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A/n: Corn chips.

The next morning Shoto found himself hanging off half of the bed and Bakugo spread out. He got up and glared at the blonde boy as a heavenly smell entered his nose.

He grabbed some walked down the hallway leaving Bakugo in his room, and headed to the kitchen. When he entered he saw Enji cooking and Jamie playing with some small figurines. "What you playing, Jamie?" Shoto asked his son. He sat down with him.

"Caverns & Calderons." Jamie responded. Shoto looked confused and grabbed the box the figurines came in. It was a table top role-playing game.

Shoto placed the box back down and looked over to his dad to see he was placing food on some plates. "You made breakfast for four?"

"No." Enji stated and Shoto was about to do an eyeroll. "I made breakfast for five. "

"Five?" Bakugo quested groggily as he walked into the room. he rubbed his eyes and Jamie ran over to him. He hugged his legs. "Hey bud."

"Mhm." Enji nodded. "I have a friend coming over."

"You have friends? That's hard to believe." Bakugo muttered. Shoto tried not to laugh as Enji glared at him. His beard flared a little.

"Yes, I do." Enji kept glaring. He looked back at the food. "Do you need someone to babysit Jamie while ypu go back to the apartment? I can watch him, and you have my word nothing will happen like last time."

Shoto bit his lip. He knew it was a bad idea, but they didn't really have anyone else to keep an eye on the five year old. "Alright... Just make sure to take him to school."

"I will." Enji gave Shoto and Bakugou lunch boxes because they were going to eat on the way to the apartments. Shoto and Bakugou both gave Jamie a hug before leaving.

Enji looked at his grandson. "We have enough time to eat, but then I got to take you to school." Jamie nodded.

The two ate and every now and then someone would say something. Half way through a knock was heard and Enji opened it to reveal Lemon. "Hi- Jamie?" She saw the kid and then looked at Enji.

"I'm watching him." Lemon nodded. "So you told me you needed to ask some questions."

"The doctor called and said he wanted to do a few more check ups on me... Was wondering if you'd tag along. I know it's probably not a good idea because what the news has been saying, but no one is really listening to them."

Enji nodded and told her to wait at the house while he took Jamie to school.

At the Mineta household ~(*_*)~
Again I know nothing about his family so I am bullshitting my way through this.

Mineta was downstairs with his grandma making breakfast as Tokoyami looked around the house once he got back from taking Haniko to school. He kept walking around and found himself snooping through the upstairs hall.

He opened a door to see a bedroom. He tried a different room, it was the guest room. Then he saw Mineta and another bedroom. At the end of the hall was a pale blue door. He opened it seeing pictures all over the walls. Most were pictures of land marks or other places. Some landscapes.

He looked at all the pictures until one caught his eye. He took a closer look to see it was a picture of Mina. Just like the other pictures it was focused and looked well taken. "Before you ask I had permission to take that one."

Tokoyami turned around seeing Mineta leaning against the door frame. "You took this picture?" He asked.

Mineta nodded. "I took all of these actually."

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