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ThEoRiEs?! Also already writing the sequel to this :)

Endeavor looked at the kid before him. He looked so much like Shoto and Bakugou it confused him. Shoto said the kid was Bakugou's, but the blonde claimed it was both of theirs.

"What's your name kid?" Endeavor asked as he leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms.

"Jamie." Jamie replied as he held onto his small backpack.

"Who's your parents?" Endeavor questioned further.

"Mommy Katsuki and Daddy Shoto." Jamie replied blankly.

Endeavor stared at him confused. Mommy Katsuki and Daddy Shoto? What in the worl-

"Are you my grandpa?" Jamie tilted his head to the side. Endeavor stared at the kid. No freaking way. He wasn't ready to be a grandpa.

"I- yes?" Endeavor questioned. He literally didn't know how to deal with all of this.

"I don't see how you're scary." Jamie told him. "You seem... Off." Jamie took his backpack off of his back and started walking into the living room. Endeavor followed close behind.

Something didn't sit right with him about this kid. He should have told Shoto no about watching him... But what Lemon told him was right.

"Mr. Todoroki," The red head sat down on the couch across from him. Her long hair was up in a pony tail. "Is it okay I can call you Enji?"

"I'd rather you not." Endeavor took a sip of his tea.

"Aw come on!" Lemon smiled. "You need to loosen up like you were the other night."

Enji gave her a glare. "No. Can we just get to those questions?"

"You should be nicer too. I bet under all that rude exterior and power hungry attitude you're actually a scared man hiding from the truth." Lemon told him before she started asking questions. "Maybe start off and be nicer to your kids."

"You don't know anyth-"

"I'm going to cut you off their Enji." Lemon held a hand up. "I know more than you think."

Now Endeavor stared at the kid before him who was looking around the living room. "You have a nice house. Mommy, Daddy, and I live in a tiny apartment."

"You do?" Endeavor walked over to the kid. If Shoto needed help financially he should have just asked... Yet Endeavor knew why he never did.

"Mhm." Jamie looked at his grandfather. "Why are you in pain?"

Scroot scroot Todobaku time

Why did we have to come here? Todoroki questioned as he looked right infront of him with a small blush that was not noticeable.

Right now the two boys were at the aquarium. Bakugou for some reason picked that place to talk about the Jamie situation and all the madness going on.

And yet they've been their for about fifteen minutes and no one had said a thing.

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