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At the airport, Jin and Tae wait. One stood patiently while the other one was jumping around like a small child.

"Tae could you stop jumping....people are looking at us" Jin spat as ge tried to hold the younger one's hand.

"No can't do!   Yoongi hyungie is coming. Finally after years I will see him." Tae danced around like a three year old.

"You mean only "FOUR" years..what a long wait!!" Jin says holding four fingers before Tae's face and says this with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh quit it hyung...you are jealous cause Yoongi hyungie loves me more!" Tae poked his tongue out to tease him.

"Whatever.." Jin just rolled his eyes.

"YAH WHAT-EV-VER!!" Tae mimicked his hyung and came behind him to place his chin on Jin's left shoulder.

"YAH STOP IT KIM TAEHYUNG!" annoyed with the tease, Jin tried to hit Tae's head but he moved away quickly.

"Oh stop it-" but before he could end his sentence while copying Jin's voice, the broad shouldered one successfully smacked his younger brother.

"OH OUCH! it hurts!" he whines while rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah it does and shut up now."

"Okay." Taehyung kicked his foot and pouted like a scolded golden retriever.

Taehyung could do nothing now but stand there quietly like an adult.

After some 45 minutes, a black BMW stops in front of the Kim brothers and out comes a wide- smile plastered to his face Yoongi hyung.

"Hyung!!" Tae shouts running to his hyung, practically engulfing his little hyung in a bear hug.

"Oh My God! how big have you grown!" Yoongi kisses his forehead.

"I know....right?" Taehyung kisses him back on his cheeks and then turns around to show him how big he has grown.

This whole scenario was being witnessed by a softly laughing Jin and a shocked Namjoon who came with Yoongi to help pick up his friends.

It is not the hug that startled him but rather the beautiful boy that stands ahead of him laughing. Oh how beautiful he looks! almost something heavenly. Namjoon was a bisexual and claimed to have seen both the most handsome and most beautiful of men and women but this godly creation right here was too good to be true. He couldn't take his eyes off him. Staring at the other while the one being stared at is oblivios to all this. And the very moment Namjoon knew it..knew that it had happened.

Yes the Cupid's arrow had hit Joon.

"Umm... Who is he hyung?"asked Tae to Yoongi.

"Oh this is my business partner and friend, Namjoon." Yoongi led him towards Namjoon.

Tae then extended his hands towards Joon but the latter was too engrossed in gaping like a fish at Jin.

"Ahm excuse me...I am Tae...Kim Taehyung." Tae says while clearing his throat.

But he still receives no answer. Seeing this Yoongi shakes Namjoon of his reverie. His eyes guide Joon towars Tae's extended hand and that is when he shakes it and looks up at him.

"Kim Namjoon...Welcome to Seoul!" he finally replies.

To say that Tae was not handsome would be wrong. He too was equally beautiful but for Joon it was definitely the thick lipped brunette standing behind Tae.

Tae then turned and introduced his brother to Namjoon.

"This is my hyung, Kim Seokjin."
Taehyung patted Jin's back and brought him forward.

"Hi" Joon said.

"hi" Jin replied in a small voice.

They stared at one-another for a while and Yoongi and Tae started putting the luggage in the car.

With this their journey to the city and in each-others life begins...

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