13) Shoto

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I sat at the counter and watched Bakugou leave. Kirishima saw and after a few seconds looked at his phone, and told the others.

I looked at Nicholas as he threw away the broken coffee cups. "Why did you mentioned that?"

"What?" He looked at me over his shoulder. "The date thing?"

"Yes." I looked at my hands. "It's note a date."

"I know that, you know that, but that Pomeranian doesn't know that." He mentioned as he started making new cups of coffee.

"Nicholas, that Pomeranian is the guy I told you about." I whispered as I noticed Kirishima, Mina, Denki, and Mineta leave the café. "You know... The one I have been texting."

He stared at me before looking at a co-worker. "Kai I'm taking the day off." The guy nodded and Nicholas dragged me out of there. He dragged me all the way to his apartment. "Okay explain, now!" He raised his voice for once.

"There's not much to explain Shoto." He unlocked his apartment and we went inside. "They angry guy was the one you were texting? Whoa! You can really pick them huh?"

"Shut it..." I looked away from him and sat on his couch. "Speaking of guys, where's Val?"

"We broke up." He shrugged. "He wasn't the best guy for me. Now stop changing the subject, and te-" He was cut of by my phone and after I looked at the message he could tell who it was. "You going to text him back?" He sat next to me and looked over my shoulder.

Hey, what's up?

"I'll leave you alone." Nicholas walked over to his kitchen.

Hey, what's up?

At a friend's house. You?

Bored and confused


Yeah, confused.
My head is rushing and my chest hurts.

You might be sick

How was your day?

Good, yours?

Not good.
I accidently walked into a guy, and made him spill ice coffee all over him

Now why would you go and do something like that?

Keyword! Accidentally!

I'm messing with you Katsuki.
Sorry I meant Bakugou

Incoming Call: Pomeranian

I jumped up for a sec and accidentally accepted it, I stared at Nicholas with wide eyea and he made zipping motion over his mouth as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey..." I Bakugou whisper. "You don't have to respond. Just." He lets out a sigh. "I know you said no to the hints, but please just give me at least one." I stayed silent. Should I give him a hint? Should I not? Should I mislead him and give him a fake hint? "Nevermind, by-"

"I am in your class." I told him and tried my best to disguise my voice. "I-im in your class Bakugou."

"Thanks." I heard the smile on his voice. "Talk to you later mystery boy."

"Later Bakugou." I told him and he hung up. I looked up and saw Nicholas giving me a weird look. "What?"

"You like him!"

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