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Please comment, also thoughts about Lemon and Nathaniel? Any theories?

Also also when you are at the store do you call it a cart or buggy? I'm southern and I use the term buggy.

"I fucking hate this." Bakugou cussed as he looked at the apartment key and then at the robot baby.

"I am not that happy about this either." Todoroki mentioned. "Aizawa said that we should turn the baby on after we get everything moved it. After turning it on we will have to-"

"Uh isn't there supposed to be a crib and shit?" Todoroki looked up from the list Aizawa and Midnight made to see Bakugou was already in the apartment, and poking his head out of a room.

"Well if you had let me finish," Todoroki started as me placed the list in his pocket, and walked in with a suit case and the baby. "After we turn the baby on we have to buy the crib and everything. The school gave each of us a budget."

"Of course they did." Bakugou rolled his eyes before looking at the other two bedrooms. Todoroki looked around the living room that was connected to the kitchen and dining room. Small, but nice. It was a mix of traditional Japanese with a more normal furniture. "Pretty boring apartment... I get the bigger room."

"Excuse me?" Todoroki looked at him. "Why do you get the bigger room?"

"I have more stuff." Bakugou stated as he faced Todoroki. He instantly stopped what he was doing, and pulled his phone out before taking a picture.

"Whay are you doing?" Todoroki asked confused as he finally shuts the apartment door.

"Sending a picture to my old lady." Bakugou replied before sending a picture of the robot baby to his mom.

Hey old hag, look at this!

Oh God.
You actually got a girl pregnant?
I thought you were gay.

It's a class assignment!

Bakugou took another picture before sending it to his mom.

This is my partner for the project.

He's cute.

Bakugou rolled his eyes again before looking at Todoroki. "Uh I guess we should turn the baby on, huh?"

Todoroki nodded before looking at the baby. He remembered that Midnight also gave them a card, all they had to do was move it over the baby's face and it should turn on.

He did just that and the baby's eyes opened. As soon as they did the tears soon followed. Todoroki and Bakugou watched silently. Sure they had to watch those kids a few years back, but they didn't know what to do with a baby. Todoroki looked at Bakugou, and Bakugou stared back.

"What...what do we do?" Todoroki whispered.

"Seriously?" Bakugou took the baby from the taller male. He walked over to the kitchen table, and started changing the baby's diaper. "Luckly I took some diapers from Deku. They went to the store right after class.  Thought you would know how to do this, you have three siblings after all!" Bakugou hissed.

"I'm the youngest." Todoroki stated.

"Ah I see." Bakugou nodded as he finished, and the baby stopped crying. "Also I think we should rename the baby." Todoroki's heart sank a little. "I think people will be a little confused if I say something like "Yeah I'm changing Shoto's diaper." Bakugou explained.

"I understand." Todoroki nodded before picking up the robot baby. It started crying again and then he handed it to Bakugou. The baby stopped crying. "I guess even robot babies have a preference when it comes to who's holding them."

"Hah number one." Bakugou chuckled as he held the baby. "So names... Any ideas Icy-Hot?"

"Um no." Todoroki shook his head. "Do you?"

Bakugou thought for a moment before nodding. "I do." Bakugou stated. "If it was a girl it would be easier to name them. I would pick Juno, but because it's a boy... Touya?"

Todoroki shook his head no. "Um no... I don't think that would be a good idea. That... That was my brother's name."

Bakugou stared at him before nodding. "I guess we can alsways pick it after we get it some things. I don't really see the fucking point it's just a robot... A very realistic robot."

"Midnight told us that it will act and grow like an actual baby." Todoroki told him. Bakugou nodded.


"Can you hold him? He won't stop fucking crying!" Bakugou gave Todoroki the baby. Everyone in the store stared at the two boys. Todoroki grabbed the baby and tried to calm him down. Bakugou was searching for something they bought at a different store before sticking it into the baby's yapper. "Good think we bought that pacifier."

"Yes it is." Todoroki nodded. The two looked at strollers and cribs before they heard two familiar voices. "Is that?"

"The pervert and bird boy." Bakugou whispered, and glanced behind Todoroki. Todoroki turned around to see Tokoyami with a list and Mineta holding a baby with a bird head. Todoroki and Bakugou instantly got out of thier view of sight. "Let's go to a different store." He dragged Todoroki out of there.

"She won't stop crying." Mineta cried and Tokoyami sighed as he took the baby out of the bigger baby's arms. "Maybe we got a defected one."

"Babies cry, Mineta." Tokoyami told him and handed the purple haird male the list.

"I didn't cry a lot as a baby." Mineta replied.

"I doubt that." Tokoyami whispered and noticed Mineta stopped walking. "Mi-"

"Can we get her that?" Mineta pointed at a black and purple crib. He looked at the baby. "What do you think Haniko? Should we get it?" Mineta asked the crying baby in one of those voices parents talk to tehir babies in. The baby stopped crying and slapped Mineta lightly.

Tokoyami chuckled a little as Mineta took the baby from him. He had to admit, even though he hated the idea of working with Mineta he knew it might be fun. He watched Mineta and baby, they named her Haniko, he also had to admit the kid was beautiful. He hoped he wouldn't get attached.

He then remembered something. Midnight said that through the rest of the school year they would age up. At th end of the year they should be around six or seven, and that a quirk would be randomly generated depending on the data it gets from both parents... Haniko has a bird head just like him... What are the chances she has the same quirk as him?

"Ah help!" Tokoyami shook his head out of his thoughts and saw Haniko was pulling on Mineta's nose.

Tokoyami chuckled before getting Haniko from him. Haniko looked at Tokoyami and lets go of Mineta. A yawn soon followed. "Awe! She's so cute!" A lady looked at Haniko before looking at Mineta and Tokoyami. "It's so nice seeing a gay couple with a kid." She states before leaving.

Tokoyami just blinked and Mineta was also speechless. "Why does everyone thing we're gay?"

Tokoyami shrugs. "Not sure. Maybe I give off a gay vibe or something?"

"If anything you give of a 'I'll kill you' type of vibe. Are you gay though?" Mineta asked suspiciously as he grabbed the crib box. He placed it in the buggy.

"Uh no. You?" Tokoyami joked. He knew the answer.

"Definitely not." Mineta stated. He kept pushing the buggy and Tokoyami held baby Haniko. "Not that I have anything against the LGBTQ plus community, it's just me personally am not attracted to males."

"For once you actually said something that sounds like you have respect for someone." Tokoyami said without thinking. Mineta faced him. "Sorry..."

"Look Tokoyami, I know it seems like I don't have respect for women, but in fact I actually do." Mineta told him. "I just have a bad case of word vomit."

"Of course." Tokoyami replied and glanced at the purple haird boy. He sure seemed different then how he acts at school, and Tokoyami wants to find out why. But since they had to share a hotel room together something felt off about Mineta and himself. He just... He just didn't know what.

Tokoyami looked at his phone to see a message from Lemon. He placed Haniko in a stroller, which they bought at a different store.

Heeeeey bird boy!
Check out my baby daddy XD

Lemon sent him a picture of Nathaniel asleep with the robot baby on his chest.

What a dork.

Tokoyami smiled a little, and Mineta noticed. He remembered what happened the other night and swallowed, hard. "Who you texting?" The grape asked.

"Lemon." Tokoyami stated before sending her a message.

"You seem to like her." Mineta told him.

"Yeah... She, she seems nice."

"Oh yeah she seems nice. With the long red hair, nice pale skin, big huge br-" Tokoyami gave Mineta a glare. "I was going to say bright eyes!"

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