Wednesday 11:12 AM

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Wednesday 11:12 AM

So it's been a couple days

I was grounded


What's new in your life?

Since when do u care?

I don't

But I could use some more cheering up

And your life is hilarious

Whats going on?

Tell me somethingfunny

U do realize my life is nothing interesting rite?



Uhegit nothing "funny" has happnd since I last texted u


Sorry to disapoint

Instead u can talk to me about whats bothering u

U don't hav 2 but it might make u feel better

I guess I got nothing to lose

Thats the spirit

I'm back in the hospital

I collapsed



U ok?

Wait dont answer that

Instead: r u gonna b ok?

Yeah it's happened before but it's not fun

Just means I gotta be tested for stuffs so they can change my medication again and that I'm stuck here for a while


Um well ur closer to ur sis?


Oh fuck here it goes


My parents are arguing in the hall



It happens every time my sis or I get admitted

They blame each other for us being sick

If ur sick ur sick who cares about the past?

Focus on now

So many ppl have told them that but they worry that my younger sister will turn out like us



I got nothin

I don't expect u to have anything


So ive been employed to cheer u up?

*crackles knuckles* lets fo this

Fo? Really?

It was a typo shut it

I uh actually hv no. Clue what to say atm

The one time I actually want you to say something


I can spam u with song lyrics if u want

How about no

Speaking of music what's ur fav artist or band?

Cuz I legit no nothin about u

FOB then p!atd is prob second



Uh, I dunno actually

It changes on a weekly basis this week ive been listening to Coldplay nonstop

Their good


Okays what's ur fav movie?

Don't have one


This is such an awkward convo

Ik I dunno what to do about it tho

Lol agreed

Its easier to talk when we talk about nothing


Welp actually ive gtg now

My teacher is pissed and taking phones


Tsk pay attention in class


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