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It was thirty minutes past lunch time and Tae was still at his table working while he asked Kook to wait for him. At first they would ask Yoongi to tag along but he would turn the offer down most of the time. Today was the same so here they were, where one working and the other kept whining.

"C'mon Tae please I am hungry!!" Kook pouted.

"Just a second Kook." Tae said without lifting his head up.

"YAH it is already past time please!" Kook almost cried.

"Just fucking wait!" Tae spoke irritated.

"You know what.. stay here until I die of hunger.." he shouted irritated too.

"I didn't even have my breakfast.." Kook said in a murmur.

He knew nothing could move Tae until his work was done but he did not want to leave without the other. He turned away looking outside at the skyline.

Just as he had turned, a hand caught hold of his left hand and in an instant he was being dragged outside their cabin. Tae was busy but not busy enough to keep the other hungry plus he was also angry about him skipping his breakfast. As he led them towards the elevator the people's eyes landed on their interlocked hands. Yes they would be together but they never did this. Some gasps were heard some murmurs were heard everyone eyeing them. Tae was not bothered but this all made Kook conscious. He tried getting out of his grasp.

"Tae leave people are looking!" he whisper shouted but the other didn't budge.

"Tae please ....please leave my hand." Still no success. Like this he led Kook out of the building and called for a taxi. Once it came he pushed Kook into the taxi and asked the driver to take them to Namsan hotel.

"What the fuck Tae that's an expensive place!!"

"Why did you not eat your breakfast?" Tae asked annoyed.

"I'm...." Kook couldn't speak.

"Never do it again or I won't talk to you anymore." Tae finally spoke a bit calmly but still angry.

"Sorry sorry!....but why Namsan?? Let's eat at our usual place."

"NO!...today I am treating you and you keep shut till then."

Kook shut up instantly knowing the other was already mad but he made a mental note to warn Taehyung not to display skin ship before others. Thinking of that he started admiring the hand Tae had held. They finally reached their destination and Tae might have or have not bribed the hotel staff for a table. As they ate Kook spoke...

"Tae please don't do this again. You know the p-people gossip about us...I mean not that its true but s-still." he spoke gently.

"So you care about them?" the other said in a monotonous voice and blank face.
"Well then I won't touch you..''

"Please Tae its not that....its just I don't like it when people talk about me.'' this time it was Kook who held his free hand and said this.

Tae finally looked up, face a bit more gentler and voice a bit more calmer..

"Kook I know they talk about us...hell I even know what exactly they say but I don't mind cause you know why?.......cause I believe in myself and love myself enough to not get them to my head. What you need is not hiding but confidence before them. You are their boss. They should be scared of you and not the other way around. Kook start ditching them for good.....okay?" he said this while he massaged the others hand with his thumb. The other only sighed and nodded finally giving his cute bunny smile.


Meanwhile there was a knock at Yoongi's door and in came the company's gossip queen Jung Yuna.

Not again please~~Yoongi thought and before she would gossip about Taekook again he shut her by saying.

"Yuna are those files ready cause I see you are empty handed."

"Oh! Sir they will be ready in an hour. I took a lunch break actually."

"Then go have lunch." he said.

"Sir I think you should eat too. Mr. Kim and Mr.Min already left...that too hand in hand."

Hearing this Yoongi's head shot up."WHAT?"

"Yes sir, Mr.Kim was holding your husband's hand and they went out. They didn't have lunch at the restaurant across the office street. Maybe they went to some other place.....you know like a couple."

"EXCUSE ME!" he shouted.

"Sir this is what the staff is saying not me." she said fake scared.

"Leave!" he said taking a deep breath.

She turned and started walking for the door happy knowing she was successful in her plan.

"Wait! When you see them, send them to my office immediately."

As she was walking for towards the elevator she found her victims walking towards her laughing and giggling. With an evil smirk she reached them.

"Um.Mr.Kim and Jungkook, the boss wants to meet you."

"Mr.Kim and "Mr.Min"..... get that. He is your superior show some fucking respect." Tae spoke gritting his teeth and started to walk towards Yoongi's cabin, not failing to push her while he goes. But Jungkook could feel something was wrong.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I might have or have not have informed your husband that how you are being a slut and jumping from his dick to his hot friend's dick." she spoke smiling innocently.

Jungkook was beyond shocked and before he could speak someone else spoke—

"YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH!" Tae spoke suddenly walking towards them. He then pushed her making her fall.

"Pack your shit and leave. You work under me so come and get your termination letter later!" he spoke with such anger that even Kook was scared.

With this he again tugged Kook towards Yoongi's office but Kook was already spacing out..

What if it is true? What if hyung thinks I am slut? What if throws Taehyung out? What if he throws me out? What if h-he divorces my and breaks our partnership? N-No please don't. Please don't throw him out. Scold me if you want. Please not Tae....PLEASE!!~~He prayed internally as they entered the office.

Yoongi was sitting blank faced-something that scares Kook.

"Hyung they are speaking bullshit. You know us!" Tae spoke but Yoongi remained quiet.

Eyeing both of them he spoke "Jungkook leave. I have to talk to Taehyung."

If he was scared before, he was scared to death now. Yoongi never used full names unless it was serious. Suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. Crying and running he reached the terrace thinking it was his last day with Tae. That was the only thing on his mind--not himself, his family, his reputation, his relationship...nothing only Taehyung was clouding his thoughts. The time spent with him started flashing before his eyes. He cried harder clutching onto his shirt.

As he cried he heard Tae's voice. Instantly he ran and hugged him.

"Please tell me you are not leaving... Please Tae don't leave. I will talk to hyung. I will stay away from you. Hell! I won't even see you.....p-please please don't leave!'' he said between sobs. Tae hugged him back.

"I am not going anywhere but there is something we need to talk about" Tae spoke seriously and Kook looked at him.

"Hyung has asked me to~~~~~


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