The other vampires

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Angel's POV:
I walked into the house, people were everywhere. I didn't know the majority of them. I only knew one girl. Tish. She was known for clubbing nonstop. She danced on the dance floor, guys all around her. Tyler grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. Reese was in front of me while Rusty was at the front. "Derek!" Rusty called. I could hear Derek's rambunctious laughter and Rusty sighed as he called the boy again. When Derek saw me his eyes widened and he took the bra he had on his head off. "What's up?" He said. Tyler rolled his eyes and said "we have a guest."

Derek stood up and said "Angel, long time no see." "Hi, Derek." I said. He smiled at me and Reese lit up a cigarette while Rusty sat down. Tyler let go of my wrist and he motioned for me to sit down. I sat down in between Derek and Reese. I saw that weed was being passed around. Derek took a large hit, passing it to me. I shook my head and Reese grabbed it, leaning over me to take it from Derek. "Pass it here." Rusty said as Reese inhaled. Reese coughed as he passed the joint to Rusty and Derek giggled. Tyler rolled his eyes at them and they all talked while I tuned them out. Derek looked at me and said "so, what're they like?" "They?" "David and his crew." I shrugged and said "they're kinda like the leaders of Santa Carla. I would say." Reese clenched his jaw and Tyler shook his head and said "they're not leaders at all." I looked over to Derek to see him giggling again.

His giggling made me smile and Reese rolled his eyes. I realized that soon I would need to get back to Mike and Scott. I stood up and said "boys, I have to go. It was nice hanging out but this isn't something you should get used to." Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and Rusty said "you want a ride home?" "No. I'll walk. It's nice out tonight." I said. "I'll walk you out." Reese said. "Bye Derek." I said to the intoxicated boy. Derek looked up and said "bye Angel." Reese walked me to the front door and as we got outside, the whole group of boys surrounded me. "Guys, that's really creepy stop." I said. "Do you know why we brought you here?" Tyler asked. I looked at him and said "no." "We brought you here to tell you something." Rusty said. "What?" I said. "We're vampires." Reese said while smirking.

I nodded and began to walk away from them, making my way back to my house. Once I got away from their booming party, a motorcycle pulled up next to me. It was Marko. I hugged him and he said "what's up?" "Reese and them. They invited me to the party. And then told me they were vampires." I said as I climbed on the back of his motorcycle. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and Marko grabbed one of my hands, bringing it up to his lips to kiss it. "You're alright? They didn't hurt you? Or do anything to you?" He asked. I shook my head against his back and said "no. I just wanna go home." Marko started up the bike and began making the drive back to my house. I climbed off his bike and he said "can I stay here tonight? I'm afraid they'll show up." I nodded and said "that's fine. I don't really wanna be alone anyway." He nodded and the two of us walked into my house. "Mike? Scott?" I called out. "Looks like they went out. To the club. We should go tomorrow. After we feed." Marko said. I shrugged and said "sure. Why not?" The two of us walked upstairs and I sat down on my bed. "Are they really vampires? Tyler and them?" I asked. Marko nodded as he sat down next to me. "They're like our rivals. Max and their leader Samael-" "Wait. Max is the head vampire?" I said. Marko nodded and said "yeah. I guess I should've told you. Max and Samael don't like each other. They never have. Max has tried to reunite them and if we combined the packs, it'd be better for the whole situation. But Max has his boys and Samael has his boys." "Why do they want me?" "You're female. They assume that since we have Star, they need a female as well. And Tyler obviously likes you. Samael picked up on that and made you their target." "Tyler? Him and I broke up years ago." "Yeah, well he obviously still cares about you and they'll all pick up on that. They'd never let him prevent them from getting you into their pack. Derek is harmless. In fact I think he's just as scared as Tyler. I've seen the way he is around you. He likes your company and wants to be friends with you more than anything. Rusty and Reese are the ones you need to be worried about. And I've almost ended them multiple times. But the two of them, they'll do anything, absolutely anything to get you into the pack." I bit my lip and said "that won't happen right?" Marko said "of course not. Me and the guys wouldn't let that happen." "Even David?" "Even David. Cause he knows what they'd do with you if it did happen." I half smiled and Marko put his arm around me. "Just stay away from them." I hugged him and said "don't let them get me. Please." His arms tightened around me and he said "I won't." I pulled away from him and he leaned in slowly. I did the same and he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was full of passion and I pulled away. "You really think Derek is harmless?" I asked. "Yeah. The only thing he does is instigate the fights. He's always drunk or high. Which isn't good for a vampire. Yes we can take it, yes it won't make us age or our insides to go bad but it can make you sick overtime. Vampires can't get the flu, we can't just get a cold. But if we drink bad blood, we'll be sick. If we do too much drugs or drink too much, we'll be sick. And Derek might end up that way. And if he does, Samael will have no sympathy. He'll let him rot." "We have to help him. He's in trouble." I said. Marko shook his head and said "we can't." I nodded and didn't bring it up again. "I'm gonna try to sleep. This is a lot to take in." I said as I laid down, rolling over, my back to Marko. I wasn't mad at Marko. Not at all. But I think we should help Derek. If the drugs and drinks do make him sick, Samael could kill him if he wanted to, because he'd be a burden. And the guys wouldn't help him. Not at all. They'd just let him go.

Here's the update! Kinda long and I like it

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