The Boardwalk

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Angel's POV:
I slept all day once again. Not knowing why. I decided to go out with Mike and Scott. Mike looked around the boardwalk, searching for something to do. "We should ride something." He said. "Like what?" I asked. "We should ride something with a little bit of a thrill." Scott said while smirking. "So the roller coaster?" Mike said as he stared up at it. Scott chuckled and said "why not?" The three of us stood in line. "Looks like I'll be sitting alone." I said. Scott furrowed his eyebrows and said "why is that?" "Cause you two are attracted to the hip. Is this a date?" I asked. Mike snickered and Scott shrugged. "Yeah. It is."

Scott stared at Mike, who was looking back at him. A blush appeared on Mike's face and Scoot smiled at him. These two were meant for each other. I felt someone tap my shoulder and Marko stood behind me, smirking. "What do you want?" I asked him. Marko put his hands over his heart and said "not even a hello?" I sighed and said "hi Marko." He smiled and said "hi Angel." I laughed and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What's so funny?" He asked. "You're strange." I replied. Marko stepped closer to me and said "is that good or bad?" I shrugged and said "it's probably bad." "Why?" "Cause everyone and everything in Santa Carla is strange. So I guess the boys are too." I said. "I'm a good strange though." Marko said. "Oh yeah? How?" I asked. Marko shrugged and said "you had fun the other night didn't ya?" I nodded and he said "if you want to have fun, you need to hang with me, party with me." I chuckled and said "I might take you up on that offer." Marko smiled really big and I laughed.

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

As we reached the coaster Marko put his arm around me. A small smirk appeared on his lips and I rolled my eyes playfully. "How many?" The attendant asked. "Two." I replied. He motioned to the front car and Marko immediately hopped in. Mike said "bullshit!" Scott laughed as they got in behind us. The ride started and we began going up the hill. Marko said "what're you doing after this?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. Why?" "I wanna have some fun." Marko said. "Hang out with David and them." I said. Marko groaned obnoxiously and said "we want you to hang with us." "Call Michael." I replied. Marko shook his head and said "Michael is mad at us." "Why?" I asked. Marko shrugged and said "don't know. But he's pissed." We reached the top of the hill and I smiled really big. The two of us whooped as the rollercoaster dropped us and swung us around sharp turns. The ride ended and Mike and Scott headed off somewhere. People are Strange was playing and I giggled. "What?" Marko asked. "This song. It's you. Because you're so strange." I replied as I began walking away from him. I turned around and began walking backwards, mouthing the words to the song.

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

Marko bit his lip and I saw curly hair in the crowd. "Michael!" I called. Marko's eyes narrowed and I walked over to Michael. "Hi Angel." Michael said. "What's up?" I asked. Michael noticed Marko and he eyed him. "Did you guys get in fight?" I said. Michael said "do you remember anything that happened? That other night? Did you drink the wine?" I shook my head and said "no. Why?" Michael didn't answer me. He moved my hair off my neck and his eyes widened. "What're you doing?" I asked him. "Who gave you that?" He said. I rolled my eyes and said "the hickey? Marko." Michael eyed Marko and I threw my arms in the air. "What's the big deal? Are you jealous?" I said. Michael shook his head and I said "what is it then?" "Did you sleep all day?" Michael asked. "Why?" I said as I crossed my arms. Michael huffed and said "cause don't you think that's a little weird. And have you been feeling a little sick?" "How do you know that?" I asked, getting nervous. "Because they did something to us. They did something without our consent." He replied. "What seems to be the trouble here?" David asked. I turned around and said "nothing." Michael eyed the four boys in front of us. "Where's Star?" Michael asked. David smirked and said "you'd love to know, wouldn't you?" "You partying with us?" Paul asked. I looked at Michael who shook his head. "Actually, I think I'll pass." I replied. Dwayne frowned and David said "that's too bad." Michael said "go away David." "What'd you tell her? Cause if you tell her the truth, she won't believe you." David said. "The truth?" I asked. Marko stared at the ground and Star emerged out of the crowd. David didn't say anything else, he walked to his bike. Star followed and got on the back. Paul, Dwayne, and Marko followed suit. Michael stared at Star who smirked at him. David shook his head and Dwayne eyed Michael. I put my hands in my pockets while looking at the gang in front of me.

Michael was in love with Star. I could see it. She winked at him and Michael sighed. Paul laughed and got on his bike. Marko was laughing with him until he looked over at me. Michael saw how Marko stared at me. I felt a hand on my wrist, pulling me back. It was Michael. "You should stay away from him." He said. "You should stay away from her." I replied. Marko eyed Michael and he started up his bike.

Paul rode off, then Dwayne. David followed and Star stared at Michael as they rode off. Marko was glaring holes in Michael's face. Then he looked at me, giving me a wink before he drove off. Michael said "they're trouble." "And how is that?" I asked. "Cause they're vampires." Michael replied. I looked at Michael like he was crazy. "That's hilarious." I said as I walked away from him, leaving him where he stood.

Here's the update!!

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