Delirious Peter is a Fun Peter

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Bruce was crumpling up his gloves when he heard Peter stir. Walking back over he sat down on a nearby seat. "Hi Peter, Welcome to the land of the living!" 

The aforementioned Peter was groggily sitting up and rubbing his head. "H-how long was I-i out?" Bruce just patted his head. "Before we get to that I want to ask you something." 

The boy looked drained though otherwise healthy. "Yeah Bruce?" Bruce softly smiled at that. Peter was still waking up. He would have said "Mr.Banner" otherwise. 

"Do you like a small room or a big room to sleep in?" Before Bruce finished the sentence Peter was sitting up straight ready to flee again. "W-why? are you g-gonna hold me prisoner?" He was clenching the sheets and looking wildly around the room for the second time during his visit. 

"No, we're just taking care of you," Banner said in a low and gentle tone, "Well more like the whole avengers team is taking care of you. Until you heal that is." Peter said dismissively, "Oh, okay." the Doctor got up with a sigh and said, "While that's that, I'll come back when you're thinking straight."


After a lying back on the bed Peter collected his thoughts shaking away the fuzz that has settle in his veins. 

Living at this pretty place huh. The Avengers Tower too. Peter nodded his head accepting the fact. He is such a nice guy. Brilliant doctor who saved me. Ned would be so freaked out right now. 

Peter lifted his head to check the little scar the bullet left behind. It was smooth will only a small raised dent showing that it was even there. Well Doctor Bruce isn't as nice when he is Hulk. Hulk is so cool to though. And a little scary. I wonder how the Avengers deal with him. 

Peter imagined what he saw of the invasion. He was powerless no spider bite hoping to be saved. Aunt May had almost died there. It was his fault to, he couldn't protect her back then. 

Wait didn't Mr. Banner say that I was getting taken care of by all of the avengers? Wow I can feel my body shaking from excitement. In fact his body shaking was just him gaining feeling back in his body. 

HOLY SH-no Peter, Aunt May taught you better than that. He sprung out of bed still uncoordinated. A long hospital gown trailed down to his ankles as he landed on the ground in a heap. Note to self, don't try fancy stuff on unneeded pain-killers.

He suspected that the drugs would burn off faster than normal. Whenever he took Tylenol or Advil it only gave him a brief respite from the pain.

After finding his usual cloth near him, he bunched them up in a heap. Also he tried to tame his hair slightly with little luck.

 A sound outside the glass door made him look up. He saw Dr. Banner coming in with two cups of water. "Hi Peter, did everything sink in alright?" Peter nodded vigorously and he hopped up on the hospital bed again.

"Why do you have water? Don't you drink coffee? I prefer a larger room but you really don't have to Mr. Banner. What about my aunt? She's gonna freak about this. Can you tell me how long I was out now?" Peter had a lot of time to think and he wanted answers. He toyed with his hands looking embarrassed at the outbreak. 

Bruce looked a little crescent fallen as Peter went back to calling him Mr. Banner. "Here have a cup it will help you," Peter realized how parched he was from the blood loss and downed it. 

Bruce continued, "I don't drink caffeine raised my heart rate. Tony is going to arranged your bedroom with Pepper. We've already called your aunt and she's reluctantly going to live by the room next to yours. Tony bought you two a new apartment for when you're healthy same location. You were only out for a day and in that time May has been packing stuff for both of you." 

He took Peter's cup and refilled it with a nearby tap, "I expect that either way your room is going to be bigger than you need."  

Peter took Bruce's suggestion and took a deep breath. Only to waste it on a longer strand of statements, "I can't do this, you guys would be wasting your life taking care of me.  I'm going to be annoying." 

He started spacing out as he talked occasionally hearing an hum of "mhm" from Bruce. 

A British voice cut through Peter's monologue. "Informing Tony and Pepper now." Peter seemed confused then realized it was Jarvis. "So Peter you done freaking out? Because if you aren't know then I think you are going to explode in the next couple hours."

Time skip~~~~

"So you mean that you have super powers too Mrs. Spice?" Peter looked wide-eyed eyed at Pepper. She was sitting next to him telling him what had happened. "Call me Pepper, dear, and yes, they tried treating it but it didn't work that well." 

Rolling to the other side of the bed he looked at Tony, "So that mean she's stronger than you in the suit Mr. Stark?"

 A few seconds past and he looked like he was sweating buckets. His eyes shifted over to Pepper on occasions. 

