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A/n: I have some OCs in this chapter!!! Please comment and vote!

Bakugou was starting to regret agreeing to come to this party. Everyone from his class was there, and he was starting to get a little annoyed. Was the guy he's been texting really in his class? If so who was it? "Hey Bakubro. What's up?" Bakugou almost jumped when Kirishima spoke up.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Bakugou looked around the room. "So... You going to help me find out who the mystery texter is?"

"Well I would, but do you actually know the names of the students in our class?" Kiri asked him.

"Shit." Bakugou mumbled and looked around the room at class 1A. He saw Denki and Sero talking about who knows what as Mina talked to Yakeru. The rest of the class were either doing the same or eating some type of snack.

"Man... Where's Hibiki when you need him?" Kirishima whispered and if on cue the dark brown haired student walked in. "Hey Hi-"

"I got the Wii and Just Dance! Who's in?!" The teen asked as he started to set everything up.

"Oh course he would be the one to suggest that..." Bakugou whispered and went to get something to drink. He could hear Hibiki and Mineta talking about the game all the way from the dorms' kitchen, and he rolled his eyes.

"You okay?" Bakugou looked at the student in front of him to see Todoroki. "You have been staring at that cup for five minutes."

Bakugou glared at him a little. "Who stares at someone who's staring at an object for five minutes?"

Todoroki shrugged in reply. He grabbed a cup of his own and took a sip of the punch. The taller male sat on the counter and stared at Bakugou. He literally didn't know what to say. "Still would like an apology."

Bakugou looked up at him. "What Icy-Hot?" He glared.

"An apology for accusing me of something and invading my personal belongings." Todoroki replied and Bakugou rolled his eyes. A small mumble was the result. Todoroki cocked an eyebrow. "What was that?"

"Sorry..." Bakugou repeated. Todoroki wasn't really expecting the apology, but accepted it anyway. The two just sat in silance until Deku rushed in. "Deku?" Bakugou asked. The green haired teen was almost out of breath.

"Kacchan Todoroki, Yakeru and Mineta are having a dance battle and Mineta is winning!" Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked out pf the room. Although that seemed stupid he wanted to see it. Hibiki was probably helping Mineta cheat with his quirk.

Deku stayed in the kitchen with Todoroki. "Hey Midoriya." Todoroki greeted him.

"Hey Todoroki." Deku grabbed a water out of the fridge. Todoroki stared at his drink deep in thought. Maybe he should tell someone about the texting secret? Someone besides Nicholas perhaps? After all Nicholas has his own problems with Val. "Todoroki? You alright?"

"Hmm?" Todoroki looked at Deku. "Of course Midoriya. I'm alright... Just have a crowded mind at the moment."

"I'm here if you need me." Deku told him a little concerned.

"I known." He cleared his throat. "Midoriya... I'm gay."

Kirishima stood in the kitchen doorway.

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