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In Seoul,

The couple had decided to spend their weekend at some small street restaurant. This kept them safe from the media and scandals. But Tae never complained. As long as Kook was with him, any place on earth was fine and beautiful.

As they placed their orders. Tae started admiring Kook who was slowly sipping his Coke and was looking around. Just then, his phone rang. Seeing the caller id Taehyung frowned. Yoongi was calling Kook again. Lately their talks had become more frequent and longer. Not to mention that it would always leave Kook laughing and smiling so wide that a person's cheeks would ache.

The pain in Tae's heart had also started to grow. From mere frowning it led to crying at night or sobbing in the showers. There were numerous times he had confessed but he never felt that Kook acknowledged his seriousness.

"I will just return in a minute.'' Kook stood up and walked out. Tae could just nod as he began drinking his beverage.

Outside Kook had finished his call with Jimin and was returning when someone teased him.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks!" one of them said and whistled. The others laughed.

Jungkook ignored and started walking. Suddenly someone pulled him from behind.

In a swift movement he was in the bastard's arms. Kook tried to fight but the man was strong and held him tight. As he fought, another man stood behind him and moved his hand on his back until it reached his ass and squeezed it. Kook was starting to cry now and he shouted. Instantly he felt a sharp pain on his left cheek.

"Stop screaming you bitch!" the bastard shouted as the men slowly started to grind against Kook.

He felt so dirty at moment that he wanted to die. He only had allowed Taehyung to touch him like that but now he was nowhere in sight. His phone was already thrown somewhere and he couldn't do anything.

"Yah!! stop screaming now.....cause we wanna hear you properly as we ram into that pretty ass of yours hard." the man spoke as he kneaded his butt while the other men laughed.

Jungkook was scared and was crying hysterically.

In the restaurant Tae sat waiting for the other. He knew his calls would be long but something within him told him to go and check on Kook. And so he did.

Outside he found no one but in a nearby alley heard some cries. Without wasting a second he ran there to find two men groping His Kook, who was thrashing around and three others touching him in places. Tae was shocked and angry. He ran towards the place- first separating the man who held Kook from behind and punching him hard enough to break his jaw. Then he kicked the one still holding Kook. Jungkook once free, fell down but Tae caught him. He patted his back and pushed Kook behind him.

It was not the first fight Kook was witnessing. Tae would often get into verbal fights for him but never once had he raised his hands. Kook was terrified as Tae continued to beat the men, getting a few kicks and punches himself. This continued until the police from the patrol vehicle saw and stopped them, taking both the sides into custody. Kook saw Tae being taken away and he wanted to come along but Tae cupped his face and asked him to go home.

Reaching home he paced around the place waiting for Tae. Tears were still slipping down his soft cheeks.

After 3 hours the front door opened and in came an exhausted Tae. Kook ran towards him engulfing him in a bone crushing. Tae hugged him too as he staggered back a bit.

"I was so worried." he sobbed.

"I know. See I am okay." Tae spoke with a warm smile to calm the other down.

"Please don't scare me again. If something would have happened to you I wouldn't forgive myself." the younger spoke as he stopped crying.

"Aish pabo.....nothing will happen to me but are you okay?"

The other just hummed, his face in the crook of Tae's neck as he breathed in the calming scent of the male.

"I could never let anything happen to you Kook." Tae said tightening his hold on the other.

"I always protect the people I love Kook
and you are someone I love more than my life............"

But the younger didn't respond just like the other times. He had already fallen asleep in safe embrace of the elder. Placing a small kiss on Kook's head, Tae picked him and laid him on his bed and went for a swim to cool his raging head and saddening heart.


Jungkook's sleep was weak and broke after a some minutes of rest. Opening his eyes he expected Tae to be beside him- cuddling with him but the bed was empty. He went out of the room to check on the other and found him sitting in shallow end of the pool. Water dripping from his hair as he was still catching his breath from swimming. Tae didn't notice the younger and after a few breaths started swimming again.

All this while Kook couldn't help but get turned on. Biting his lower lip he concentrated on the older- how he swam, how his muscles flexed as he did it, the water adding more hotness to the already hot male. Irritated by just being a spectator, Kook hurried back and changed only into his boxer shorts. The idea of wearing his underwear crossed his mind but he ditched it. Finally checking himself one last time he went to join Tae.

Kook didn't say anything and quietly sat on the shallow end with only his legs in the water waiting for the other to notice him.

"Woah Kook! You scared me." Tae said once he spotted Kook.

"Couldn't sleep without being cuddled...you know." he answered shyly.

"Really? Well mind joining me?" Tae was now between his legs with his hands on Kook's tempting thighs.

"I can't swim." he said smiling

"I can teach you though."

"Don't you think it's too late to learn new things?"

"Hmmmm......Yeah but then what should we do?"

"Umm maybe something we both good at and enjoy doing." he spoke biting his lower lip again while his hands trailed up and down on Tae's chest.

Tae wasn't stupid. He caught on what Kook wanted but continued to play.

"I wonder what that could be?hmmm.............

Mind showing me."

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