Thursday 2:59 PM

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Thursday 2:59 PM


Omg you're alive

its been a two weeks and half

I thought u said it'd be a couple dys?

Mickey thought it'd be funny to text me

Over and over and over

She didn't think my parents were being serious about my punishment

They were

Lol that sux


What did u do?

It's not important

Oh come on!



Pretty plz?


Pretty plz with mike on top?

For the last fucking time I don't want mike

Ull take him 1 day

No I won't

Just tell me!



I went to the supermarket with my little sister

And I lost her

I actually left the store without her

I was gone for twenty minutes before I realized

Ur horrible

I dotn know if its morally right for me to giv u mike afterall

I don't want mike

And it was an accident

For shame Jackie

For shame

I didn't mean to!

And she forgave me!


Im not texting you for a while as punishment for ur actions

I can live with that

Scratch that

Im gonna bother u first thing in the morning for the next few days

Plz dont

Too late


Well fuck

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