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A/n: Please comment T_T

The whole time Todorki, Bakugou, and Jamie visited Rei went pretty okay. Jamie and Rei played that game Shoto and Bakugo played in the elevator.

Shoto watched from his seat as Jamie actually got Rei to smile and laugh. It kinda made him sad because he didn't get enough time with his own mother. Was he jealous of his own son? Maybe. Was he going to let his son be around Rei as much as possible? Yes.

"Psst Icy-Hot." Todorki ignored Bakugo. "Freezer Burn?" Again he ignored him. "Todorki?" Nothing. "Shoto."

This time he looked at him. "What?" He gave him a glare before looking back at his mom and Jamie.

"Can we talk in the hall?" Bakugo asked the taller male.

"I don't know, Katsuki. Can we?" He glared at him once more.

Bakugo rolled his eyes before looking at Rei and Jamie. "We will be right back." He dragged Bakugo out into the hall and shut the door behind him. "Look I'm sorry okay?"

"Sorry for what?" Todorki replied blankly.

"You know why." Bakugo lightly pushed him against the wall. "I'm sorry for what I said about your mom. I guess I was tired about what happened the day an-"

"Well you still said it Bakugo. Just because you apologize I'm supposed to be okay with it?  Well I'm tired of it Bakugo. Excepting empty apologies, I'm done with them." Todorki said calmly.

"I-" Bakugo bowed his head. "Please... Please Shoto..."

"Baku-" Todorki was cut off by lips on his own. It was quick and he looked down at Bakugo.  "I- I. What?"

Bakugo stared blankly. "I have no idea why I said that."

The two stared at each other before Bakugo did something even more out of character. He started to giggle nervously. "Heh I so-"

It was Todorki's turn to cut him off. He kissed him and it took Bakugo a few seconds to realise what the taller male was doing. He kissed back and it took a few more seconds for him to pull away. "Baku- No. Katsuki, I-i I'm the person who's been texting you."

"I know." Bakugou smirked before his face fell. "I'm serious though. I am sorry."

Inside the room with Jamie and Rei, Jamie was talking about school to his grandma when she took notice of a newspaper in his backpack. She picked it up and saw the front cover.

Pro Hero Endeavor Teen Love Affair?

The headline read and it showed a picture of Endeavor letting a girl with long red hair inside the Todorki house hold after dark. A worried look washed over her face as the two teens walked back inside the room.

She told them she was tired and the three left after Jamie gave Rei a big hug.

With the villains

Toga and Dabi along with the two UA students sat across from Nicholas and Shigaraki. "So." Dabi started. "Who did we kill if Everly Yamane really is Nicholas Yamada?"

"No one. We made it seem like Shigaraki killed me in a different room so just in case you two decided to betray us." Nicholas stated before downing a glass of chocolate milk.

"I- what? So like Everly isn't even a real person?" Toga asked, for once confused.

"No Ev... Everly was who I used to be. I was stuck in the closet as transgender. The only person who knew was my twin brother Jonah Yamada." Nicholas switched the chocolate milk out with whiskey.

"The differ-"

"The different last names was because their parents were divorced and E- Nicholas' om got remarried. He took the last name as well as her." Shigaraki tried to explain.

"So what your saying is Everly is your dead name and you want to go by Nicholas instead. Plus you killed your brother?" Nicholas nervously nodded. Dabi shugged. "Okay."

"So we were the only two here who didn't know?" Toga asked.

"Pretty much." Twice shrugged.

A/n: The villains part is kinda rushed because I wanted to publish this and because more will explained about Nicholas/Everly later.

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