Video Store

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Angel's POV:
I woke up later that evening. I showered and got dressed. A motorcycle was heard from outside and I walked out onto the balcony. "Angel! Come on!" Marko said. "What're we doing?" I asked him. "Come down! You'll see!" I walked downstairs and opened the front door. Marko stood in the driveway and I said "what's up?" "We're going to the video store, to rent a video." "Where are we going to watch this video? You guys clearly don't have a tv at your cave." I replied. Marko smirked and said "here." "Really? My humble abode?" He nodded and said "wanna give me a tour?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I led him up the stairs and to the porch. "You boys better be dressed!" I hollered. Scott stood at the top and he said "of course we're dressed. Why wouldn't we be?" He noticed Marko standing in the doorway and I said "is Mike decent?" "I'm good!" Mike yelled. "Can I come in?" Marko asked. "Yeah." He stepped into the house with a sigh. He looked at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling and noticed there were lots of them. "Our theatre room is this way." "Holy shit you have a theatre room?" I nodded and opened the door. A large screen was on the wall with some seating. "Cool huh?" I didn't get a response. I turned around and Marko was staring at everything. I showed him the rest of the house and Mike was sitting on the couch. "You two will be ok?" Scott shrugged and said "I'm going to the store to get some snacks for Mike and I." "Will you be ok here alone?" I asked Mike. He nodded with a shrug. "I'm just gonna watch some tv. And please get a decent movie. I'd like to watch quality content." Scott rolled his eyes at the blonde and he headed outside, starting up his bike. "I'll be back." I said to Mike. "Kay." He replied. Marko pulled me out of the house and I got onto the back of his bike. Scott put his sunglasses on and Marko started up his bike. He sped off and we headed to the boardwalk. Marko parked and we walked toward the video store. David inhaled on his cigarette and said "what movie should we get?" "Something that involves death." Dwayne said. Paul nodded in agreement and said "a slasher." "Friday the 13th?" Marko suggested. David shook his head and Paul said "nah." "Prom Night." Dwayne said. David coughed and I said "not feeling that." Marko looked like he was thinking too hard and Paul was currently bopping his head to whatever song he had stuck in his head. "I know!" I said. David looked up from the ground and I said "The Funhouse." "Ooh. Excellent choice." Dwayne said with a smirk. Paul chuckled and said "yeah." "That's perfect." David said with a menacing laugh. Marko shrugged and David motioned for us to walk into the video store.

I was in between Marko and Paul as we walked in. The owner of the shop gave us a dirty look. His dog growled at Marko and I. I jumped slightly and Paul pulled me away from the dog. David picked up random videos and put them in the wrong places. "Go ask him." Dwayne said as he nudged me. I nodded and walked to the counter. "Excuse me, but do you happen to have The Funhouse?" I asked politely. The man pointed to a shelf in the back and I said "thank you." I picked it up and walked back to the counter, paying for it. "Are you new here?" He asked. I shook my head and said "no. I just don't usually get videos here. It's my first time." "Well, I'm Max." He said. "I'm Angel." I replied. Arms snaked around my waist and I giggled. Marko stood behind me and I could see Max giving him a dirty look. Power Play played on the speakers in the store.

Good and evil
They're neck and neck
Bases loaded
And there's three on deck
It's a power play
A power power play
We're in the final quarter
And it's running out
You're needing five
In life, there's no time out

David went to walk towards the counter and Max said "I thought I told you not to come in here anymore." David looked at Max with a smirk. Dwayne glared at him. Marko kissed my cheek and I giggled. Paul gave him the 'ok' sign and David led us out of the store.

Once we got outside I saw Rusty looking over at us. David sat on his bike while Dwayne and Paul talked. Reese looked at us as well. I knew why they were looking. One of them in their group liked me. And personally I didn't care for them. I dated Tyler when I was a freshman but we don't talk any longer. Paul laughed as Dwayne said something. I grabbed Marko by his crop top and pressed my lips to his. Paul and Dwayne hooted and hollered. Marko kisses me sloppily and that caused the guys to get louder. "I want the five of you away from my store." Max said. I pulled away from Marko and blew smoke towards him. "We're leaving." David said. Marko made a kissing noise and I kissed him while looking at Max. Dwayne chuckled and Paul hooted. Marko pulled away from me and got on his bike. "The four of you cause trouble. Don't drag Angel into your evil doings." Max said. "You're one to talk." Dwayne retorted. Marko got on his bike and Paul laughed while sitting on his bike.

I got on the back of Marko's bike, putting my arms around his waist. David started up his bike and Laddie ran over. "Where's Star?" Dwayne asked. "With Michael. She told me to come with you guys." Laddie replied. Dwayne nodded and helped him up onto his bike. Laddie wrapped his small arms around Dwayne's waist and David rode off. Marko backed up and revved up his bike a few times before driving off. We got back to my house and I opened the front door to see Mike staring at the tv. "You good?" I asked him. He nodded and I held the movie in my hand. I walked into the theatre room and put the VHS into the player. Laddie said "what movie did you guys get?" "The Funhouse. It's scary." I replied. Mike plopped down into a seat and Scott did the same. "Where did you come from?" I asked Scott. "Outside." He replied. I rolled my eyes and Laddie said "can I watch it?" I looked to David who didn't even give the kid an acknowledgement. Paul and Marko were giggling about something and I looked to Dwayne. Dwayne knelt down and said "do you think you can handle it?" Laddie nodded and said "it's like the funhouse on the boardwalk right?" Dwayne said "sure." Laddie looked up at me and said "I'm excited!" I smiled down at him and went to sit down. Marko immediately sat next to me and Laddie went to sit on the other side of me but Paul beat him to it. "No fair!" Laddie said. Paul rolled his eyes and said "get lost." Laddie crossed his arms in front of his chest and began to bother Dwayne. David sat in the front, wanting to have the scariest experience. Dwayne took Laddie to the back of the theatre and I heard a knock on my door. "Who could that be?" I muttered as I stood up. I opened the front door to reveal Mary. "Hey, I had nothing better to do so I thought I'd come over." The guys were laughing and she said "wait. Are the boys here?" I nodded and said "we're getting ready to watch a video." "Can I watch?" She asked. I nodded and let her in the house, closing the door. She saw Dwayne and sat down next to him. The movie started and the creepy music entered the room. "Shit." Paul muttered as the music crescendoed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The title came up and David clapped. Marko laughed as Dwayne cheered. I saw how irritated Scott was and it made me giggle.

Our entire group sat in the dark theatre watching The Funhouse. We were scared out of our wits. I screamed almost everytime something happened. It was terrifying. All in all we had a fun time.

The ending sucks🤮

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