Chapter Eleven

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This story too will contain bonus chapters with Manik's Pov.

"No, thank you ─for trusting me."

His words kept ringing in her ears and a smile adorned her lips. She had unknowingly blushed after he had said this forgetting about everything else.

After they hung up, Nandini took a few minutes to muster up the courage and call Aditi and surprisingly when she called her, it was answered.

"Hello?" Aditi said hesitantly as if fearing Nandini would soon start shouting at her.

"Can you meet me at the backside of the college?" Her voice was soft then she expected it to be and after few minutes silence she'd answered in positive.

So now she waited for her to arrive at the place while she recollected her time with Manik. She had made up her mind that wasn't going to block his number nor delete his number at any cost and talking wasn't prohibited either.

She was grinning to herself like a crazy person until someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned around.

It was Aditi.

"Hi!" Nandini said formally and Aditi gave her an awkward smile. Inwardly Nandini chuckled at how their relationship had gone from 100-0 real quick.

"How are you?" As she asked that, the expression on Aditi's face changed from that of nervous one to irritated one.

"Nandini can we cut the chase please?" Although she sounded frustrated but wasn't her voice wasn't harsh.

"Okay if you say so." Shrugging her shoulders she then crossed her hands and looked at her with only determination in her eyes.

"Why have you been avoiding me from the last few days? Have I done something wrong?" Nandini asked directly and Aditi looked away not meeting her eyes.

"It's nothing like that." She lied and Nandini kept quiet.

"Are you hiding something from me Aditi? If yes, then you can tell me now. I'm giving you a chance." The warning in her voice was unheard by Aditi as she nodded a no.

"There's nothing." Taking a deep breath Nandini decided it was enough.

"You are in a relationship with Ahaan." It wasn't a question rather a statement which made Aditi look at her in shock.

"Wh─what?" Aditi stuttered and sweated profusely as she stared at Nandini who looked anything but angry. She was standing there all calm and composed.

"I saw you two at the canteen today." She revealed and Aditi's eyes widened further because she had thought Nandini would bunk college today as well.

"Nandini I─"

"No more lies Aditi. I want the truth!" Nandini said sternly and Aditi closed her eyes in pure regret.

"Nandini I didn't do this purposely, I swear." Aditi pleaded through her eyes but Nandini's posture didn't change. She kept looking at her waiting for her to continue.

"I─I didn't tell you one thing that I liked Ahaan as well. The day when I told you I'll get his number for you, I was really going to get it for you but when I went to him and asked his number, he─" She stopped and took a deep breath.

"He proposed me. He told me that he liked me since a long time now but didn't have the courage to walk upto me and tell me about it. I couldn't say no Nandini because I liked him as well. I know it was selfish, very selfish of me to betray you Nandini and I have no excuse for it." All the while she looked down not able to meet her eyes.

"Then what about the Wrong number you gave me?" Nandini asked and Aditi looked up, guilt shining in her eyes.

"I didn't want to give you his number and I couldn't tell you that I was in a relationship as well so I ended up giving that number to you." She looked down again and Nandini sighed loudly.

"You know Aditi I have no problem, neither I'm angry at you that you're in a relationship with Ahaan but what I really feel angry about is that you did not even think once before giving me that random number." Nandini said angrily as she glared at Aditi.

"For all I know the person could've been a psychopath or a stalker or even a criminal Aditi. What if I would've been kidnapped or murdered because finding the person's location from their number is no big deal nowadays, you know that." Aditi already had tears in her eyes because she knew Nandini was right.

Nandini didn't care when she her crying because she was right in her place. She was thankful or lucky that it wasn't someone like that but the chances were likely.

"I'm sorry Nandini. I'm really sorry." Aditi sobbed palming her mouth and Nandini's eyes softened seeing her.

"I can forgive you Aditi but I won't ever be able to forget it." She said quietly and Aditi looked at her with teary eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I had a wonderful time with you till now but we can't be friends anymore Aditi. You are just a stranger to me after this." The words were firm and no second thoughts appeared in her mind.

Aditi bit her lip to stop the sob and nodded quietly, agreeing to her words.

"I know it's my loss to lose a friend like you Nandini but I'll cherish our friendship forever." Aditi said and Nandini smiled one last time before leaving from there.

She finally felt free and more happy than she had been from the past few days.

Aditi was played by Barkha if you'll didn't notice her dp in the WhatsApp chat :p

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