❤Chapter 21❤

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This chapter is in Wunmi's p.o.v


"Let's go." Lara shouted as I was still in the room. I looked around for the new shoes Lara's dad brought for us. "Lara!" I shouted, "I hope you are not putting on my shoes."
Lara came inside frowning "What are you still looking for? Were you not the one that hide your shoes beside the cupboard so we won't take each others shoes?"
I realized she was right and I calmed down. I took the shoes from where it was hidden "Ehn, is that why you're now shouting?"
Lara laughed "It's not your fault, when I already told you where it is." She walked to the door. "I'm on my way already, I want Ade to be my instructor today. If I go late, I might not make it."
"Don't worry, I trust my guy. He will leave every other person to attend to his babe." We laughed and walked to the garage.

We entered the car and she drove out of the house to the gym. On our way, while music was blaring out from the speakers. We sang along to one of our favourite artists song. "I really love Kizz Daniel." Lara commented. I nodded my head, then I noticed the place we were at. It's Tayo's area. "We're at Tayo's area o." Lara said.
"Yes, I noticed." I replied.

We continued driving then Lara got to a point and stopped. I looked at her and she pointed. "Look."
I looked at the direction she was pointing at and I saw Tayo, holding Natasha as they walked into the house. I know, I told him to stay with her but it still hurts as I looked at them. I felt a lump in my throat, I felt like crying. I used my hands to clear the tears that was forming in my eyes.
I cleared my throat "I know about that, I actually told him to stay with her, it's the right thing to do, isn't it?"
Lara shook her head "It is but you're hurt, I know. I can actually feel it, I know you really want to go meet him right now and I think to a level, if he sees you now. He'll leave that hoe and come meet you."
"No," I whispered softly. "Let's go, Lara."

We continued driving in silence, the only noise in the car was the music. Not long after, we got to the gym.
We registered and entered inside, I looked at Lara as she scanned the area for Ade. She saw him teaching some people how to do some work outs. She waved at him and he smiled.
He gestured for us to wait for him and not long after, he came to meet us.
Lara brought out the water in her bag and gave to him. "Thank you," he said and kissed her. Then he faced me, "Wunmi." he smiled.
I gave a small smile "Ade." and we hugged. "How have you been?" He asked.
"I've been fine, you?"
"The same, Lara has been taking care of me very well." He said and Lara pinched his nose. "Hey!" he held his nose and they laughed. The way they did reminded me of the four of us when we lived together. I remembered about Tayo and I and how Natasha came to ruin it. I was jolted out of my thoughts by the ringing of my phone.

"Sorry, excuse me." I said and I looked at the number. It looks like the house phone. "Lara, look at this, is it not the house phone?" I showed her. "It is o."
I picked up the call "Hello."
"Hello, Aunty Wunmi." I heard Joke breathing fast. "Yes? Joke, are you okay?"
She laughed. "I'm fine, Aunty Wunmi, David Olayinka is here-" She didn't finish what she was saying when I heard another voice. It was David, "Hello Wunmi."
I sighed "David, what are you doing here again?"
"Wunmi, right now. I really need your help, this time it's relating to my life." I furrowed my brows "What's wrong David,  tell me."
"Can you come here right now, I need to talk to you."
"Alright, I'm on my way." I ended the call and faced the duo that was staring at me. "I need to go now. David's in trouble and he needs my help."
Lara smirked "You're now the one helping the celebrity actor. I hope you'll give him twins o."
Ade smiled. "I'm not saying anything."
"You two are not okay. He's just my friend, nothing more, nothing less." I took my bag from the floor. "Lara give me the keys. Ade, would you please take care of her? Bring her home when she's through."
"Yes mum." Ade said.
"Bye Lara," I kissed her cheek and kissed Ade's too.

I walked out of the gym and drove home, taking the shortest route home.


New chapter!

How do you see it? How will Wunmi help David?

I'll update a new chapter later today.

Vote, comment and share.

Love y'all.

Gamma ❤❤

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