❤Chapter 15❤

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This chapter is in third person p.o.v.

That's David up there again.

I really need new songs, what song do you suggest I should download. Tell me 👉

Dedicated to you.



Wunmi was able to stay away from everything relating to Tayo for two months but he was still in her heart. She cursed herself most times for allowing him to hurt her.
Tayo spent two months looking for Wunmi, Checking her family house, her aunt and every other places she might be but he didn't find her. He even involved his father, the police commissioner in looking for her but they didn't find her. Lara and Tunde has stopped talking to him, even Caroline acts only formally with him. It was only Uncle Kayode that understands what happened to him as he was more older, he only hopes Tayo finds her soonest as he was already going crazy over her.

Wunmi was through with her National youth service and has gotten her certificate.  It was time to go back to Lagos but she wasn't sure if she was ready. She usually see Natasha's Instagram pictures, always taking pictures of her baby bump. Even once she saw Tayo in one of the pictures, he didn't look happy but she was not convinced.
"I'll go back after two weeks," She said to herself. "I'll enjoy Abuja's fresh air for sometime."

"The best graduating student of the University of Lagos in Mass communication, Miss-" David groaned and muted the TV. "I paid for the time and they are doing this shit, I'll sue this company for this."
"David, David." Dele, his manager called. "Maybe it was a mistake, you shouldn't get mad at such little things besides, look at that girl."
David looked at the girl Dele was talking about, "She's quite the catch." He grinned. "Her name is Wunmi Adebayo, She might even be one of your die hard fans."
David smiled to himself and ran his hand through his hair "You're right, I don't need to worry. But that girl fine sha."

Wunmi sat in her hotel room and dialled Tunde. "Hey Sis, how are you."
Wunmi smiled at her brother's cheerful voice, "I'm fine, how are you too?"
"I'm doing okay, You're through with your service now, when are you coming back to Lagos. I already miss you."
"I miss you a lot too, little brother." She laughed, she knew Tunde hated being called little brother. "I'm not little, Tell me when are you coming."
"I'll be coming after two weeks, I want to enjoy Abuja air small."
"Okay oo, have you heard from that asshole?" Tunde asked.
"No and I don't want to hear anything about him. Maybe not now though."
"Bye Sis. Take care of yourself."
"You too brother." She ended the call.

She sighed as she dropped her phone on the bed, She wanted to know more about Tayo. She wanted to see him, she wanted to kiss me, she wanted to see him smile with her.
Memories of the both of them together came as tears ran down her eyes. Why was she still hurt, she thought.

Tayo just got back from work. Looking at Natasha coming closer to him made him mad. "Honey, welcome back."
He eyed her and went upstairs to his room. He removed his clothes and went to shower. He came out of the shower and put on new clothes. He took his phone, staring at it, hoping everyday for at least a text from Wunmi.
"I'm so fucked up." He put his hand on the bridge of his nose. "Wunmi, please come back. I'm really sorry and I swear to you I love you more than anything else."

Natasha stood at the other side of the door, listening to what Tayo what saying. "Damn! I hate you Wunmi." She said as she walked into her room. She stood in front of her room's door and glared at Tayo's door. "Why can't he love me after everything, What does he even see in that woman? What does she have that I don't?"

She rested her back on the door, unknown to her, the door wasn't lock. The door opened and she fell on the floor, hurting herself. "Ah!" She yelled.
Tayo in his room, heard her voice and came outside. He saw her on the floor with blood on her legs.
Hurriedly, he carried her to his car and drove to the hospital.

*Time skips*

"Your wife is okay and nothing is wrong with the baby." Tayo frowned at the doctor for calling her his wife. "The baby is fine?"
"Yes, but you shouldn't allow her to do any work they would be stressful as that could lead to a miscarriage."
"Okay doctor, Thank you." The doctor left.

Tayo sighed, nothing must happen to his baby. He walked to Natasha's ward room and met her sleeping. He was about do go out when he heard his name.
He turned and saw that she was wide awake. "N-Natasha, how are you?"
"I'm fine," She replied softly. "how's my baby?"
"The baby is fine, the doctor said you should not do anything stressful."
"Okay." She smiled. "I'll go change and I'll come back to pay for your discharge."
"Tayo." She held his hand. Tayo looked at her, "What?"
"Don't go."
"Stop talking nonsense, Take a rest. I'll be back." He removed his hand from hers and left the room.

Lara slept on her bed chatting on her phone. "knock knock." She heard someone say on her door. "Joke, is that you?"
She stood up to get the door. "Lekan!" She hugged him. "How are you, come on inside."
He sat on one of the little chairs. "I'm fine, how things now."
"Fine oo."
"What of Wunmi, isn't she back from Abuja?"
"No," Lara shook her head. "Not yet, she will be back after two weeks. What about you, are you back for real this time?"
"Yes, I'll start work soon. And I'll focus on things I couldn't face when I was at school."

Lara smiled "How about your girlfriend? Is she a doctor too?"
Lekan laughed "girlfriend? I'll have one soonest, I'm sure."
"Moti gbo." (I've heard.) Lara said.

New chapter!

More than 1k words, the longest have ever written since the beginning of the book.

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Love y'all.

Gamma ❤❤

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