and didn't say anything. We walked back over to Izzy and motorcycles were heard. I turned to look at them. It wasn't the normal motorcycle gang that paraded around the boardwalk. I knew one of the boys. Tyler. He stepped off his bike, looking over at me. A small smirk appeared on his lips and I looked away. "Let's get away from them." I said. Izzy stared at them with curiosity. "You can't get away from either gang." Izzy said. I began to walk away and Izzy was on my right while Mike was on my left. We walked down towards the carousel and rollercoaster. "What all is there to do here? I'm not native to this place." Mike said. Izzy looked around and said "we could get on the carousel." I looked at Mike and he said "sure. Why not?" Izzy smiled and adjusted her glasses. We waited in line and more motorcycles were heard. I didn't bother to turn around this time. It was our turn to get on and Izzy ran to a horse. "Wanna ride a horse?" I asked Mike. He looked at the carousel that had two stories on it. "Yeah." He said as he got on one. I got on one that was behind him. Izzy and I were next to each other. The carousel began to move and I smiled at Mike who smiled back. The three of us just sat on the horses and enjoyed our time. Footsteps approached us and it was them. The gang lead by the white haired boy. Izzy looked away from them as they approached us. I looked at the four of them and watched as they moved in front of us. The leader simply walked over to a bench not too far ahead of us. The second guy swung on Izzy's horse before following the leader. The third guy laughed to himself and gave some random person a high five. Then there was the last one. He made his way through the horses with a smirk on his face.

A couple sat on a bench in front of us. The leader began to mess with them. The guy that sat next to the girl grabbed the brunette. A fight ensued. The carousel began to stop and Izzy got off of her horse. A security guard had the leader in a chokehold and the other three guys immediate stopped what they were doing. "I thought I told you to stay off the boardwalk." He said to the leader. The brunette eyed the guard and I got off my horse.

Mike did the same and I began to walk past them. "Ok boys, let's go." The leader said. Mike stopped me before I could walk past them. As the four boys walked off, the curly headed one smirked at me.

"The brunette is hot." Mary said. I gasped and said "where'd you come from?" "I saw you and tried to get your attention but so many people had to ride the carousel so I couldn't get to you." She replied. "Let's go." Izzy said as we stepped off before the carousel started again. Mary stared at the four guys who were currently walking in front of us. "He's really hot." She said. They walked over to their bikes and I said "why don't you go and talk to him then?" "What would I say?" Mary asked. "I think you're hot. Say that." Mike said. Mary shook her head and said "no way." "This is Mike by the way." I said. Mary nodded to him and Izzy said "I'm gonna go. I'll s-see you guys later." She walked away from us and Mary nudged me. "Yes?" I asked. "Curly's looking at you." She said while smirking. I turned around and he quickly looked at me. His eyes went to the ground and then back at me. I bit my lip and Mary said "go talk to him." "No! All he does is wreak havoc on the boardwalk." I said. He must've heard what I said because his head snapped in my direction. Mike said "how long is he going to stare?" "I don't know but it's getting ridiculous." I replied. Mary said "let's hang out tomorrow. Huh?" "Yeah. I'll see ya." I said as she walked off into the opposite direction. Mike and I began walking back to my car. Mike looked at my car and said "wow. You have a really nice car." "Thank you." I replied. As we approached the house, Mike's mouth dropped. "Wow." He said again. We stepped out of the car and walked in. Mike looked at everything inside. He noticed a picture of me and my parents. "Are those your parents? Do they live here?" Mike asked. I nodded while looking down. "But they're not here. They never are." I replied while a tear slid down my cheek. Mike frowned and I said "I'm so lonely. I'm never here at night. I go out and party and stay up all night." Mike patted my back and said "it's ok." I led him upstairs and let him use a guest room. Before I walked out he said "I'm a hustler." I looked at him and said "you really thought I'd think of you differently?" He nodded and said "you said you lived alone because you're parents are never home?" I nodded and we both looked down. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm lonely too." Mike said. I shrugged and said "it kinda does." He half smiled and said "cool."

Here's the first official chapter!! Expect them to be long like this

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