WTF Wattpad!?: How They Write

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Edited 6/12/18, because you guys got on my nerves pointing out errors.

Okay so the first time I got on wattpad, I was pretty excited and stuff. So the first story I read was kinda umm weird to me.

I mean it had this sexy title, sexy cover, heck even a sexy summary!

But as soon as clicked on the book and read the first chapter I was like.......


Now many of you may have had this experience but for those who have not....... I shall give an example.

Example A

me: Hi Bob

Bob: Wassap boi how u doin

Me: Nonthin much, wanna hang over their

Example B

Kylie: Hey come hear a secund

Trent: wut you need?

This is what I'm talking about. I was actually shocked that people write like this, and the fact that they don't use proper grammar.

I understand if English wasn't your first language, or if you're not properly educated, or underaged and just writing. okay, you get a free write like an eight-year-old pass. But for the rest of you people, that actually know the difference between Their, There, and They're.

Y'all need to stop, and slap yourselves.

I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just saying it's wrong. And for the people that say you're just too lazy to do so, I'm just like...


Why would you start it anyway then?

But that's enough about that and I think I got my point across. So Bye~


Hii people, you know what I'm now calling all my followers Watters since we're all Wattpad users. XD. But anyway i just wrote this cause I feel like The Watters need to know what it felt like. Comment below if you've ever had this moment before.

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