Sam Emerson

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Angel's POV:
Last night I didn't believe anything Michael told me. I was quite skeptical. I stood in the comic book shop. Alan and Edgar stepped toward me. "What?" I said. The both look at each other and I said "what's up?"

"You look different." Alan stated. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "is that good or bad?" "You kinda look like Star. You're vibrant and beautiful." Edgar said. "Thanks?" I replied. "That's bad. Cause you know they're vampires." Alan said. I rolled my eyes and said "you guys are just like Michael." "Michael? My brother Michael?" A boy with blue eyes asked. "He wants to be rebellious. Has curly hair." I said. "That's my brother, Mike. I'm Sam. Sam Emerson." He said. "I'm Angel." I replied. Sam smiled and Edgar said "so you hang out with the vampires now." "I wouldn't hang out with them if they were vampires." I said. Sam made a face and looked down. "They are. And they probably want you to join them. Or're already one." Alan replied. "That would mean Michael is one too? Please." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't think they'd get you in on it. This isn't funny." I said. Alan shook his head and said "it's not a joke." I rolled my eyes and Sam said "why would we joke about that?" "Cause you're boys and you think that stuff is funny." I replied. The three of them didn't say anything. Mike walked in with Scott. He hung on Scott and I said "hey." Mike smiled really big and said "hi." Scott walked up and down the isles looking for a comic. "What're you guys doing tonight?" I asked. "Scott wanted a comic and I think we're going to the club. The one at the end of the boardwalk." Mike said. I nodded and Scott paid for the comic he picked up. Mike hugged me really quick before going off with Scott. Sam said "who are they?" "Mike, the blond, he's staying at my house. He's homeless. My parents don't really care about me so I have an entire house to myself. Scott is someone he met. I think they're in love." I replied. Edgar gagged at the word and Alan said "love is fake." "You're only saying that because you don't have a girlfriend." "Don't have time for one." Edgar said. I rolled my eyes at the Frog brothers. Sam sighed and said "I'd like one." "You're adorable. Someone will date you." I said to him. Sam smiled really big and said "hear that guys? I'm adorable." Alan rolled his eyes and Edgar said "yeah right." Sam crossed his arms and said "at least I don't dress in camo and swear there's vampires. Yes there are but I don't tell every single person I meet." "Tell that to Michael." Alan said. Sam pointed at him and said "stay away from my brother." Alan chuckled and Edgar said "sure you don't want us to stake him?" Sam huffed and said "no!" "You guys take this thing really seriously." I said. Before anyone could answer, Bulletproof came on the speakers. Sam smiled really big and began dancing to it. Edgar's mouth dropped and he said "what?" Alan shook his head and Sam said "the guys never dance. They're stiff." "That's right." Alan replied. I began dancing with Sam and he giggled. We danced side by side. The younger boy laughed at me as we slid from side to side. I felt eyes on me and saw Reese. He inhaled on a cigarette and he watched Sam and I. "Hey, is that guy a vampire?" I asked Sam. I did it in s hushed voice and Sam turned around. "Yeah." Sam replied. "He looks like one." I said. Sam's eyes widened and he said "and Marko doesn't?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he said "Edgar and Alan told me you've been hanging with them. Plus Michael." "He looks like a kid that parties every night." I replied. "That's the definition of a vampire!" Sam said. I spun around and Sam jumped up and down. I swayed back and forth to the music and Sam danced crazily. "How are you new here and you think you know everyone?" I asked. Sam shrugged and pointed to the brothers, who were currently looking at Reese. "I can see why they like ya." Sam said. I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "you're really pretty." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Thanks." I kissed his cheek and he smiled really big. Alan and Edgar stared with their mouths hanging open.

"I'm gonna go. It was very nice to meet you, Sam." He smiled at me and I walked out of the comic book shop. I drove back to my house. Plopping down on my bed to read my new comic. Mike and Scott would be here soon. I'd probably be awake by the time they got here.

Here's the update! I've been gone, sorry.

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