"Uh, not necessarily." He said cautiously watching Pepper for any change in mood. "But I can always build a stronger suit, kid."

Peter looked skeptical but nodded slowly. 

Then in a loud voice that Bruce could hear across the room he said, "There was something mentioned about staying here, it sounds fun. Bruce made me freak out. Well actually at first I was really out of it and just was like, 'yeah okay' then I thought about it for awhile and was like 'oh gosh they are trying to keep me in a tower and I can't go out patrolin-' " Peter cut off there an slunk down farther into his bed covering his head in the blanket.

He could sense that Mr. Stark, Mrs. Spice, and Mr. Banner were looking at him strangely. In a muffled voice he said, "What did I say." 

Stark stopped staring first and looked straight at him, "Sit up and explained what you meant by 'keeping you in here and not patrolling'. We aren't locking you up and you made it sound like you are in a street gang or something."

"Well, you know how I lived with Aunt May? I still go to school so it's hard to get a solid job to help pay rent. I try and do odd jobs to get money once in awhile. If the school want to see Aunt May then Ned and my friend MJ do some work to cover me so she can focus on work. Once they-" 

Mr. Stark held out a hand and Peter stopped with his mouth hanging open. "Whoa kid you're rambling again." Stark said. 

Peter nodded and continued carefully on what he was saying. "I went on a field trip and I saw people getting hurt in what people considered 'petty theft'. So from that day forward I patrol the streets to stop it.  and-"  He stopped again. 

This time it was because all the adults were giving each other what he described as the look. The same exact one Ned and MJ would use when he overexerts himself.

"One second honey." Pepper said as she, Stark, and Banner got up. 

Peter knew what they were going to discuss. In a flight or fight moment. The moment that Mr. Stark put his foot out of the door the spiderling dashed towards it and locked it from the inside and shoved a work desk behind it. 

The adults didn't notice which surprised him. It was a glass door how could they not have noticed. Must've been a one way mirror. It made sense to him. Mr. Stark wouldn't just let anyone see inside here when it's practically a doctor's lab. 

Peter scanned over the room checking for something to disguise himself. He saw a baseball cap lying on a guest chair. Ignoring the fact that he might get lice he ran towards the window. He could hear the group try opening the door now.

"Jarvis, please delete my medical history, and any delete the footage of me from all cameras past and present. I'm guessing you already know me and what I do being part of the internet and all. Please trust me." 

Peter had no idea if it was going to work. Jarvis was Tony's I.A. after all. "Yes, Spider-boy. Your secret is safe until I run down or the information has to be told." 

Peter heard the door budging. He opened up the window.

"Call me Peter please. Bye, see you sometime J."

 "Bye Spider-boy, opening window." 

The door burst open and he heard a shout of "Please don't do this Peter" before he jumped.

It took him way longer than it should have to realize a very important fact.

Shoot I don't have my webs with me do I. 

Peter internally freaked out as he fell closer to the ground. The city lights glared in his eyes and he struggle to flip over. He took a last glance at Pepper and Bruce looking down through the window. His last thought would've been where is Mr. Stark? 

However his question was answered by two metal arms catching him bridal style. "Kid, suicide isn't an option. And you are gonna have to explain that shenanigan." Peter nodded as he realized what they must've thought. He jumped off a building and didn't do anything but fall.


"I don't think handcuffing me is legal." Peter wined. Mr. Stark scoffed quietly and raised his head.

"You know what else isn't legal?" He said, "Forging signatures to go on field trips and whatever ese you've done to leave her alone. She's not that busy for you."

Then in a quiet voice he spoke, "You didn't explain why you jumped, this is what you get until May get's here to supervise you better." 

Sighing Peter sunk into the couch. It was better then anything he slept in. There was a pillow so he grabbed it and curled up. As he drifted off he heard the elevator ding open. Shaking his head he stretched out and faced the ceiling. 

"Where's Peter?" A strong and quiet voice said. 

Peter sat up and waved before freezing. "A-are you, wait no. Y-you are C-captain America." The patriotic colored man nodded and put his shield down next to the coat hanger. "I heard that a young boy needed a pep talk."

"Yeah okay Steve, give me a second though I need to get something before we give the pep talk." A red-haired woman stepped out from behind the Captain. Peter decided that he was hallucinating and lower back into the couch with a humph. Drifting off he heard Black Widow say. "I think you broke him."

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