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"Sir I have called to inform about Kim Taehyung as you asked. Few minutes ago he faxed us his resignation."

"Do you have any location or such?" Joon asked

"Sorry sir but-" the employee answered.

"I don't care! Get the best hacker, cyber freak or anyone to track him down."

"But how sir?"

"Ask them to track the IP address of the system he used to send the resignation through and send it to me asap."

"Right sir.........but sir they are saying it might take some hours for that."

"Just get it done as soon as possible and send me the address."

"Okay sir."


Jungkook hadn't left the room at all. He still laid in the same place where Tae laid a day before. At this time he too wanted to give up and die. He was scared ever since he first saw the bloody blade and then the whole bridge thing and now the cuts about which Hoseok hyung said. He never imagined that such a tough looking guy was so fragile and weak from within. He really must have fucked up big time to make Tae do all those things.........

But why was Tae doing this?

Why didn't he come up to him and punch him instead?

Maybe because Taehyung knew that hurting himself will hurt Jungkook more than him beating up Kook. He was so close to him but Tae had left again. Kook just wanted Tae and only Tae now. Unconsciously the tears had again started to flow from his eyes.

"Jungkook are you awake?" Jimin asked and the other just nodded. When Kook turned he saw Jimin and Jin there with a lunch tray.

Jungkook was literally tired of everything so he let the boys feed him the lunch after which Jin took the tray away leaving Jimin alone with Kook.

"I am really sorry Jimin..." Kook whispered.

"I was against lying at first but after your panic attack hyung asked me to do this so that you don't get another attack. I really didn't have any intentions of hurting you or Tae. Hell we were gonna introduce you both......I-I was-s going to-to propose on his birth-day but loo-k what happened...." he cried with full force now.

"Jungkook calm down please....everything will fine soon, okay. We will find him soon and then you can propose to him and maybe punch him too." Kook chuckled a bit so Jimin continued.

"Oh yes! You should punch him. I will kick him too. I wanted to do it the night at bridge too when he was trying to jump but I was sad myself-"

"Wait... You stopped him from jumping?"

"Ummm yes Kookie. I did stop his stupid ass from doing stupid ass stuff." Kook laughed at this.

"But seriously....thank you Jimin for saving him."

"Yeah yeah all right! Anyways what are friends for. But can I ask you something?"


"Please don't be so cold towards Jin hyung. I mean I know what has happened but still.......he's hurting as much as you are or maybe even more so please talk to him. Okay? I am going to send him in now so that you both can talk and sort things out." but before Jungkook could say anything, Jimin walked out and after a few seconds Jin walked in.

At first there were was an awkward silence. Both wanted to say something but weren't able to speak up until Jin finally spoke-

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I shouldn't have called you all those words. Its just that you and Tae.........I just couldn't control myself."

"Hyung honestly I am not angry with you about that. I am angry cause you compared Tae to his father. You know how much he hates him and still...."

"I'm sorry I know it was completely my fault to do that. I out of all people should have known this......but I personally think that this wouldn't have happened if you would have confessed then Jungkook. I think we both are equally wrong here."

"I agree hyung but you are wrong. We aren't equally wrong.........I did more wrong. If only I would have spoken up and supported him while all the things you were saying then maybe I wouldn't be dying every minute without him. I really don't care hyung.........even if he wants to hate me after this I will accept it but onc.....just once I want to see him again hyung......just one last time."

Jin couldn't stop himself from hugging the younger after his confession. They both loved Taehyung with all their hearts and could understand each others pain.

Funny right! Everybody loving and missing people only when they are not around them anymore. Taehyung cared selflessly for everyone and that alone gave others the right to consciously or unconsciously hurt him in so many ways that at the end he gave up on everything. Now that he was away, everyone wanted him back in their lives with the promise to themselves that they will treat him like the prince that he is.

Time passed and things became clear for both Hoseok and Jimin. Jin and Jungkook also bonded over their mutual love for Tae and Jin and Yoongi's friendship rekindled after Yoongi had supported him throughout this time. After dinner Hoseok made some sleeping arrangements and everyone was almost asleep when Yoongi got the address of where Tae was.

"Guys get up! I know where Taehyung is. " he woke everyone up.

"Wh-what where?" Jin asked almost jumping upon him.

"He is at our house."

"What? He is in Seoul now?" Joon interjected.

"No Namjoon....our house oh sorry his house in Daegu. He's in Daegu Jin! He is with eomma and amma now."

That was the queue for everyone to leave for Daegu. Hoseok didn't join them and stayed behind. Even in the car Jimin tried to make Jungkook and Jin laugh. Occasionally Namjoon joined them but both kept a stoic face.

"Jin hyung you know I asked Jungkook to punch Taehyung when he sees him for troubling us so much. I personally will kick him in the balls though. What are you planning to do?" Jimin asked to lighten the mood.

On hearing this Jin glared at him and Jimin understood his stupidity and bowed his head down.

"Well I was thinking about shouting at him first for all the marathon he made us run and then I will cuff him with myself so he doesn't run away." Jin answered and Jimin looked at him surprised.

"Yoongi and Namjoon hyung what will you do?"

"Oh I will cut down his salary." Yoongi said.

"Yeah that's a good one! Well I might just ask him to clean up my house since I couldn't do it as I am running after him."

"So Kookie what will you do? Or do you like my idea." Jimin asked again.

There was silence for a few minutes before-

"When I see him I will hug him so tightly that he wouldn't be able to breathe and then I will pepper his face with kisses and tell him that I love him so much." His answer was followed with "ohs" and "awws".

After an hour or so, they reached their destination. Just as Jungkook opened the car door the time froze. He saw the door of the house opening and Taehyung walking out with a suitcase followed by two other women. He hugged them and started walking towards the gate and that's when he stopped. His eyes meeting the same beautiful eyes he fell in love with-



They both whispered. Taehyung was utterly shocked and even more shocked when he saw the others getting out of the car. But while he did that, he certainly missed the boy who came running towards him. The boy hugged him so tightly and so strongly that they fell down on the grass. When he opened his eyes he found Jungkook above him.

"Jung-mhh" the younger shut up him by kissing him.

For a few seconds Tae was shocked and didn't respond.

"Kiss me back you jerk!"

"No! Get off me Jungkook."

"No Tae please! I love you! I love so so much.......you don't how much I have suffered ever since you left. I am sorry Taebaby but I really love you with all my heart and soul. I love you Kim Taehyung!!" Jungkook said as he peppered his face with kisses and shedding some happy tears.

Tae was shocked hearing all this. He mouth remained open and eyes wide open. He thought he was dreaming until Kook actually punched him on his chest.

"I love you stupid ass jerk Taehyung!!"

Now it was Tae's turn to cry. A beautiful smile crept onto his face.

"I love you too you muscle bunny Jungkook!"

and pulled him down for a kiss which the younger gladly accepted.

The next chapter is the last chapter my friends...

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