April 5th, 9:08 pm

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April 5th, 9:08 pm



Can I talk to u for a min?

Sure. What?

Don't do it


What u were talking to De about by the smoke pit today.

How do you know about that?

U messaged me about it, remember?

I didn't give you any details

Did you follow me?!

I was worried

About what?

About u

As if



But I'm serious, don't do it.

There r other solutions. That's not the answer

I'm out of options, Anx. Finals are coming up and De offered to help me out a bit.

Doing it for u is not "a bit". That's not even what I'm upset about.

It's the exchange. Don't give urself up like that.

I don't think it's any of your business what I do and do not to with my body.

Roman it's basically prostitution

That's illegal

Whatever. Its fine. He's kinda hot anyway.

Seriously, that's not okay. I'm just worried about you. You've been seeming less healthy at school lately...

You'd know that, wouldn't you? Cause you know who I am.

Don't change the subject. This is serious.

Please don't do it. Don't agree. It's not worth it.

I don't understand

Look idk why you're getting involved.

Idk why ur doing this

You also don't know what it's like to live with my father after I fail my finals!

Selling urself is not the answer to that.

U wouldnt want to lose ur v card that way

What makes you think I'm a virgin?

I... idk I'm sorry ignore that.

It's not good for u

Frankly, you don't get to decide what's good or not good for me.

You're not my boyfriend.

Roman plz

Ur the one who intruded on me, remember?

That's not okay, Anx.

This is my, private life that you barged in on.

I was just trying to make sure u wer ok


So... You can follow me and get involved in things that don't concern you, and are my private affairs, and I can't even know your name? I can't even have one conversation with you without you disappearing?

I'm sorry

It's not fair of you to ask me to share so much of myself when you REFUSE to share anything about you. This is all one sided

I'm sorry, Roman...

No you're not!

I KNOW you're not.

Every time you say you're sorry you do the same thing again.

And it hurts me. Every. Time.

I understand.

I don't know that you do understand, actually!

I have given SO MUCH into this relationship, whatever it is. I have put on a smile for you when you needed it even though every time I did it broke my heart.

I told you about my struggles and deepest thoughts. I shared my dreams and nightmares with you. I shared my feelings and did my best ALWAYS to protect yours.

I put my heart on the line.

What do I get in return?


Literally, nothing.

You disappear whenever I need you, whenever I ask for something in return.

And you know what? That's fine.

But read through our messages. After all that. Everything I went through for you. You have the AUDACITY to think you can dictate my life? And follow me around? And stick your nose where maybe I don't want it?


If you don't want to disclose your business, that's fine.

But the LEAST you could do, is stay the fuck out of mine.

Goodbye, Anxiety.


I'm sorry

Roman please


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