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A/n: *Evil laughter* *cough* em excuse me. Sorry it's short.

(At Tokoyami's and Mineta's apartment)

"She was what when you got there?" Mineta asked him to repeat himself. No way what he said was possible.

"Laughing with Endeavor." Tokoyami frowned at Mineta's laughter. "What's so funny?"

"It's." Laugh. "Just." Laugh. "Endeavor laughing?!" Laughing on floor. "Like a nice laugh or like evil?"

"It sounded nice like he was happy... Something isn't setting right with me.."

(Somewhere else)

"Jonah! Wait up!" A teenager runs up to a boy with tamed brown hair. "Jonah! You forgot your notebook in class!"

She playfully hit him and he chuckled. "I'm sorry Ev." He smiled. The two kept walking in silence. "So... UA. You going to try and get in?"

"My mom wants me to, but I don't know... I don't have a quirk Jonah."

"You can still try, Everly. Anything is possible." Jonah gave her a smile.

Calmness and happiness filled Everly. She gave him a smile and nodded.

The girl in the dream quickly woke up and hugged her knees. "F-fuck... I'm sorry Jonah..." Tears ran down her cheeks.

"Ev?" The girl looked to the doorway of her room. "You good?"

"Y-yeah Shiggy.."

"No you're not. I can feel something is bothering you." He sat down on her bed and she instantly hug him. "E-"

"I miss him so much Shiggy, and I had to fuck things up." She continued to cry.

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