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Aaaaaah. Before y'all kill me, the ending of this chapter isn't what it sounds like.

And if you haven't seen the last author note..

If you could ask a truth(or dare) for Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Kirishima, Todoroki, or Bakugou

What would you ask? Need to know for educational purposes aka two youtube videos...

All truths and dares are welcomed!!!

"Bakugou don't even-" Todoroki was cut off by Bakugou running toward the cry for help while Todoroki tried desperately to stop the rushing water that was making it's way to unsuspecting people.

It was just a few seconds before Bakugou was out of his sight. Todoroki sighed and was able to get most of the water to stop. He started to chase after Bakugou, but something caught his eye. He walked over to where the water came from, at first he thought one of the tanks busted, but no... It was a rusted broken pipe.

"What in the-"

"Hey Todoroki-kun." Todoroki freezed and turned around seeing fluffy green hair.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki backed up a bit when he saw him. Something was off about him. A twisted smile, and Todoroki realized something. "Toga."

The figure before him started twisting around in a melting fashion. "Aw how did you know it was me?"

"Because you tried this earlier this year." Todoroki mentioned.

Toga smiled. "It was fun." Then she started to run to where Bakugou was headed to.

Were the League of Villains trying to kidnap Bakugou again?

Todoroki chased after Toga, but when he rounded the corner he froze. Bakugou was on the ground and Endeavor was in front of him.

Todoroki rushed over to Bakugou helping him up. The angry pomeranian was throwing curses, but he quickly stopped. "Oh fuck."

"What Baku-" he realized whatwas wrong. "Oh no."

The two teens looked at Endeaver, who at the moment was fighting the villains with Fat Gum. "Where the Hell is Jamie!?" Bakugou hissed.

Endeavor glanced over his shoulder at the two and pointed over to a bench before he started fighting again.

Bakugou and Todoroki both looked over to see their son watching with wide eyes as he watched the heros defeat the villains... Or at least try to.

Todoroki and Bakugou ran over to Jamie, but some ruble landed between them. "Jamie! You okay?!" Bakugou valled over the loud noises.

"Yes mommy!" Jamie smiled from his spot. "Grandpa Enji is awesome!!" Todoroki died a little inside when he heard that. "He also owes me thirty bucks so hopefully he doesn't die!"

"That's my boy." Bakugou said a little to proud and Todoroki smacked his shoulder. "What was that for?!"

"You taught him how to play poker?" Todoroki glared.

"Of course not!" He looked back to the ruble. "Mina did."

Todoroki sighed before started moving the ruble out of the way and Bakugou looked at him before looking at the ruble. "Jamie move out of the way!"

"Bakugou n-" Todoroki was cut off by Bakugou usuing his quirk the blast the ruble away. Todoroki glared at him. "You could have hurt Jamie!" He looked at where Jamie once was. "Where's Jamie?"

"Oh my god I killed our son!" Bakugou had a face filled with horror. Then looked around. "Oh no I was wrong that lady is taking him." He pointed at a lady with long brown curly hair walking with Jamie... Heading right to Shigaraki. "Oh fuck."

The two started chasing after them. The two felt more scared then they ever did in their life before. "Ev! Hurry!" Shigaraki hissed at the lady.

Todoroki's heart dropped. Ev? As in Everly? He suddenly say red, but before he used his quirk Everly lets go of Jamie's hand and tells him something. She started running to a portal that opened and dragged Shigaraki with her through it.

Todoroki and Bakugou fell to their knees and hugged Jamie once they were close to him. From how it looked it looked like Jamie voluntarily went with her. "Jamie you okay? What did she say to you? You're okay?" Todoroki kept asking him.

"I'm fine." Jamie smiled. "She said sorry."

For what? The two teens questioned themselves, and Todoroki glanced at his own dad. "I'll be right back."

Bakugou looked over at Endeavor before looking back at Shoto. "Be careful S- Icy-Hot."

Todoroki didn't pay attention to what Bakugou was saying before he left. He trudded his way to his father. With each step his blood boiled. "What were you thinking!?" He couldn't control his anger.

Enji looked at him and Fat Gum made sure the press didn't pay attention. "Sh-"

"Because of you Jamie could have been taken by the LOV! Or worse, dead! What was going through your mind?!" Shoto was so angry his left side burted into flames.

"Shoto!" Enji started. "That was the only choice! The day cares wouldn't have worked because I needed to get here quickly, and no one else could have watched him!"

Shoto kept staring at his father before he started walking away. "Don't even think you will see my son again." He walked over to Bakugou and Jamie a little bit calmer now. "Lets... Let's go get ice cream."

The family of three left and Enji watched. He sure was an idiot.

He walked home after a few things with the press and it started to get dark. He kept walking until he saw someone in his front steps.

"Lee-Yang? What are you doing back?" Enji asked as he started to unlock his front door, after he opened it he looked at the teen girl.

She had a blank looked that slowly turned into confusion. "Le-"

"I might be pregnant." She said smaller than a whisper.

Enji stared at the red head before nodding and moving out of the way. "Come inside."

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