Why Does This Feel So Normal To Me?

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The thing Ahas realised by the time he got out of the bathroom was that how his conscience was well aware of what's happening  around.

  The baggy top that he randomly picked up indeed belonged to Seth as it said "Football" across from it.

By the time he  was finished in the bathroom and put on the said shirt and a pair of pants he felt so hungry.

He felt the sides of his stomach clenching due to the lack of food.
And a subtle hot gas churning in his throat.

And as for someone who is used to dodge his  breakfast  session everyday this was very weird and new  for him.

Not only he woke up early in the morning  naked in an unknown room but also managed to stay completely calm with the person who was sleeping next to him ,with whom he must have gotten intimate last night, surprised him.

Right then there was a knock on the door and without a second thought Ahas made his way to the door and opened it.

" Good Morning Seth"
A woman who looked like in her late forties greeted her and forgetting his real name was Ahas and not Seth, he replied

"Good morning  Nayana"

Wait! Who is this woman and what did I called her Nayana. Omg what if her name is not Nayana? Will she call the cops?  Does she know about what had happened here? Is she a witch?

Thoughts flooded in to the mind of Ahas as he panicked for the first  time after this wierd happening.

"Here's the breakfast" she said warmly  handing him two paper boxes.

"Thank you. "With full courtesy Ahas replied.

Without saying you're welcome  she was gone to the door before his room.

The door oped and what he saw made his eyes enlarge larger than jupiter.

A woman in a lingerie who wasn't having any intentions of hiding it  opened the door of her room completely putting herself for the full view. 

Ahas was flabbergasted as he watched  the woman snatching away her breakfast with his mouth agape.

The woman shut the door to Nayanas' face and she seemed to not to mind it at all.

For heavens what is this place.

Nayana turned herself to move to the next door and by seeing him standing there still she shot him a look.

Then his common sense  told him that he had stayed there way too long.

As he turned to go inside the room she spoke to him.

"Seth? You have practises today don't you?"

What she told him bieng completely news for him he asked

" Aah? What?"

With a confused  look the woman stared at him.

"Why you said that you have practises tomorrow?"

"Oh yea.. yeah... why?"

Ahas had no idea what the woman was talking but to make things realistic and to avoid confusion Ahas answered.

"Well it means then you won't be available at night right?."

She stated with dismay.

What was that?

She was behaving in an uncanny wierd way that was hard to explain.

Reading the troubled expression on his face Nayana continued
    " I promised Cobra that you are gonna be here tonight. He booked you. But considering that you are having practises will stand in the way"

She paused for a moment and fell for  a thought while Ahas stood there feeling awkward

              who the hell was this cobra? He hated l the reptiles on the planet and wanted them to go extinct.

Ahas was drawned back to earth by the woman's voice.

"Go get dresses and get  your lunch. It's downstairs along with your pocket money"

With  confusion Ahas got dresses for school and looked at himself in the mirror.
    Ahas smiled and Seth smiled back from this other side. This was so wierd. Ahas had never seen Seth smiling before. And it was such a waste as his smile was so charming.

His checks dimpled as the smile spreads and it was a sight to see.

The strange customer was still sleeping and mumbling in his sleep as he got dressed to go to school.

He felt so wirmerd putting on Seths cloths and he almost cringed while putting on the  underpants .

Thank god sporties like Seth never take their books home! 

He packed his bags and walked on the hallway that had a staircase running down. And Nayana was right his food and money was there along with a bus season which is from Dehiwala to Colombo.

He walked outside the place and saw a board hanging there

~Lotus Hotels ~
"Rooms for rent
1 hour - 3000"

right under it was a map of the area where they have given instructions on how to find this place said placs.
Legit! He thought.
Sighing at it Seth made his way towards the bus stand.

On the way to school he thought what had happened to Seth himself. He now knew that their lives have swapped and for some reason he was least surprised.  Even though he found it wierd himself he didn't consider it as something to be creeped  up about or freak out.

It was strange enough for someone who overthinks like Ahas Nimneth but still he was cool about it.

So what do you think? Let me know your thoughts okay.....
Also this is a short story that comes under my collection

❤️❤️ Desired serenity
The first book of it is
*Diahones' Diary.
This is the second one.
Let me know what you think okay... 😊😊😊😊😊

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