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A/n: Should I make a Tokoyami and Mineta fanfic? The ship is starting to grow on me... Let's make it a vote, comment next to your answer.



Make it a sequel to this!!!!

Bakugou's POV

Something didn't fit right with me when Nicholas came in. His shirt was soaking wet. "What happened?"

"A pipe busted in my apartment." Nicholas stated. I nodded and then shook my head. "Can I... Can I borrow one of your shirts?" Nicholas looked at me, and after he stared at me for a few seconds I felt guilty. Why was I feeling guilty?

Fuck this is strange.

"Sure." I found myself say before mentally cussing at myself. I left the living room, grabbed a shirt from my room, and gave it to Nicholas.

He gladly took it from me, and left to go to the bathroom to change. Once he came back out something seemed a little different, but you know besides the obvious. "Why did you change in the bathroom? It's just a shirt."

"Oh, um I'm kinda self-conscious about this scar I have on my back." Nicholas explained, and I nodded. I could tell pretty easily he was lying. Nicholas sat down and started messing with his hands.

It felt pretty strange to me. From what I know if Nicholas so far is the fact he's super sarcastic unless he's around Icy-Hot, but now... Now he's so awkward. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." Nicholas turned to me.

"How did your brother die?" I asked as I sat next to him. I was honestly curious.

Nicholas blinked and seemed distant. I was about to say never mind when he answered. "He was murdered on school grounds."

I shook my head. No way that was true. "No way. It would have been all over the news or some shit."

"My family is very private, and we did everything in our power to keep the press out of it. We even payed the school staff to not mention it." Nicholas stated. "He was a good guy, had a big heart, just maybe... Just maybe to big, and just maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I suddenly felt a rush of guilt again, following the guilt was sadness. A sadness so powerful I couldn't place a name for it. "What did you want be when you grew up?" Nicholas asked.

"A pro hero, duh." I huffed. "You?"

"Same here, but sadly I don't have a good quirk." He shrugged.

Time to bite the horse in the ass. "Who murdered your brother?"

Nicholas stared at me. He just stared. "Her name was Everly. She done something that people called an accident, but it landed him in the school infirmary. That night he died at school."

We just stayed there in silance, staring forward. I for one was feeling sad for some reason, like I personally knew Nicholas' brother.

But I didn't. I'm an outsider to this whole situation. I know nothing about Nicholas or his brother. Icy-Ho- you know what? Todoroki! Todoroki knows more about this than I fucking do. I just feel sad and stupid for even opening my damn mouth.

"You're easy to talk to." Hah! That's a first to hear from someon- wait... That came from me, didn't it?

"Thank you Bakugou." Nicholas looked at me. "You are too. Actually you're the first I even told about how Jonah died. Even Shoto doesn't know."

I gave him a small smile and a nod. My heart was racing for some odd reason. But why?

"Can I kiss you?"

Tokoyami's POV

I stared at the half asleep Mineta. Did he just ask me to sleep with him? No, of course not. I'm just tired and misheard him.

"Sleep with me, please." Mineta repeated. "It's storming and i-" he stopped himself before letting my hand go and turning away from me. "Never mind."

"No." I sat on his bed and watched him, as creepy as that sounds. "Please tell me Mineta. If we're going to live together I should at least know why you are asking me to sleep with you."

Mineta didn't respond and I thought he fell asleep, but when I was about to get up he turned to face me once more. "As childish as it sounds I'm..."

"You're?" He mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What?" He mumbled it again. "Please speak up so I can hear y-"

"I'm terrified of storms!" He confessed. "There now you know."

"Mineta I..." I stopped myself and left the room.

Mineta's POV

Of course he would leave after me suggesting something stupid like that. I mean we're not even technically friends, so why would he agree to staying with me?

A few minutes go by when I hear my bedroom door open. At first I thought it was my imagination until I saw Tokoyami holding some blankets and a pillow. At that moment I felt giddy. It felt strange to me.

"There's not enough room on the bed so I'll take the floor." Tokoyami whispered as he shuts the bedroom door. He's actually staying?

"Thanks..." I trailed off. "Can I... Can I sleep in the floor with you?"

Tokoyami stopped putting his stuff down before looking at me. A strange look was in his eye, it was a questionable one. He nodded and went back to his stuff. I grabbed my blanket and pillow and shuffled down next to him. For some reason it felt nice.

I hated that it did. "Night Mineta."

"Night Tokoyami."

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