Chapter Sixteen

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Do you get anxious meeting the same person you talked before on call?

Thank you for the lovely covers weirdosaurs ❤️

Nandini closed her eyes being more nervous than she was with Cabir. It seemed like only his voice was enough to give her the jitters and now she couldn't even bring herself to turn around to look at him.

While she felt him move ahead and come in line of her vision, she could only stare at his jeans looking straight.

How tall is he?

Slowly she raised her head and found herself locking eyes with his honey colored ones. She could only stare at him speechless because he definitely wasn't average looking, like she had imagined him to be.

Is he really Manik? The one I chatted with on WhatsApp?

He sat down and smiled at her but she didn't smile back. She was still lost in her thoughts and in his eyes.

He raised his eyebrows and waved his hand infront of her which brought her back to reality. Heat rushed up to her cheeks as she looked away in embarrassment.

"Hi" He smiled warmly and she smiled back nervously. First the place was making her uncomfortable because she's never been at such a fancy place and now his presence was making her nervous.

"Nandini are you okay?" Manik asked seeing her uncomfortable form and she shifted again on her place looking around.

"Manik why did you choose this place? I mean I've never ─" She stopped looking at him and expected him to understand the rest from her expressions and he did.

"I know this is a fancy place but I can't go to other regular places without wearing a disguise. And if I meet you in a get up you won't know the real me." He informed and she frowned not understanding what he meant by that.

"What are you saying Manik? Why can't you go out like a normal person?" She questioned him and he sighed leaning forward.

"Nandini do you know me?" He questioned back instead of answering her.

Okay now he's confusing me.

"Uh yes? You're Manik." She replied cautiously and that caused him to chuckle. She frowned again seeing him laughing at her answer.

What was so funny? Is he crazy?

"I wish I could be just Manik everywhere but that's the case only with my family and now ─you." There was something in his eyes when he looked at her in that moment. It was something warm, something close to admiration but she couldn't pinpoint it out.

"Remember you had asked what I do for a living and I insisted on telling you in person? So now let me tell you that I'm a singer. Manik Malhotra is my full name and although I'm not that big star, whatever I am today is because of my fans. I owe them my success." He was smiling ear-to-ear as he talked about his fans and she could see that he meant every bit.

"I─I'm sorry, I'm not much into these stardom of actors or singers." She apologised seemingly embarrassed on not knowing who he actually was.

She absolutely had no idea about a singer named Manik Malhotra because all she's ever cared about is her studies. Of course she's aware of some of the actors and actresses but singers would be out of her list.

"Why are you apologising? I am infact very  happy that you don't know the Manik Malhotra. At least I can be just Manik infront of you without having the fear of being judged." He shrugged and she stared at him for a few seconds.

"Aren't you offended that I didn't recognise you?" She was curious because that's not how a celebrity behaves, right? They love fame and being recognised is what makes them famous.

"I know you don't know me from the time I talked to you on call." He grinned and her eyes widened at the revelation.

What sort of celebrity is he?

"But you─"

"Nandini relax. I'm not the type to run after fame and money. I sing because it gives me peace. There's this warm fuzzy feeling whenever I am in my studio. I love what I'm doing and that's it. So even if no one recognises me, I'll be fine." As he was talking about his love, Nandini found herself thinking about her life.

She did love what she had chosen. She aspired to be a professor as she loved teaching and distrusting knowledge.

"Manik I lied to you about one thing." She said suddenly feeling guilty when he was hear baring out his heart infront of her.

"Don't tell me you are sixteen years old. I can't be attracted to a child." Nandini burst out laughing at his dramatic response forgetting about her guilt for a moment. She even didn't seem to realise that he had confessed about being attracted to her.

"I can assure you that I am twenty three years old and that is not what I lied about. It's about my career. I'm into arts and not commerce." She said with a sad innocent face and this time it was his turn to laugh it out.

"You are so cute Nandini. I can't believe there's still so much innocence left in someone." He chuckled shaking his head and she couldn't help but blush at his comment.

"Wait, I forgot to ask you. What did you and my brother talk about?" She remembered about her brother's text and asked him.

"Nothing important. He recognised me when he saw me and so it wasn't so difficult I guess." Nandini's mouth hung open as he shrugged.

So her brother knew who he was? Is that why he called her an idiot? Of course yes. I seriously am an idiot.

"You're making that face again." Manik commented and she looked at him.

"What face?" She asked confused and he shifted closer to the table.

"That being embarrassed face. Every time you're embarrassed, you bite your lower lip and shut your eyes tight causing your eyebrows to furrow." The way he stared at her with his intense eyes made her blush. She was stunned at how closely he assessed her.

"You look like a frightened kitten then." He pursed his lips and gone was her blush as she glared at him.

"Shut up." She retorted and he sighed deeply more like dramatically.

"Finally you're being yourself." He exclaimed relaxing back in his chair and she gaped at him.

How does he do this? Making her comfortable even without her knowing.

So this is me. I didn't know who Kartik Aryan and Vicky Kaushal were until I saw them in SKTKS and URI respectively :p

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